Chapter 535 Improper Cannon Fodder
Yuan Kui sent people out of the city overnight to Qingzhou.

After all, Yuan Shao was also a member of the Yuan family, and Yuan Kai couldn't bear to see him die.

The envoy left the city all the way and rushed to Qingzhou.

On the way, suddenly the horse stumbled and fell to the ground.


The emissary was naturally dizzy from the fall, he quickly patted his buttocks, the horse's leg had already been broken, and it was time to secretly call it unlucky.When he was hesitating whether to go back and change a horse, a man suddenly came along the official road, holding two horses in his hand.


The envoys of the Yuan family went up to meet him immediately.

"I'm from the Taifu Mansion in the capital city. I have important matters to go to Qingzhou. This is my badge. You can give me a horse, and then go to the Taifu Mansion to receive the reward."

He said and took out a waist card.

The Yuan family is the most wealthy in the world, so naturally it is not bad for a horse.

ok ok!

The man seemed to be an eye for money, and when he heard that there was a reward, he immediately distributed the horses in his hand to the messenger.

The envoy was immediately overjoyed, and galloped on his horse, but he didn't know that the bag containing the letter could already be moved by his hands and feet.

After the Yuan family's envoy walked away, the man raised his head, revealing a beautiful face, it was Yu Linglong.

She chuckled lightly, and took out a scroll in her hand, which was written by Yuan Kai to Yuan Shao, but she secretly replaced it.

She has already set up a trap here, waiting for the envoy of the Yuan family to come to her door?

"mission completed!"

Yu Linglong jumped on the horse and galloped away.

The envoys of the Yuan family walked forward, unaware that things had been dropped.


Not a day later, I came to Qingzhou.

Hearing that Yuan Kai sent someone, Yuan Shao immediately came out to meet him.

Although he was a little dissatisfied with this uncle, he still had to rely on this uncle for promotion in the future, so he also showed a little respect.

"Master Benchu!"

The messenger came in front of Yuan Shao, cupped his fists and said, "Master has a letter for you!"

A smile appeared on Yuan Shao's face.

"You have worked hard, go down and rest first."

As he said that, he asked someone to take the messenger down to entertain him.

After the envoy went down, Yuan Shao returned to the hall with the letter.

After a long time, a roar broke out.

"No reason!"

Then there was another roar from Yuan Shao.


Hearing Yuan Shao's anger, several people walked in.

"What instructions does Master Tai Tuo have?"

A young man in the lead asked.It was Chen Lin, who had been following Yuan Shao since Yuan Shao's defeat, and was currently Yuan Shao's chief bookkeeper.

A flash of greenness flashed across Yuan Shao's face, he gritted his teeth and said, "This old fool actually wants me to kill myself to be loyal to the whole Yuan family, it really kills me."

He overturned the little table again.

Throughout the past few years, Yuan Shao has been working hard for the Yuan family, and the battle of Mengjin was also for the ambition of the Yuan family.

After being defeated by Guo Jia, Yuan Kui, in order to preserve the Yuan family, pushed Yuan Shao out as a scapegoat.

The Yuan family was safe and sound, and the Yuan Shu brothers all got high-ranking officials and generous salaries, so Yuan Shao endured it for the sake of the overall situation.

Finally, Liu Yu gave him a chance to serve as the governor of Qingzhou.

Although the Yellow Turban Rebellion was pacified, the chaos in various places was still one after another. Qingzhou and Xuzhou were the hardest hit areas.

After Yuan Shao became the governor of Qingzhou, he gradually calmed down the yellow scarves in Qingzhou by means of iron and blood, and won the support of the people.

Not only did the court not reward him, but he wanted to hold him accountable for attacking Jizhou.

The attack on Jizhou was something Cao A kept a secret, okay? He Yuan Shao didn't fight, so how could it fall on him?
What made Yuan Shao even more angry was that after this incident, Yuan Kai not only refused to help Yuan Shao, but also made him commit suicide in order to honor Yuan's family's loyalty.

Grass mud horse!
Yuan Shao couldn't help cursing: "This old bastard, when Mengjin was defeated, why didn't he decide to honor the loyalty of the Yuan family?"

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, and he smashed the things in the room to pieces again.

Isn't this bullying?
If there are benefits, let the other brothers receive the rewards, and let Yuan Shao take the blame if there is a problem.

Although he, Yuan Shao, came from a concubine, he was not raised by a maidservant.


After reading the letter, everyone couldn't help but look at each other.

Although it is said that loyalty to the family is required in this era, this kind of order does make people difficult.


Yan Liang suddenly stood up and said loudly: "Why does this kind of thing care about him? Anyway, we have a strong army in Qingzhou. Will the imperial court come to attack with a large army?"

Not bad!

Wen Chou also stood up.

"When the lord arrived in Qingzhou, he pacified the rest of the Yellow Turbans one after another. It's fine if the court didn't reward him. Why should the lord be held accountable? It's not fair!"

Both of them belong to the brave and foolish type.

Hearing that Yuan Shao had been wronged, he wished he could roll up his sleeves and kill the enemy.


General Chun Yuqiong persuaded: "When we attacked Jizhou, we sent troops but did not contribute much. Maybe the Tai Tuo didn't understand, so we said that. Why don't you write a letter to Tai Tu to explain it."

He is an old man next to Yuan Shao and knows about the Yuan family's affairs, so his words are somewhat tactful.

Justify what?
Yuan Shao said angrily: "He clearly wants me to be cannon fodder. I won't take care of you bastard."

He slammed the table and said: "I see who dares to arrest me, Yuan Shao?"

Seeing Yuan Shao was annoyed.

Everyone stopped talking.

Everyone is annoyed by this matter.


Yuan Shao said bitterly: "Call out soldiers and horses, guard the checkpoint, and don't let anyone in."


Chen Lin suddenly said: "This is a bit inappropriate."

What's wrong?
Yuan Shao looked at Chen Lin puzzled.

The latter coughed and said, "If my lord wants to forcefully seize the court envoy with force, what is the difference between this and rebellion?"

Yan Liang said angrily: "What's the matter? Do you want to stretch your neck and let them cut it?"

Wen Chou also snorted, and said, "Chen Lin, what do you mean?"

The two were still very loyal to Yuan Shao.

You have misunderstood!
Chen Lin hurriedly waved her hand.

"The subordinates believe that the misfortune of the lord was due to the factional disputes in the court, and most of it was aimed at the Yuan family. In other words, the lord was implicated by the Yuan family. At this time, we strongly regret the court, and it has been confirmed that the intentions are wrong. Reputation, and secondly, it’s not good for our future development. So we can’t do this unless it’s absolutely necessary.”

Everyone looked at each other.

This also makes sense.

"Then what should we do?"

Chunyu Qiong asked hurriedly.

"In the name of exterminating the Yellow Turbans, we can block off all the main roads and keep all the people out. After the court's disputes have settled, we can play by ear. Firstly, we can avoid conflicts with the imperial court, and secondly, we can maintain our strength. .”


Hearing Chen Lin's trick, Yuan Shao couldn't help laughing.

"Everything is according to what Kong Zhang said. This time, let's sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight, and see who can have the last laugh."

(End of this chapter)

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