Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 529 The fake and generous Su Ze

Chapter 529 The fake and generous Su Ze
Of course, Guo Jia had heard about Wang Mang's matter, but he didn't expect that this person was actually the heir of the merchant.

If you think about it carefully, it makes sense.

Businessmen pay the most attention to utilitarianism, so Wang Mang's restructuring is also a bit eager for quick success.

Before seeking to usurp the throne, what Wang Mang did was a typical small cost in exchange for big benefits.

Relying on fame and public opinion, the dynasty was easily changed without a single soldier.

Changing dynasties is not a simple matter. From ancient times to the present, it was not a river of blood.

However, Wang Mang succeeded easily.

Not only succeeded, but also won the support of the vast number of officials and common people.

It seems that a series of successes made Wang Mang dizzy, and he gradually began to think of everything simply.

As everyone knows, politics is not such a simple business issue.

So he played it as a business, and naturally it went bad.

However, Wang Mang has been dead for more than 100 years, and Guo Jia has no interest, but what surprised him is that Wang Mang was passed down by descendants.

"Wang Mang is actually a descendant?"

Guo Jia asked in surprise.

It seems that Wang Mang's descendants are almost dead.

Su Qinglian was a little displeased.

"The genealogy clearly states that the concubine is the third son of the ancestor Wang Mang who moved to the lineage of Wang Wang An. When the world was in turmoil, Wang Anzu let his son escape from Chang'an with a servant named Su and changed his surname to Su. A catastrophe."

This servant surnamed Su is naturally the ancestor of the Su family in Zhongshan.

Guo Jia was a little dubious.

It has been more than 100 years, and no one knows whether it is true or not, but since Su Qinglian said it is true, it is true, and Guo Jia will naturally not be serious.

"After the Wang family and their loyal servants escaped from Chang'an, they moved around to avoid persecution, and finally settled down in Zhongshan. Later, they gradually became rich with the help of their ancestors' business methods. This is the predecessor of the Su family in Zhongshan."

Su Qinglian said lightly.

"Who else is there in the Wang family?"

Guo Jia asked again.

Su Qinglian's expression darkened suddenly, then she shook her head.

"I'm the only one left."

How is this going?

Guo Jia looked at all this in surprise.

According to Su Qinglian, the Wang family should have become a big family, why is she the only one left?
A mist suddenly flashed across Su Qinglian's eyes, and she immediately told the whole story.

Guo Jia suddenly realized.

It turns out that the Wang family is the descendant of one of the hundreds of merchants. Inspired by their predecessor Lu Buwei, it is better to seek a country than a city, and the Wang family finally embarked on the road of seeking a country.

Passed down to Wang Mang's generation, the Wang family successfully plotted for the country.

But planning a country is one thing, and governing it is another.

Obviously, merchants are not suitable for governing the country, so the Wang family was naturally ruined, and the descendants were also slaughtered. Fortunately, a family servant with the Su surname settled in Zhongshan and stayed here.

In order to escape the persecution of the Liu family, the descendant of the Wang surname changed his surname to Su and settled down in Zhongshan.

Relying on the ideas handed down by the merchants, he became a well-known rich man in Zhongshan within a few years.

After becoming famous, the descendants of the Wang family married wives and had children, which was passed down in Zhongshan, and formed a big family with the surname Su with the original servants.

The Su family in Zhongshan is divided into the main family and branch families.The main family is naturally of the Wang family, and the branch family is the descendant of the servants of the Su family.

For some reason, the members of the Wang family were not prosperous, and the power of the Su family's clan was gradually dying out. When the last head of the Su family was alive, there was only one child left in the clan. In order to let the clan have a descendant, he also gave up a lot. Many wives were married to this single seedling.A few years later, the only child of the Su family died, leaving only a baby girl.

This time the Su family was completely hopeless, and the old head of the Su family was also completely desperate. In order to avoid the severance of the clan, the position of the head of the family was handed over to the collateral Su Ze.

So far, the Su family line has absolutely nothing to do with the Wang family.

After Su Ze acted as the head of the family, he was also very grateful to the old head of the family and raised the baby girl independently.

This is the only flesh and blood of the Wang family.

The identity of the Wang family is also top-secret in the Su family, and only Su Ze, a direct descendant of the servant named Su, knows, and the others do not know.

Gradually, the baby girl grew up. In order to solve her identity, Su Ze let her recognize her eldest son as her father and become her granddaughter.

In name, Su Qinglian is Su Ze's granddaughter, but in fact she is indeed his little master.

After listening to Su Qinglian's narration, Guo Jia suddenly realized.

It turned out that there was still such a chance.

To be able to return everything in the Su family to this little master, this Su Ze has a heart.

But Guo Jia thought about it again and became suspicious again.

Is Su Ze really so kind?

His eyes narrowed, and he quickly thought through all this.

Those who are old but not dead are thieves, and Su Ze is an 80-year-old old thief.

On the surface, he handed over everything, but in fact Su Qinglian couldn't take anything away, and he had to be the Su family's backer for the rest of his life.

This old thing is a good idea.

How to deal with this little master at the beginning made Su Ze very troubled.

It's a bit inappropriate to keep it as a grandson's wife. The relationship between the two parties must be master and servant, and intermarriage is not allowed. Besides, they both have the surname Su, and it is not good to spread it.

Marrying out makes me feel sorry for the old Patriarch, after all, this is the only blood of the Wang family.Once married, the Wang family will be completely extinct.

This is Guo Jia's turning out to give Su Ze hope.

In order to consolidate the position of the Su family, Su Ze thought for many years before sending this little master into Guo Jia's arms.

Of course, this little master lived up to expectations, and helped Guo Jia defeat the powerful enemy with a series of skillful hands, and now she has become the most beloved woman around Guo Jia.

For her sake, Guo Jia even lowered his status as a Hussar General to attend Su Ze's birthday as a grandson-in-law.

Seeing this, Su Ze was completely relieved, and then handed over the Patriarch of the Su family to Su Qinglian's hands again.


The corner of Guo Jia's mouth showed helplessness.

How could Su Qinglian, who became Guo Jiaru's wife, take a mere Su family's family business seriously?

Su Qinglian will never take anything from the Su family away, but will do everything possible to benefit the Su family.

No matter what happens, the Su family will benefit.

This old guy Su Ze is really shrewd!
"So, the merchant is the heir of your family?"

Guo Jia asked curiously.

Su Qinglian nodded slowly.

The merchant is now only her direct descendant, and of course Su Ze's family can barely be counted.


Su Qinglian suddenly said: "The ancestor is the No.15 descendant of the merchant. According to the records, his generation is not the only one. There should be other descendants."

She squinted at Guo Jia, and a smile suddenly appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"At the beginning, my husband's way of creating the border trade in Yunzhou was as whimsical as a stroke of genius. Grandpa and my concubine have always suspected that you are also the heir of the business?"

(End of this chapter)

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