Chapter 536 Yuan Wei Was Killed
Soon, Yuan Shao accepted Chen Lin's suggestion, and in the name of encircling and suppressing the rebels of the Yellow Turban, he dispatched heavy troops to guard the checkpoint and block all the roads entering Qingzhou.

In this way, the envoy of the imperial court could not enter Qingzhou, so he had to send someone back to the imperial court to report.

But Chi Xiao and others had already sent the news back to the capital.

When Wang Yun got the news, he told Li Ru immediately, and Li Ru instigated Dong Zhuo to complain before the emperor.

Why Dong Zhuo?

Because he is cannon fodder!

He must do the extermination of the Yuan family.



Hearing this news, the little emperor was naturally very angry.

Yuan Shao, that bastard!

The last time he stormed Mengjin, he hadn't settled with him yet, but now he's backing himself up again.

How is this different from rebellion?
"Come on, rise up and attack Yuan Shao!"

Liu Xie lost his mind a little.

Your Majesty can't!

It was Dong Zhuo who jumped out in a hurry.

"Your Majesty, Yuan Shao has tens of thousands of troops, and Qingzhou is far away. Attacking Yuan Shao is really not worth the loss."

What should I do?

Empress Dowager Dong was old and frail, so she had no energy to spare for the imperial court, and the little emperor was also a little at a loss.

He is still young after all!
Dong Zhuo took the opportunity to say: "Your Majesty, Yuan Shao's rebellion is no small matter, it must have been instigated by the Yuan family. Yuan Wei, an old man, has bad intentions long ago. He has placed several nephews around the capital, and each of them holds a heavy army. Today Yuan Shao rebelled, tomorrow Maybe it's Yuan Shu, and when they all turn against each other and fight to Luoyang, and then Yuan Kai will cooperate with the outside, His Majesty will be in danger."

The little emperor showed panic.

"How is this good?"

During this period of time, Dong Zhuo flattered the little emperor and the empress dowager very much, which left a good impression on the little emperor. Unknowingly, he trusted Dong Zhuo very much.

Get started first!
Dong Zhuo sneered and said: "The old minister will send people to surround Yuan Wei's family and take them down. First cut off a hidden danger."

The little emperor was taken aback.

"The four generations and three princes of the Yuan family have great influence in the court. If there is no evidence, if you are eager to arrest people, you may be dissatisfied."

After all, he was somewhat sensible, knowing that the Yuan family was deeply rooted and could not be easily shaken.

Dong Zhuo snorted, and said, "Your Majesty, if you don't stop, you will be implicated. It will be too late when the Yuan family defeats the outside of Luoyang City."


The little emperor hesitated.

If the Yuan family is taken down hastily, the rest of the Yuan family will do the same.

"Come on, Chuanwang Situ!"

The little emperor shouted hastily.

The current government is controlled by Yuan Kui, Wang Yun and Dong Zhuo respectively. The Yuan family wants to rebel, Dong Zhuo wants to arrest someone, the little emperor can't make up his mind, and wants to ask Wang Yun's opinion.

Shaoqing Wang Yunshi came here.

"Your Majesty is here to greet His Majesty!"

Wang Situ doesn't need to be too polite!
The little emperor hurriedly came to his side, and whispered the matter.Finally asked: "Situ, what should I do?"

Wang Yun pretended to ponder for a while, and said: "It stands to reason that the fourth and third generations of the Yuan family would not rebel. But Yuan Shao's actions are really suspicious, but whether it has anything to do with the Yuan family is also uncertain. between."

After talking a lot, I didn't say why.

The little emperor was a little anxious.

"Situ, what should we do?"

Wang Yun pondered for a while, and said: "How about this, let General Dong arrest the Yuan family first, and ask him to write a letter to the Yuan family to return to Beijing. If those people come back, it will prove that the Yuan family has no intention of rebellion. It was Yuan Shao's personal work, if they don't come, it means they have bad intentions."


The little emperor finally nodded.

"General Dong! Hurry up and lead your troops to surround Yuan Kai's family and ask him to write to Zhu Yuan, but don't make things difficult for him."

Dong Zhuo was overjoyed, turned around and left the palace.

After a lot of planning, it finally succeeded.

Although the emperor said that he would not let him embarrass Yuan Wei, it was not what he said in practice.

Dong Zhuo immediately asked Lu Bu to order the Yulin army to rush towards Yuan's mansion aggressively.


Let's say that Yuan Kai has the habit of taking a nap, but today he couldn't sleep because of everything, and he was always a little frightened.

The messenger sent to Qingzhou didn't get any news, which made Yuan Wei feel a little worried.

Yuan Shao, this bastard, wouldn't do something stupid!
Just as he was thinking wildly, he suddenly heard the noise outside.

"Follow the order to arrest the traitor Yuan Kui!"

Yuan Kai couldn't help being surprised.

Rebel Yuan Kui!

He is the fourth and third father of the Yuan family, and it has been passed down to him for the fifth generation. He has become a traitor?

Yuan Kai immediately got dressed and went out.

He wants to see, who is so bold as to dare to call the current imperial tutor a traitor?
The inside and outside of Yuan's family has been surrounded by the officers and soldiers.

The fourth generation and third prince of the Yuan family, Yuan Kai is also the current imperial tutor, he can be regarded as the number one wealthy family in Luoyang, and his servants are used to being arrogant, how can they take these ordinary officers and soldiers seriously?

"Blind your dog's eyes, our master is the grand master, you big soldiers dare to come to Yuan's house to fight the autumn wind, I really can't bear it."

"That's right, brothers, get ready, and drive these ungrateful things out."

Soon everyone in the Yuan family confronted the officers and soldiers with weapons.

Lu Bu, the leader, showed a sneer at the corner of his mouth.

"The rebels of the Yuan family are armed and arrested, come on, kill me in."

Then the gate was knocked open, and countless soldiers rushed into the Yuan family compound.

Lv Bu had already received Dong Zhuo's instruction, ordering his subordinates to kill anyone they saw, leaving no one alive.

In just one meal, nearly a hundred members of Yuan's family were killed by Lu Bu's butcher knife. Even Yuan Kai did not escape, and was stabbed to death in the toilet by Lu Bu himself.

There was chaos for a while, and Lu Bu's subordinates also took the opportunity to plunder the Yuan family's property.


Yuan Kui is dead!

Hearing the news, Cai Yu had a smile on his face.

Things still developed in the direction she hoped.

Yuan Kai died, and Zhu Yuan would have to rebel if he didn't.In this way, the entire Central Plains will be in chaos, which is a very good thing for Yunzhou, which is recuperating.

It's finally time to relax!

Cai Yu couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Next, she has to protect her father well.The fire at the city gate affected the fish in the pond, and the Yuan family and Dong Zhuo had nothing to do with them.


Yu Linglong stepped in.

"Chi Xiao put away all the eyeliner buried in Luoyang. It seems that Wang Yun and Li Ru are about to make a big move."

She just came back from out of town.

Ha ha!

Cai Yu smiled.

Although Yuan Kui was dead, the rest of the ministers were still alive. At this time, the treacherous and cunning Wang Yun would not show his face. He would wait for Dong Zhuo to clear all the roads before going down the mountain to pick peaches.

All right!

Cai Yu suddenly said: "The matter in Luoyang is over, I want you to do something."

Master please order!
Yu Linglong said docilely.

Cai Yu suddenly whispered something in Yu Linglong's ear.

Yu Linglong nodded respectfully, and walked out of the room.

(End of this chapter)

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