Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 546 Burning the Eastern Capital

Chapter 546 Burning the Eastern Capital
Among the military generals of the Three Kingdoms, there is no dispute that Lu Bu is the most skilled in martial arts.

Because he has never had an opponent in the previous singles, even if he lost, he was beaten by a group.

For example, the Sanying battle against Lu Bu, such as the gang fights of Cao Cao's gang, it was always a glorious defeat.

In Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhang Fei should be able to fight Lu Bu for the longest time.

There was a [-]-round tie at Hulaoguan, and another [-]-round tie at Xiaopei.

What is a round?

In ancient times, cavalry was not entangled with infantry in combat, and whoever did it would win.

Horsepower is usually used in cavalry combat. The two sides rush over, and the moment the two horses cross each other, the two sides fight with each other.

This is called a round!

If you win, the enemy will fall, if you lose, you will fall.If there is no winner, the two sides will distance themselves again and ride their horses towards each other for the next round.

In short, the round consists of the horses running up to a sprint fight and then turning their heads to prepare for the next round.

What is the concept of a hundred rounds?

Zhang Fei's battle with Ma Chao, from noon to night, was only a little over [-] rounds, so it can be seen that [-] rounds will take at least two hours.

At this level, there is basically no distinction between victory and defeat in terms of martial arts, and the next thing to compare is endurance and horsepower.

The reason why Lu Bu is so superior to other heroes is that it goes without saying that he is superb in martial arts, and his stamina is also first-class. Coupled with the bonus of Chituma, he basically has no opponents.

It can be seen from this that Zhang Fei's martial arts are basically similar to Lu Bu's, the only difference is endurance and horsepower.

The two of you come and go, and they have already fought fifty times, regardless of victory or defeat.

The princes on both sides were stunned.

This Lu Bu certainly deserved his reputation, but this Yan Liang was not just for nothing.

But Wen Chou on the side frowned.

He had already seen that Yan Liang's stamina and horsepower were a bit weak, and he might lose if he continued to fight.

Immediately clap the horse's back.

"Lu Bu is going crazy, Wen Chou is here!"

Said and rushed into the formation.

It became a two-man double fight Lu Bu.

In this way, the turn-based system becomes a dogfight.

Good to come!
Lu Bu didn't seem to be having fun yet, and the wind and rain of a halberd dance was impenetrable.

He is not afraid of melee.

Yan Liang was physically exhausted, and his attack power was basically negligible.

He just needs to focus most of his energy on Wen Chou.

But Wen Chou is also a first-rate military general, his spear is like pear blossoms spit out stamens, trembling like stars, he is not at a disadvantage against Lu Bu alone.

it is good!
Yuan Shao was the first to applaud.

"Two against one, shameless!"

Lu Bu's subordinates cursed one after another.

Cao Xing flew on his horse and shot an arrow at Yan Liang.

Since it's two against one, it's not a violation of the rules for him to make a move.

Yan Liang had exhausted most of his strength in the competition with Lu Bu, and Cao Xing unexpectedly attacked him with an arrow in the back. He was shot in the arm and withdrew from the battle circle.


Wen Chou turned pale with fright, and wanted to help, but was entangled by Lu Bu and could not escape.

not good!

Yuan Shao's expression changed drastically.

Yan Liang and Wen Chou are his confidantes, and now the two together are barely Lu Bu's opponent. Now that Yan Liang has been shot in the cold, Wen Chou alone is probably not Lu Bu's opponent.

Highway, Mend!
Yuan Shao suddenly shouted.


Yuan Shu's spirit lifted: "Where is Ji Ling?"

He was getting impatient with the wait.

Cao Cao also said: "Lü Bu is brave and cannot be defeated alone. Yuan Rang Miaocai will fight together."

After seeing Lu Bu's martial arts, Cao Cao didn't dare to push him too hard, and directly asked his two generals to fight in groups.

For a while, some of the princes came out, but no one came out to shout.

Several warriors rushed into the formation together.

Ji Lingneng fought Guan Yu for [-] rounds regardless of victory or defeat, and he was barely considered the last of the first-class generals.

Needless to say, the Xiahou brothers are all first-rate generals.

The three generals went into battle together, but Lu Bu was immediately defeated and fell back into the battle.

The two sides fought for a while, and each retreated.

After seeing the shameless gang fight policy of the princes, Lu Bu no longer appeared in the battle.

As soon as you play heads-up, people will yell at a lot of people.

A good dog can't stop getting enough leprosy.

He, Lu Bu, was a hero, and he was not an opponent of so many people. Unfortunately, Lu Bu's subordinates did not have any decent generals to share his worries, so he had to hide in the camp depressed.

In this way, the two sides entered a stalemate.

The heroes were a little helpless for a while.

Lu Bu had an army of [-], and Xiongguan was used as a barrier. The ten princes couldn't advance half a step for a while, which made everyone a little discouraged.

What's more terrible is that the food and grass of the coalition forces are somewhat insufficient.

Yuan Shao immediately asked Zhang Miao and his brother to raise money, and the two agreed on the surface, but in fact they ignored it.

It's no wonder that the food and grass for the coalition was originally raised by the Zhang Miao brothers, but when Yuan Shao came, he handed over the power of distributing the food and grass to Yuan Shu, letting the brothers stand aside, and the brothers naturally complained.

When the food and grass ran out, I remembered that we were here. It was too late, and the money from the landlord’s house was not blown by the wind.

The two had seen through Yuan Shao a long time ago, so they kept working hard.

Without food and grass, the problem will be serious.

Yuan Shao asked the princes to raise funds, and at the same time discussed with everyone the issue of taking down Hulao Pass.

At this moment, Cao Cao suddenly offered a plan.

Following the example of Han Xin's ambush on all sides when he defeated Xiang Yu, he asked Yuan Shao to challenge Lu Bu himself as a bait, and then pretended to be defeated and retreated to attract Lu Bu to chase after him.

Then the ambush soldiers came out to cut off Lu Bu's retreat, so that Hulao Pass would be defeated.

Yuan Shao had no choice but to adopt Cao Cao's suggestion and set up this strategy of ambush from all sides.

On the third day, Yuan Shao personally scolded Lu Bu.Lü Bu couldn't bear it anymore, and personally led the army to meet Yuan Shao.

The two sides fought for a while, Yuan Shao pretended to be defeated, and led his troops to retreat, leaving behind the flags and chariots, pretending to be very embarrassed.

Lu Bu was really fooled, and led his army to pursue Yuan Shao with all his strength.

Yuan Shao is the head of the princes, and capturing Yuan Shao is a great achievement for Lu Bu.

After chasing for fifty miles, Cao Cao and the others came out with all their ambushes, cutting off Lü Bu's return route at once. Lü Bu was defeated and did not dare to go to Hulao Pass, so he had to lead the remnants of the defeated army to the west.

The princes defeated Lu Bu and took the opportunity to attack Hulao Pass.

Guo Bang, the guard of Hulao Gate, defended the city desperately, and reported to Dong Zhuo at the same time.

Dong Zhuo was shocked when he heard that Lu Bu was defeated.If Hulao Pass could not be defended, the coalition forces would have killed Luoyang City in a short while.

He had to take Li Ru's suggestion again, and hijacked Han Xiandi and his officials to Chang'an. Han Xiandi had no choice but to go west with the army.

Some of the officials followed, and some resigned and were unwilling to follow.

For those who followed, Dong Zhuo naturally welcomed with both hands, and for those who did not want to go, Dong Zhuo was naturally not polite.

He mobilized the army to kill those rich households and officials who did not want to go to Chang'an, copied the property, loaded hundreds of cars, and drove to Chang'an mightily.

Since then, Luoyang, the eastern capital, has become a piece of scorched earth, and the dignitaries and nobles around Luoyang have also been slaughtered by Dong Zhuo.

(End of this chapter)

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