Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 537 Crusade against Dong Zhuo

Chapter 537 Crusade against Dong Zhuo
Yuan Kai was killed, and more than a hundred members of the Yuan family died under Dong Zhuo's butcher's knife. Not only that, Dong Zhuo took the opportunity to slander some big noble families closely related to the Yuan family, either slaughtering them or extorting a lot of money.

Luoyang City fell into chaos, and Liangzhou soldiers also took the opportunity to plunder the wealthy households in Beijing, and raped the children of wealthy households.

All of a sudden, the wealthy households in Luoyang were robbed, with the exception of two families, one being Situ Wangyun.The other is Cai Yong's family.

Wang Yun is Dong Zhuo's partner, and Dong Zhuo has gained power, so he is naturally embarrassed to attack him.

The reason why Cai Yong is fine is because his son-in-law Guo Jia, who is a bit awesome, spans the three states of Hebei, Yun and You, and has 10,000+ armored men.

Dong Zhuo didn't dare to provoke him easily, so he lived in peace with Cai Yong.

After slaughtering his opponents, Dong Zhuo has the power to get his wish, and the little emperor has naturally become a puppet.

Dong Zhuo worshiped himself as the Prime Minister, and he was granted the title of Marquis of Mei. He had the privilege of "entering the court without going, but walking on the sword with the sword". Since then, his power in the court has been at its peak.


The news quickly reached Yuan Shao in Qingzhou.

Good kill!

A flash of excitement flashed in Yuan Shao's heart.

He has long been upset with this uncle.

Especially this time, Yuan Kui asked him to cut himself off in order to honor the loyal name of the Yuan family, and let Yuan Shao completely part ways with Yuan Kui.


Chen Lin hurriedly said: "This is a great opportunity!"

Great opportunity!

Yuan Shao didn't react for a while.

"Dong Zhuo perverted and slaughtered loyal and good people. Everyone must hate him. As a descendant of the Yuan family, the lord can't give up on public and private matters. The subordinates think that the lord should raise their arms and unite with Yuan's children and other princes to attack Dong Zhuo."

Chen Lin excitedly said: "Once Luoyang is conquered and Dong Zhuo is killed, the lord's prestige will surely be at the height of the sky. No one in the world can compare to each other."

well said!
Yuan Shao was also overjoyed.

"Come here, send someone to contact Yuan Shu, Governor of Nanyang, Yuan Yi, Governor of Shanyang, Yuan Yin, Governor of Runan, Cao Cao, Governor of Dongjun, Zhang Miao, Governor of Chenliu, Wang Kuang, Governor of Hanoi, and Liu Dai, Governor of Yanzhou. revenge."

Everyone said yes.

Messenger flights usually depart from Qingzhou and go to the surrounding princes.


Cao Cao, the prefect of Dongjun, was shocked when he received Yuan Shao's letter.

He never expected that Dong Zhuo would be so frenzied that he would slaughter all the aristocratic families in Luoyang.

Yuan Shaozheng invited him to attack Dong Zhuo together in the Suanzaohuimeng.

Ha ha!

Cao Cao sneered and shook his head.

He knew Yuan Shao's disposition very well.

How did Yuan Kui die?

It's not that he was dragged to death.

Yuan Shao blocked Qingzhou by force to prevent the envoys from the imperial court from entering. Is there any difference between this rebellion?

Yuan Kui was implicated to death by him.

This guy is a selfish villain. It is false to seek revenge for Yuan Kai, but it is true to seek personal gain for himself.

Cao Cao didn't want to join this kind of alliance at all.

"Send someone to tell Yuan Shao that Dongjun is under great military pressure from Jizhou, and he can't get away for a while. Let's talk about the alliance later!"

Cao Cao has seen Yuan Shao's selfishness for a long time, and he doesn't want to make trouble for him.

"Meng De, this statement is wrong!"

At this moment, a middle-aged man appeared beside Cao Cao. It was Sima Fang who had disappeared for a long time.

After the failure of Heishui's decades-long plan, the Sima family disappeared.

They are not withdrawing from the stage of history, but dormant and wait for the opportunity.

But before that, let's find a backer.

Among the feudal lords, Guo Jia was the most powerful, but he had a deep feud with Sima's family, and Sima Fang wished he could tear him into pieces, so naturally he would not go to him.

Only Liu Yu was left.

Before Sima Fang had time to go to Liu Yu, Liu Yu died, and Youzhou fell into Guo Jia's hands.

These Sima Fang had no choice but to choose a potential person nearby.

The young and promising Cao Cao soon came into Sima Fang's eyes. Compared with Yuan Shao, Sima Fang was more optimistic about this Cao Cao.

So the whole family voted in Dongjun.

The two are both teachers and friends, and it was Sima Fang who recommended Cao Cao as Xiaolian at the beginning.

So when Sima Fang came to vote, Cao Cao was naturally very happy, and he must call him Mr.

"How do you say that, sir?"

Seeing Sima Fang coming, Cao Cao asked in confusion.

Sima Fang Nianxu said: "Now the Han Dynasty is about to fall, and the emperor is in trouble. It is the time when you are waiting for the loyal and good people to serve, how can you give up because of someone. Besides, Dong Zhuo is going against the law, and it is justified to attack him. It is also Meng Meng. How can you let go of this opportunity when De is famous all over the world?"

Cao Cao just woke up like a dream.

Dong Zhuo is in chaos, the emperor has become a puppet, and the great man is about to enter the era of vassal hegemony.

What do princes rely on for hegemony?
territory and talent.

Territory can be fought, but talents are hard to come by. If Cao Cao performs well in this battle and leaves a good reputation for the world, it will also be of great benefit to his future hegemony career.

He hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Sir, you reminded Cao Cao. I almost missed a major event. Come and reply to Yuan Shao. I, Cao Cao, will definitely be there on time."

"Very well, as it should be!"

Sima Fang nodded slowly.

He has already made up his mind to assist Cao Cao with all his strength. With the help of military strategists and Heishui, Cao Cao may not be unable to become the overlord.

Then slowly, Li Daitao froze, making all of this the fruit of Sima's family.


The news reached Nanyang.

"Damn things!"

Seeing Yuan Shao's letter, Yuan Shu couldn't help cursing.

If it wasn't for Yuan Shao, how could his uncle have died?

Besides, even if it is to avenge the Yuan family, he, the son of the Yuan family, must preside over it. Yuan Shao is just a bastard and the chief culprit who killed the Yuan family.
He couldn't help but drop the letter.

Since it was called by Yuan Shao, he will not participate.

Anyway, the credits are all Yuan Shao's, and the losses are all his own. Yuan Shao will not do such thankless things.

At this moment, a report came from outside, and Sun Jian, the prefect of Changsha, asked to see him.

"The Wentai came just in time!"

Hearing that Sun Jian was coming, Yuan Shu stood up happily.

The two have always had a good relationship.

When Yuan Shu came to Nanyang from the capital, the prefect of Nanyang was someone else.

Nanyang has a large population and rich material resources. Yuan Shu was very greedy, so he privately instructed Sun Jian to kill the prefect Zhang Zi, and then successfully took over as the prefect of Nanyang.

Sun Jian's trip to the north was also invited by Yuan Shu.

Soon a big man walked into the room, it was Sun Jian.

"My subordinate Sun Jian pays his respects to the rear general!"

Sun Jian came in front of Yuan Shu and hugged his fists deeply.


Yuan Shu hurriedly helped Sun Jian up.

"Wentai's own brothers, why are you so polite?"

(End of this chapter)

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