Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 533 Dong Zhuo's Ambition

Chapter 533 Dong Zhuo's Ambition

General Wei's mansion!

Dong Zhuo walked in four directions with his hands behind his back, anxiously looking in the direction of the door.

During this period of time, he can be regarded as a spring breeze.

From the princes along the way to the power center of the Han Dynasty, he served as the general of the guard and undertook the guarding of the imperial city.

This is a hub of power.

General Wei's duty is to guard the palace and be responsible for the security of the empress dowager and the emperor.

This job has always been held by relatives of the royal family.The last General Wei was Dong Zhong, the nephew of Empress Dowager Dong.

Although Dong Zhuo was also surnamed Dong, he couldn't get along with Empress Dowager Dong.

It is also an anomaly for an outsider to act as General Wei who holds the imperial palace in his hand.

During the Luoyang palace change, it was Guo Jia who got the most benefit from outside, and this guy took the fattest Jizhou into his pocket.

But it is Dong Zhuo who has benefited the most from the court.

This is also the so-called Southern Army, which is the front and back of the Northern Army led by Huang Fusong.

But the imperial guards were completely reduced in the battle of Mengjin, and what Huangfusong had was just an empty shelf.

The same is true of Dong Zhuo's Southern Army, but he has already filled the Xiliang Army's coefficient into the Southern Army's system.

For a time, the Southern Army became the most important force in the capital.

After becoming the general of the Shangwei, Dong Zhuo continued to coerce and lure, subdued the remnants of the imperial guards, gradually emptied the chariot and cavalry general Huangfusong, and became the most powerful general in the capital.

With these, Dong Zhuo's ambition gradually became unbearable.

If you have a long look at Shu, your power is endless.

Although Dong Zhuo has the actual military power, he has been unable to intervene in major court affairs.

Because Shangshutai and Yushitai have always been in the hands of Yuan Wei and a group of courtiers from aristocratic families.

Dong Zhuo expressed his intention to enter politics several times, but was rejected by Yuan Kai.

In Yuan Kai's eyes, Dong Zhuo is a vulgar martial artist, how can he help the government.

Let's just be a general guard honestly!
Therefore, Dong Zhuo was dissatisfied. In order to monopolize the court, Dong Zhuo decided to completely eradicate the Yuan family.


Li Ru bid farewell to Wang Yun and hurried back to Dong Zhuo's side.

"Wen You came back just in time, tell me what Wang Situ said?"

Dong Zhuo couldn't wait any longer.

Although Yuan Kai did not have military power, the fourth generation and third prince of the Yuan family were representatives of the aristocratic family, and the Yuan family's sons and nephews also held the army outside.

Yuan Shao was the prefect of Qingzhou, Yuan Shu was the prefect of Nanyang, Yuan Yi was the prefect of Shanyang, and Yuan Yin was the prefect of Runan.

These people are all distributed around Luoyang, and they will immediately gather in the capital whenever there is trouble.

This is also the reason why Dong Zhuo didn't dare to touch Yuan Wei easily.

"My lord, don't worry!"

Li Ru smiled and said: "Wang Situ is also very dissatisfied with Yuan Kui's power. He supports the lord to enter the court and participate in politics."

is it?

Hearing this, Dong Zhuo was overjoyed.

"Since Wang Situ said so, the matter of the old man's entry into the court and government is already a certainty."

He snorted, and said: "Mr. Yuan Kai looks down on this old man. This time, this old man wants to show him how powerful he is! Fengxian, immediately lead the Yulin army to surround Yuan's mansion and wipe them all out."


Li Ru hurriedly waved his hand.

Why not?

Dong Zhuo looked at Li Ru in surprise.

He already has great power in the whole of Luoyang, isn't it easy to get rid of Yuan Wei?


Li Ru clasped his fists and said: "The Yuan family has four generations and three generations, and there are more than thousands of disciples. The children of the Yuan family are all commanding heavy troops outside. If we rashly attack, we will definitely be backlashed by the aristocratic family. Our foundation is not stable, and in the end it will definitely be easier for others. .”

Makes sense!
Dong Zhuo also nodded.

Yuan Kai was treacherous and cunning, and he entrusted his children one by one to the surrounding areas of Luoyang to hold heavy troops, and this was probably what he was defending against.

"Then what should we do?"

Dong Zhuo asked in a low voice.

He already regarded Li Ru as his brain truster.

Very simple!
Li Ru showed a smile on his face: "Yuan Wei is old and cunning, it's hard to catch him, but I'm afraid it's not necessarily the case with the small ones. Wang Situ means to start with the small ones first."

Start small?
Dong Zhuo froze for a moment, a little puzzled.

"My lord, do you still remember that Yuan Shao and Cao Cao attacked Jizhou some time ago?"

Li Ru reminded.

Of course I do!
Dong Zhuo nodded.

Jizhou is Guo Jia's territory, Yuan Shao went to fight Guo Jia, it was dog eat dog.

Dong Zhuo was naturally happy to watch the excitement, wishing to contribute to the flames.

It's a pity that Guo Jia won a big victory in the end and annexed Youzhou, and Yuan Shao and Cao Cao had to retreat.

Li Ru said with a smile: "Although Jizhou is Guo Jia's sphere of influence, it is also the territory of the great Han. We can use this as an excuse to accuse Yuan Shao and force him to rebel."

He paused, and continued: "As long as Yuan Shao rebels, we can justifiably arrest Yuan Wei's family and question them. The Yuan family is deeply rooted and closely related to the major families in Luoyang. In this way, we can wipe them all out. At that time, the entire government will belong to the lord."


Hearing Li Ru's persuasion, Dong Zhuo immediately burst out laughing.

"Wen You is really my ovary. After taking this old man to power, I will definitely treat you badly."

He patted Li Ru on the shoulder vigorously.

"Thank you my lord!"

Li Ru cupped his fists and worshiped, but a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This was originally Chi Xiao's conspiracy to use Dong Zhuo, a reckless man, to eliminate the major families around the capital, because these talents are the biggest obstacle to Chi Xiao's power.

The next day, at the instigation of Wang Yun and Li Ru, Kong Rong, a subordinate of Sikong Zhuan, wrote a letter criticizing Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's intention to attack Jizhou.

Why Kong Rong?

Because he is stupid, easy to be fooled, and has a sense of justice, after being bewitched by Wang Yun for a few words, he doesn't know where things are going.

Kong Rong was a famous scholar in the dynasty, and his scholars were clear.

Yuan Shao was politically tainted in taking the blame for the Yuan family and beating Meng Jin. Finally, the new emperor enthroned and pardoned the world, and he was nominated by Liu Yu as the governor of Qingzhou within a few days.It's really unreasonable to dare to fight Jizhou at this moment.

Qingliu and Wang Yun's family condemned him verbally and in writing. Although Yuan Kui did not come forward, Yang Biao and others who were close to him tried to excuse Yuan Shao.

The two sides quarreled in this matter.

Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty didn't like Yuan Shao either.

When he was still in Mengjin Guojia's army, this fellow dared to attack Mengjin by force, and he didn't take himself, the future emperor, seriously.

Later, after ascending the throne, for the sake of the overall situation, the little emperor endured it.

Who knew that this guy didn't know how to flatter him?

Now that he has finally become the governor of Qingzhou, he still doesn't stop?

So Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty swiped his pen and ordered Yousi to arrest Yuan Shao and return to Beijing for questioning?
Who said that the emperor has a broad mind?

This little prince is a little cautious.

He still remembers what happened to Yuan Shao back then. It's not that he didn't report it, but when the time came, he would add insult to injury when the time came.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that Yuan Shao might be doomed right now.

(End of this chapter)

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