Chapter 542 Hua Xiong Was Killed
Let's say that Sun Jian was attacked by Hua Xiong in a sneak attack and suffered heavy casualties. Fortunately, he was rescued by Cheng Pu, Huang Gai and Han Dang, so he managed to save his life.

However, Zu Mao lost half of Jiangdong's soldiers, and they were all Sun Jian's direct descendants. He couldn't help but feel a little bleeding, and immediately retreated fifty miles.

The news quickly reached the ears of Yuan Shao and others.

Hearing that Sun Jian was defeated by Hua Xiong, Yuan Shao's expression changed.

Yuan Shao is still very clear about Sun Jian's martial arts.He never expected that a mere guard at Surabaya Pass would be so powerful.

A scout came to report.

"Fight outside Huaxiong Pass!"

Fighting generals has always been a warm-up match before the battle, and if they win, it can play a role in boosting the morale of the army.

"Who dares to fight!"

Yuan Shao shouted.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Although everyone is an alliance, no one is willing to suffer.

Two idiots like Sun Jian are still in the minority.

No one answered!

Yuan Shao said angrily: "How can the majestic coalition be stopped by a small Hua Xiong? If it spreads out, won't it ruin our reputation? Gonglu, what do you say?"

His eyes then fell on Yuan Shu.

Yuan Shu secretly scolded Yuan Shao for being treacherous.

His own soldiers were reluctant to go up, but instead threw this hot potato to himself.

There is no way, Yuan Shu, as the number two figure in the coalition army, is not willing to show weakness.

"I have general Yu She who can kill Hua Xiong!"

After much deliberation, Yuan Shu launched a cannon fodder.

In fact, his confidant and love will be Ji Ling, and Yu She is not as good as Ji Ling in terms of martial arts or status.

Of course, Yuan Shu didn't know how good Hua Xiong's martial arts were, so how could he let his confidant and general take risks?
Yu She stood up immediately.

it is good!
Yuan Shao nodded and said, "Beat the drums to cheer!"

Yu She cupped his fists.

Riding the horse rushed in and out of the tent.

Hua Xiong's Sun Jian threw away his helmet and armor, full of confidence, and now he is on the verge of excitement?
Seeing a general rushing up from the opposite side, he didn't talk to him immediately, so he rode his horse to meet him.

Boom boom boom!
The drums of war in the Allied camp sounded.

If there is no three-way match, Yu She will be chopped down by Hua Xiong.

Hearing that Yu She was killed, everyone looked at each other again.

Yuan Shao coughed and said, "Who wants to go out?"

Everyone fell silent.

At this time, Yuan Shao's eyes fell on Yuan Yi, the prefect of Shanyang.

Yuan Yi also cursed in his heart, knowing that he would die without bleeding.

However, he is only the prefect of Shanyang, and his troops are limited. If it weren't for the support of the Li family from the same county, he wouldn't even be able to provide this number of troops.

The Li family is a noble family in Shanyang, and the most famous one is Li Dian.

"I have General Li Dian, who can defeat Hua Xiong."

Yuan Yi said.

it is good!
Yuan Shao agreed immediately.

Li Dian also stood up and walked out of the battlefield with a weapon in hand.

Soon the news came.

Li Dian fought Hua Xiong for ten rounds, lost and returned to the main formation.

Fortunately, this person was clever, so he ran away if he couldn't beat him, so he didn't lose anything.


Yuan Shao's gaze swept over everyone one by one, and everyone remained silent.

Yuan Yin lowered his head even more, Runan had been ravaged by the Yellow Turban bandits for a long time, and he didn't have any decent generals in his hands.

Yuan Shao said helplessly: "Sun Wentai, Yu She, and Li Dian were all defeated by Hua Xiong. Their vigor has been lost. What should we do? It's a pity that my general Yan Liangwen is ugly, otherwise why should we be afraid of Hua Xiong?"

Seeing that everyone was silent, Cao Cao smiled.

Cao Cao was very disdainful of everyone's small belly and chicken intestines.

Although Hua Xiong is heroic, he is not yet invincible.

The reason why these people are unwilling to take out their favorite generals is because they are afraid of losing money.

Originally, Cao Cao didn't plan to contribute, but after being suggested by Sima Fang, Cao Cao changed his mind, and he wanted to shine in the battle against Dong Zhuo.

After all, reputation is more important than profit.

If Cao Cao can win this battle, it will be of great benefit to his future dominance.

Besides, Hua Xiong's fiction and reality have almost been touched after these few battles.

"The young general is willing to fight and kill Hua Xiong."

Soon, a general stood up from behind Cao Cao.

It was Cao Cao's clan brother Xiahou Dun.

"Yuan Rang will win the battle!"

Seeing that Cao Cao was willing to contribute, Yuan Shao smiled.

He has known for a long time that the Xiahou brothers have extraordinary martial arts, so he has always wanted Cao Cao to contribute, but Cao Cao has never accepted it.

As the leader of the alliance, Yuan Shao was also embarrassed to let Cao Cao take action, after all, the two had just broken up some time ago.

Xiahou Dun bid farewell to the crowd, and leaped forward with his spear in hand.

"The thief general Hua Xiong, quickly die!"

Xiahoudun let out a loud roar, and galloped over on his horse.

court death!

Hua Xiong had lost two generals in a row, and now he was a little arrogant, and he didn't take Xiahou Dun seriously at all.

As the swords and guns collided, Hua Xiong's hands suddenly felt numb.


Only then did he realize that the visitor this time was different from the others.

Not only is his spear skill sharp, but his strength seems to be even higher than him.

But it was too late, Xiahoudun gained the upper hand with one move, pressing down on Hua Xiong everywhere, Hua Xiong had to pay the price for his underestimation of the enemy.

"The thief will look at the gun!"

Xiahou Dun yelled again, and stabbed Hua Xiong with his spear like a thunderbolt.

It is his housekeeping skill to run the thunder gun!
Hua Xiong dodged left and right, supported more than a dozen moves, but was finally shot down by Xiahou Dun.

hoo hoo hoo!
After stabbing down the powerful enemy, Xiahou Dun let out a roar that shook the sky.

Victory, victory!
Everyone was overjoyed, and Cao Cao even twisted his beard and laughed.

This battle finally came to fruition.

Although the vanguard Sun Jian made the first contribution, the credit for beheading Huaxiong was indeed his Cao Cao.

it is good!
Attack in an all-round way and attack the level!
Yuan Shao was also overjoyed and issued the final order.

All of a sudden, the army came out together, and the officers and soldiers of Sishui Pass were defeated, and they retreated to the pass one after another.


"This man is a formidable enemy!"

Seeing Xiahou Dun drop the Huaxiong thorn, Li Su's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Although Hua Xiong's martial arts are not top-notch, they are still among the best.

This Xiahou Dun was able to kill Hua Xiong by a dozen, and his martial arts skills were not low.

Thinking of this, Li Su felt a little ready to move. He waved the spear in his hand, but he didn't rush out of the barrier after all.

It's not unexpected for Li Su that Hua Xiong, a brainless person, died in front of the battle.

Originally, with Li Su's ability, it might not be impossible to defeat Xiahou Dun and save Hua Xiong.


A smile appeared on the corner of Li Su's mouth.

He asked why he wanted to take care of Hua Xiong's aftermath?
What does winning have to do with me? If I lose, it may be difficult to turn around.

It would be better if Hua Xiong died.

In this way, Dong Zhuo will see the value of Li Su.


Li Su suddenly said: "Close the city gate, no one is allowed to fight, and those who disobey the order will be executed!"

The gate of Sishui Pass was closed again, and everyone retreated immediately, even Hua Xiong's body was not brought back in time.

Soon the news of Huaxiong's defeat reached Luoyang.

 The battle against Dong Zhuo and Hulaoguan is indispensable, and it cannot be bypassed anyway. The author tries to reduce the pen and ink as much as possible, and try to write a different story. Please don't feel wordy, forgive me!
(End of this chapter)

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