Chapter 530
When Guo Jia's Zhongshan Border Trade was born, Su Ze, the head of the Su family, was shocked and always suspected that Guo Jia was the heir of the business.

But after some probing, he found out that Guo Jia had nothing to do with the merchant, so he boldly married Su Qinglian to Guo Jia.


Guo Jia shook his head.

The Zhongshan model is just that he was inspired by Hong Kong Island in later generations. In fact, he only knows a little about business.

In recent years, the scale of Zhongshan's border trade has become larger and larger, and Xi Zhong, the general manager of Yunzhou, is a bit overwhelmed. After all, he is not a business talent, and it is very difficult to deal with these business problems.

Originally, Guo Jia planned to recruit some business talents to form an advisory group to help Xi Zhong solve this problem, but Su Qinglian was very surprised when the identity of the business descendants surfaced.

During the grain trade war in Yunzhou and the promotion of converting grain into pasture in Youzhou, Guo Jia saw Su Qinglian's business methods.

If the business operation of Yunzhou is handed over to her, it will definitely be better.

Of course, Zhen Tuo and Mi Zhen can also help her, they are also rare business talents.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia's mouth suddenly revealed a smile.

"What do you think?"

Su Qinglian suddenly said angrily.

Now she has confessed to Guo Jia.


Guo Jia suddenly smiled, and then hugged Su Qinglian tightly with both hands.

"Qing Lian, meeting you is truly a gift from heaven."

is it?

Hearing what Airang said, Su Qinglian was also very happy, but said: "I knew you would say something nice."

No, no!
Guo Jia shook his head hastily, and said, "I'm sincere!"

If Su Qinglian, a professional, can help him handle Yunzhou's business, Yunzhou will naturally be even more powerful.

A smile appeared on the corner of Su Qinglian's mouth, and her hands holding Guo Jia were also tightened.

"Then do you think it's me or Cai Yan who is more important?"


Guo Jia suddenly had a sad face.

In terms of role, of course Su Qinglian has a greater role, but Cai Yan is the love of his heart after all, and the two should not be confused.

alright, alright!

Seeing Guo Jia was a little embarrassed, Su Qinglian stopped asking.

As the successor of a merchant, Su Qinglian naturally didn't want to be behind others.So he coveted Cai Yan's position very much.

However, judging from Guo Jia's performance, it seems that it is very difficult to regain the position of the main wife from Cai Yan's hands, but she is not discouraged, anyway, there will be opportunities in the future.

Compared with the status, the most important thing is Guo Jia's favor. If Guo Jia can pamper Su Qing alone, what difference does it make if he is the main wife or not?
Thinking of this, Su Qinglian also smiled.


She suddenly whispered in Guo Jia's ear: "I heard that sister Cai Yan often blows your ass?"

Rao Guo Jia has a thick skin, and he is a little hot when he hears this.

Who the hell is talking too much, how did he spread his hobbies?

Mostly the energetic guys from the Tiger Guards.

Being close to the water is the first thing to do, these guys have been with Guo Jia for a long time, so they can naturally understand many private things.

Nothing, nothing!
Guo Jia hastily said righteously.

is it?

Su Qinglian's eyes suddenly flashed a joke.

When Guo Jia visited Su's house for the first time, Su Ze intended to marry the young master Su Qinglian to Guo Jia, but considering that Su Qinglian didn't know anything except business and was a little younger, it was not conducive to the harem's favor.So Su Ze pressed this thought, and hired many famous teachers for her in the next three years.

After three years of training, Su Qing was proficient in everything from piano, chess, singing and dancing, to poetry, calligraphy and painting, so Su Ze sent her to Guo Jia's side with confidence.

It can be said that Su Qinglian spent the past three years learning how to please a man.

To please a man, the knowledge of bed should not be underestimated.

Therefore, Su Qinglian can be regarded as a half-expert in this area, which is much better than a blank sheet of paper like Cai Yan.


Su Qinglian suddenly smiled and said: "I can also brag, and..."

She suddenly stretched out her dexterous tongue and licked Guo Jia's ear, and said with a half-smile: "Husband, do you want to test it out, which one of us is better!"

Being seduced by Su Qinglian, Guo Jia's hairs stood on end.

Where can I stop now?
Ever since, Guo Jia's happy cry came from the whole secret room again.


Three days later, Guo Jia and his party returned to Lunu City.

After Su Qinglian handed over the affairs of the Su family to Su Yun, she immediately followed Guo Jia back to the Guo family.After becoming Guo Jia's woman, she no longer regarded the small Su family in her eyes.Only by staying with Guo Jia can reflect her value.

"Welcome back, my lord!"

Xi Zhong took Yunzhou Wenwu to welcome Guo Jia outside the city.

The lord has been away for three months this time, and has brought Youzhou into his territory. Today, Guo Jia has three states under his command, with a large population and 10,000+ armour. He can be said to be the largest overlord in the north.

They naturally followed suit.

"You don't have to be too polite!"

Guo Jia got off his horse in a hurry, and stretched out his hand to help Xi Zhong up.

He is still very satisfied with this left and right hand.

Since Guo Jia was the prefect of Zhongshan, Xi Zhong has been taking care of everything behind him. Now that Guo Jia has become the overlord of the three states, Xi Zhong is still Guo Jia's most solid backing.

Every time Guo Jia went to war, he would leave Xizhong to sit in the rear.

At least half of Yunzhou's achievements are due to Xi Zhong.

Without Xizhong, there would be no stability in the rear of Yunzhou.

"Zhicai! During my absence, you have worked hard, and everyone has worked hard too!"

Guo Jia suddenly raised his voice.

"My lord, it's amazing, this is the duty of Zhicai!"

Xi Zhong hastily hummed a few times, not daring to make such a big deal.

Some time ago, malaria broke out in Yunzhou. If Guo Jia hadn't arrived in time to solve this problem, the situation would have been difficult to control.

Then the lord cracked Youzhou's tricks one after another, kept the food price in Yunzhou, and wiped out Youzhou conveniently.

What Xi Zhong admires is naturally his five-body cast.At the same time, he is also aware of his own shortcomings. It seems that it is better for him to be a manager with peace of mind.

As long as this lord is around, Yunzhou will definitely be as unstable as Mount Tai.

He was very fortunate to follow such a master.


Guo Jia held his hand again, and said proudly, "From today onwards, you are the Shepherd of Yunzhou."

Hearing this play Zhong couldn't help being surprised.

Although Guo Jia has three sites in Youzhou, Yunzhou and Jizhou, the most fundamental foundation is still in Yunzhou.

Therefore, Yunzhou Mu is a very critical position. Being a Yunzhou Mu almost controls more than half of the power.

Now that he actually gave himself this position, this is how much trust he has in himself.

Xi Zhong burst into tears.

(End of this chapter)

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