Chapter 532
Hua Tuo's departure did not affect the normal operation of the medical school. His disciples Fan A and Wu Pu still stayed in Yunzhou.

The medical skills of the two have already been passed down by Hua Tuo, and they can be independent.

Guo Jia promoted Yin Hong and others who made great achievements in Guangyang into the medical system.

In view of the performance of the medical school in this plague, Guo Jia ordered every prefecture to set up a medical department, every county to set up a hospital, and every county to set up a small medical management, with medical students acting as medical students to treat the common people. It will come in handy.

Their salaries are allocated by the government, and patients are free to see a doctor. Of course, soups and medicines cost money.

After all, this thing has a cost.

Since then, the medical system has officially become part of the government.

After reorganizing the medical system.

Guo Jia quickly set his sights on Yunzhou's political system.

When there was only one state, he had to put a lot of energy on the defense of the surrounding area.

Now that the three prefectures of Yun, Ji, and You have become one, some defenses are somewhat useless.

For example, the two counties of Guangyang and Shanggu, Guo Jia originally established these two counties to prevent the harassment of the Xianbei Wuhuan minority and to absorb the surrounding small and medium-sized nomadic tribes.

However, with the implementation of Youzhou's plan to convert grain to pasture, most of the small and medium tribes wandering in the frontier were attracted by Youzhou.

They gradually stabilized in Youzhou.

With these people entering Youzhou, the frontier fortress has been emptied.

There is no need for the two counties of Guangyang and Shanggu to exist.

Guo Jia quickly abolished the establishment of the two counties, and merged the three military fortresses in the frontier fortress into one, which was called Yunzhou Front Fortress.

He ordered Xun You, whose alias was Wu Yi, to be the commander-in-chief of the former enemy. With Guan Yu and Zhang Liao as generals, he led [-] troops to guard the outpost of Yunzhou to guard against the Xiongnu and Xianbei.

With the former fortress as proof, the peace in the north can be guaranteed, and Yunzhou can be said to be foolproof.

Youzhou is tentatively determined, Arita Toyoda is resourceful, and Zhang Fei Taishi is brave, so there will be no problems for a while.

The only thing that worries Guo Jia is Jizhou.

In the battle of Zhuojun, Yunzhou defeated Youzhou, and Cao Cao and Yuan Shao retreated successively.

Although Jizhou's strength has not been damaged, there are really too few places to control.

It's just that Wei Jun is barely in his hands, and the rest of the surrounding areas are useless.

After withdrawing the establishment of the two northern counties, Guo Jia immediately filled the southern line, and streamlined Yunzhou's defense force.

Xu Huang's cavalry was recalled and retreated to Wuji County.

Zhao Yun's cavalry stationed in Anguo.

Gaoshun's 1 people stayed behind in Lunu,

With Jushou as the Prime Minister of the Qinghe Kingdom, Zhang Yun as the Qinghe Captain, led an army of [-] to guard the Qinghe Kingdom.

With Cheng Yu as the prefect of Bohai and Gao Lan as the captain, he led an army of [-] to guard Bohai County.

In this way, Qinghe Kingdom's Bohai County and Wei County formed a front line, and together with Xu Shuyujin who was guarding Ye County, they built the southern line of defense.

Xu Shu was the commander-in-chief of the southern defense line, commanding [-] troops to defend against Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

As for the west, guarded by Zhang Yan's [-] Black Mountain Army and Man Chong, there have been no hidden dangers.

In this way, Guo Jia is as stable as Mount Tai.

The next step is to start training the new army and wait for Youzhou's animal husbandry to get on the right track.


The Battle of Youyun finally ended with Guo Jia taking Youzhou.

After taking Youzhou, Guo Jia became the overlord across the three states of You, Ji and Yun.

Although the imperial court was a little reluctant when they received Liu Yu's suicide note, they still made it easy for Guo Jia.

Youzhou has now been occupied by Guo Jia, and they are unwilling and helpless, so they might as well be a favor.

It is said that it has been half a year since Meng Jin ascended the throne.

After Guo Jia threatened the ministers and obtained great benefits, he did not stay in Luoyang, but returned to Yunzhou.

When he was there, the ministers formed a group to resist, but now that he is gone, the united front of the ministers began to break down.

In order to balance the period, Guo Jia left Huangfu Song, Lu Zhi, Cai Yong and others in Luoyang to check and balance Yuan Wei, Wang Yun and Dong Zhuo.

But Huangfusong was good at fighting, but he was very clumsy in political battles. Soon he, a chariot general, was overtaken by Dong Zhuo.

Lu Zhi is in charge of Shangshutai, but he is upright and likes to offend people when he speaks, so he is naturally not the opponent of the old schemer Yuan Wei.

As for Guo Jia's father-in-law, Cai Yong, he was a nerd and spent all day in the revision of the Book of Later Han without asking about political affairs, so naturally he didn't have anything to do with it.

In this way, the government once again fell into the hands of Yuan Kai, Wang Yun and Dong Zhuo.

In the Mengjin battle, the Yuan family suffered a severe loss of vitality, and they were no longer as brave as they used to be, and their control over the court was not so strong.

General Wei Dong Zhuo saw the opportunity and began to make a move.

He knew that it would be difficult for him to deal with Yuan Kai with his own strength, so he quietly sent someone to see Wang Yun.

The person sent was naturally Dong Zhuo's confidant Li Ru.

But what Dong Zhuo never imagined in his dreams was that this Li Ru and Wang Yun both wore a pair of trousers.


"Li Ru pays homage to Senior Brother!"

Seeing Wang Yun, Li Ru immediately cupped his fists.

The two are both from Chi Xiao's lineage and are descendants of Zongheng. Wang Yun is also Chi Xiao's person in charge in Luoyang, and can be regarded as the immediate boss of Li Ru and Yu Linglong.

"Junior brother, you are welcome!"

After becoming Situ, Wang Yun was also very happy.

As Chi Xiao's important pawn, he has already played a preliminary role.

"What happened to Dong Zhuo?"

Wang Yun asked in a low voice.

Li Ru smiled slightly, and said: "After instigated by my younger brother, he has already started to attack the Yuan family. In fact, this person is very ambitious. Even if we don't instigate him, he will not let Yuan Kai go."

it is good!
Wang Yun patted his thigh.

"It's good to be ambitious. As long as you have ambition, you can be used by us. Junior brother, you have to take good care of this time and don't make any mistakes. Chi Xiao's future will depend on us."

Get rid of Yuan Kai, and Dong Zhuo and Wang Yun will be the masters of the entire imperial court.Chi Xiao wanted Dong Zhuo to be a villain, and wiped out all the aristocratic families around Luoyang.Then Li Ru and Wang Yun cooperated inside and outside to get rid of Dong Zhuo and monopolize the government, so as to achieve Chixiao's goal of changing the dynasty.

The plan was perfect, and it went smoothly. After the two discussed some details, Li Ru got up and was about to leave.


Wang Yun suddenly remembered something, and said in a low voice, "Is there no news about Yu Linglong?"

It has been a few days since this junior sister disappeared.

Hearing this name, Li Ru's heart skipped a beat, and he shook his head hastily.

Yu Linglong has already defected, and this has exposed him, once exposed, the two of them will die.

You can't say even if you kill him.

"You go back first, once you get news of her, tell brother immediately."

Wang Yun said gloomyly.

Li Ru bowed again and left in a hurry.

Even if he got the news about Yu Linglong, he didn't dare to tell Wang Yun.Now Li Ru has become a frightened bird.

(End of this chapter)

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