Chapter 541

Let's say that Hu Zhen annoyed Cheng Pu, the latter broke out with [-]% force, stabbed Hu Zhen off the horse in a dozen rounds, and beheaded her.

Hu Zhen died and his army was defeated.Sun Jian immediately swung his troops to kill, and the two sides fought a scuffle. The defeated army quickly retreated to Sishui Pass.

Hua Xiong was furious, and was about to go down to the pass to fight in person, but was dissuaded by Huben Zhonglang General Li Su.

"Commander! Now that Sun Jian has won a game, his morale is booming. Besides, it's getting late, and it's not good for our army to continue fighting. Why don't we take advantage of their big victory and relax their vigilance to rob the camp at night."

Upon hearing this idea, Hua Xiong turned his anger into joy.

"The general says so!"

Although Li Su's official position was higher than Hua Xiong's, he had always been somewhat disregarded. This time, he was actually Hua Xiong's deputy in guarding the Sishui Pass.

You must know that Hua Xiong is just a subordinate commander, Xiaoqi, and the school lieutenant.

Let's say that Li Su persuaded Hua Xiong to stop him, Sishui Pass stood still, and Sun Jian and others refused to leave the pass even though they yelled and scolded him.

Sun Jian won for a while first, then set up camp and sent people to Yuan Shao to report his achievements.

The so-called arrogant soldiers are bound to lose, they never expected the failure to come so quickly.

That night, Hua Xiong led [-] elite soldiers, quietly opened the door and went to the gate, and took advantage of the darkness to storm Sun Jian's camp.

Sun Jian was caught off guard, and Jiangdong's disciples were thrown into chaos.


"My lord, let's go!"

Sun Jian's army camp was in chaos, and everyone was like headless flies.

Sun Jian led a part of his own soldiers to break out of the encirclement.

"Where is Sun Jian going?"

A tall figure stood in front of him, it was the governor Hua Xiong.

He identified Sun Jian early in the morning, so he chased after Sun Jian immediately after breaking the camp.

Hua Xiong is dead!

Sun Jian was furious, and immediately rushed forward with his sword drawn.

His weapon is an ancient ingot knife.

Hua Xiong was also full of energy, swung his sword and attacked Sun Jian.

The martial arts of the two are almost the same, and there is no winner or loser in the fight for more than ten rounds.


Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, Han Dang, Zu Mao and others gathered up the remnants of the army and were about to join Sun Jian when a general galloped up from the sideways and blocked the four of them, it was Huben Zhonglang General Li Su.

I saw him wearing all over his body, holding a long spear, and looking at everyone with a smile.

"I have been waiting for you for a long time."

The Jiangdong four generals looked at each other.

"who are you?"

Cheng Pu asked puzzledly.

Ha ha!

Li Su smiled lightly, and said: "My surname is Jiuyuan Li Su, and I am currently living in Huben Zhonglang, under the order of Xiangguo, I am here to take you down."

Just you?
Huang Gai was annoyed.

This guy is really a little brazen.

There are four generals on several sides, and only one on the other side, how dare Li Su say that he won four of them?
Ha ha!

Li Su had a playful look on his face.

"I'm afraid Sun Jian will be beheaded by Hua Xiong right now, it's better for you to surrender earlier."

Hearing Li Su's words, everyone was furious.

"Bastard, the protagonist is a hero, the one who died must be Hua Xiong!"

Zu Mao cursed loudly, brandishing his two knives and rushed forward.

He has never heard of Li Su's nameless person.

Hero peerless?

A sneer appeared on the corner of Li Su's mouth.

How dare someone like Sun Jian call himself a hero?
Then the hero is too worthless.


Zu Mao yelled, rode his horse and charged in front of Li Su, twisted his swords, trying to cut Li Su in two.

As a general in the Jiangdong Army, Zu Mao's martial arts are also good.


Li Su didn't even look at it, he swung his gun, knocking Zu Mao's swords flying, and then knocked him off his horse, and then the gun landed on Zu Mao's body.

A click.

It was the sound of a sternum breaking.

Zu Mao screamed and died immediately.

As one of the four Jiangdong generals, he was not Li Su's enemy.

Cheng Pu, Huang Gai, and Han Dang all turned pale with shock.

Only then did they notice the spear in Li Su's hand.

It is not so much a long spear as it is a thick iron rod. If it is made of pure iron, this gun would weigh at least a hundred catties.

There is a protrusion in the front section that looks like a gun head, without any edge.

The big gun has no front, simple and unpretentious.

Li Su put away his gun and stood there, looking like a god. The iron gun weighing more than a hundred catties was like a plaything in his hands.

He is not a simple character, his ancestors are the direct descendants of Li Guang, the flying general of the Han Dynasty, and he is well-known in Bingzhou for his proficiency in riding and archery.

When he was in Jiuyuan, he was the soul of the Bingzhou Army. At that time, Lu Bu was just his younger brother. It can be said that Li Su was Lu Bu's old boss.

It's a pity that Li Su had to abandon Bingzhou and enter Liangzhou because of offending Ding Yuan.

Later, Lu Bu shined in Bingzhou, and the world only knew Lu Bu but not Li Su.

Li Su, who defected to Dong Zhuo, did not do well either. He became a monk halfway and was always excluded by the Liangzhou clan.

Then he made a great contribution to recruiting the remnants of Bingzhou, which directly contributed to Lu Bu's recognition of Dong Zhuo as his adoptive father.

After Lu Bu came, Li Su's life became even more difficult. Although he was appointed by Dong Zhuo as Huben Zhonglang, it was a false title.

Dong Zhuo would rather hand over the important task of guarding the Sishui Pass to Hua Xiong, a subordinate, than Li Su.

It can be seen that Li Su's situation today.

Now, Li Su finally showed his strength.

"Come on together!"

He said proudly.


"Hehe, the Kwantung Allied Forces are nothing more than that!"

On a hill outside Surabaya Pass, a young man smiled and looked at the military camp below. It was Guo Jia.

Although Jizhou, Youzhou, and Yunzhou are currently recuperating, the crusade against Dong Zhuo by the princes is a grand event, and Guo Jia naturally wants to come and see it.

Ever since, Guo Jia quietly left Yunzhou with the Tiger Guards, stopped in Ye County, and quietly came to Sishui Pass.

The reason why he came to Surabaya Pass was to see Sun Jian, the tiger from the east of the Yangtze River.

But unexpectedly, the first stop of the princes' crusade against Dong Zhuo was a duel between two second-rate generals, and then Sun Jian charged for a while and chopped off dozens of heads.

If it is said that at least he won during the day, but lost immediately at night, the eight thousand soldiers were at least half lost.

This is also called Jiangdong tiger?
Guo Jia couldn't help shaking his head.

It seems that some pictures still have their names.

However, Li Su's performance made Guo Jia feel refreshed.

It turns out that this person is also a master of concealment.

Zu Mao beat Zu Mao with one move, and his martial arts were not inferior to Lu Bu.


Dian Wei clasped his fists and said, "Would you like some family to go down and fight Li Su?"

Seeing Li Suyao showing off his might, Dian Wei was a little unhappy.

He was also very interested in this Li Su.

never mind!

Guo Jia shook his head.

He came to watch the excitement, not to do it.

Besides, here is in full swing, and Yunzhou, Youzhou, and Jizhou just have time to develop.

"Let's go to Nanyang!"

Guo Jia said softly.

The Central Plains was in chaos, and it was exactly what he wanted. Taking advantage of the chaos, he was going to the south to recruit talents.

After all, with the land of three states under his command, he is a bit stretched in terms of talents.

Dian Wei responded, and led his men to escort Guo Jian south overnight.

This time, they went south in the name of a caravan, just to deceive others.

(End of this chapter)

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