Chapter 547 The Alliance is Broken
Let's say that after Dong Zhuo led the army to hijack the emperor and the ministers and evacuate Luoyang, he set fire again, leaving only ruins.

Li Jue, who was guarding Hulao Pass, immediately abandoned the pass and fled, and the coalition forces captured Hulao Pass without any difficulty.

Hulao Pass is Luoyang's biggest barrier, and now that it has fallen into the hands of the coalition forces, Luoyang is already in jeopardy.

Yuan Shao did not hesitate, and immediately sent his army eastward, directly attacking Luoyang.

But what they didn't expect was that with the help of Li Su, Sun Jian from Sishui Pass came to the outside of Luoyang earlier.

After getting the news, Yuan Shao's face flashed with gloom, and he told his subordinates to speed up their pace and gallop towards Luoyang.

At this time, Luoyang had already become a piece of scorched earth.

Sun Jian rescued the remaining fire in the palace, stationed troops in the city, and set up tents on the foundation of Jianzhang Hall.

Jian ordered the sergeant to sweep away the rubble of the palace.Where Dong Zhuo dug the mausoleum.Everything is covered up.On the foundation of the Taimiao, three halls were initially built, and all the princes were invited to set up a holy place, and the prime minister worshiped it.

After the sacrifice, all scattered.

Jian returned to the village, where the night stars and the moon shine brightly, but he sat with his sword exposed and looked up at the astronomy.Seeing the white air in Ziweiyuan, Jian sighed and said: "The emperor's star is unknown, the thieves and ministers are in chaos, the people are devastated, and the capital is empty!"

When I finished speaking, I didn't feel tears.

"Brother, why do you have to sigh?"

Li Su came to him with a smile.

After the previous events, Sun Jian and Li Su had settled their suspicions, and the two became brothers.

Sun Jian's elder Li Su is one year old, he is an elder brother, Li Su is a younger brother, and the rest of the people are also very happy to see that their lord has a peerless general as his assistant.

"Brother Xian came just in time!"

A smile appeared on Sun Jian's face.

If it weren't for this Li Su, he wouldn't be the first to take down Luoyang.

Although Dong Zhuo escaped this time, Sun Jian's name spread all over the country.

"Dong Zhuo ran rampant and bullied the Han Dynasty. Jian was not angry, so the rebels attacked this beast. Now that the emperor has gone west and Luoyang is empty, I can't help being a little sad."

Sun Jian sighed.

At this time, he was still a man with a sense of justice.


Hearing this, Li Su suddenly laughed a few times.

"Brother's words are wrong. Dong Zhuo acted against the law, and the world was indignant. Now this thief is going west to Chang'an and retreating to a corner. It's just the time for the heroes of the world to show their talents."

Li Su suddenly cupped his fists and said with a smile: "Brother is known as the tiger of Jiangdong, don't you want the separatist side to follow the deeds of Duke Huan of Qi and King Zhuang of Chu?"


Sun Jian was naturally ambitious, otherwise he wouldn't have traveled thousands of miles to attack Dong Zhuo.

It's a pity that he is only the prefect of a county, and he is not considered a big man. Even if he wants to separate one side, it may be difficult.

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted excitedly: "Master, there is a treasure in the abandoned well."


Hearing this, Sun Jian and Li Su hurried over.

It turned out that everyone caught a corpse in the abandoned well, and there was a yellow cloth wrapped in the arms of the corpse.

Sun Jian took the package and opened it, and suddenly saw a jade seal.

This is……

Seeing Yuxi's appearance, Sun Jian suddenly became excited.

Four inches in diameter, engraved with five dragons on the top; one corner missing, inlaid with gold; on it there are eight characters in seal script: "If you are ordered by the sky, you will live forever."

National Jade Seal!

This is a treasure inherited from the emperor.

Since Qin Shihuang, emperors of all dynasties have been proud of getting it.

"Congratulations brother!"

Li Su suddenly laughed and said, "This is a sign of great joy!"

What joy is there?

Sun Jian looked at Li Su puzzled.

At this time, he hadn't thought of taking it for himself.

Li Su said: "This is the treasure of the emperor's inheritance of the country. The elder brother was originally a hero. If he has the help of the jade seal of the inheritance, he will definitely be able to dominate one side. Besides, the princes and generals are kind. The Liu family has been handed down for so many years, and it has already been riddled with holes. Now The jade seal fell into the hands of my elder brother. It is God's will that the Liu family will decline and the Sun family will prosper."

Congratulations, my lord!

Everyone also complimented in unison.

"Thank you dear brother!"

Sun Jian was overjoyed and hurriedly took Yuxi back.

"If something big happens in the future, I will never forget my virtuous brother!"

Li Su smiled lightly, but said nothing.

Naturally, he couldn't go back to the Xiliang army, and the princes of the Guandong didn't like him very much, so he might as well join Sun Jian and go to Jiangdong to make a great career.

The Chuanguo Yuxi fell into the hands of Sun Jian, and it was probably an omen.

So Sun Jian discussed with the generals that since Dong Zhuo had escaped, there was no point in staying here. Chang'an was not so easy to fight, so it was better to go back to Jiangdong first to develop.

Everyone said yes one after another, and they were also happy that the lord got the jade seal.


The next day Yuan Shao led his army to come.

Sun Jian immediately handed over the power in his hand to Yuan Shao.

He clasped his fists together and said, "Report to the lord and the generals. Sun Jian fought several times, and his old illness relapsed. He wants to go back to Jiangdong to recuperate. I hope the lord will make it happen."

The crowd nodded.

Everyone can see the credit of Sun Jian, and now it is only natural for him to go back to recuperate when he is sick.

Yuan Shao just sneered, and said, "Why is Grand Administrator Sun in such a hurry to go back? Could it be that he hid the Chuan Guo Yuxi privately?"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

The Jade Seal of Chuanguo was the most important treasure of the dynasty. Could it be that Sun Jian took it away?
Many people looked at Sun Jian suspiciously.

Thinking about it, it is also possible that he was the first army to enter Luoyang City, and most of the good things that Dong Zhuo gave birth to fell into the hands of Jiangdong Army.

Sun Jian was also shocked.

"What is the leader saying? I have never seen what the Jade Seal of Chuan Guo is."

Of course he couldn't admit it.

This thing is related to the future of the Sun family.

is it?

Yuan Shao sneered, and suddenly clapped his hands.

A general came out.

"This is my countryman. When you talked to Li Su, he listened to him. Now, don't you admit it?"

At this point, Yuan Shao's face suddenly darkened.

"The Jade Seal of Chuanguo is an important weapon of the country. It should be handed over to the leader of the alliance. After Dong Zhuo is killed, it will be returned to the court. Sun Jian, what do you mean by swallowing the Jade Seal privately?"

"Bastard thing! Sowing discord!"

Seeing that the man was his subordinate, Sun Jian drew his sword and was about to kill, but was stopped by the crowd.

The two sides naturally broke up unhappy.

Sun Jian immediately took back his family members, packed up his soldiers and horses and left Luoyang overnight.

Yuan Shao was naturally furious, and immediately wrote a letter to Liu Biao, the governor of Jingzhou, asking Liu Biao to intercept and kill Sun Jian halfway, and he must leave the Jade Seal of Chuanguo.

Liu Biao was one of the eight steeds of the dynasty and had a close relationship with Yuan Shao.

More importantly, Sun Jian killed Nanyang prefect Zhang Zi and Jingzhou governor Wang Rui one after another, which caused dissatisfaction among Jingzhou people.

This time when Sun Jian went back, they naturally wouldn't let him go easily.

As a result, Sun Jian was attacked by Liu Biao on the way and suffered heavy losses. If it wasn't for his subordinates and Li Su's rescue, he would have been trapped in Jingzhou long ago.

It was so easy to escape with his life. When he returned to Jiangdong, he had lost more than half of his life. Since he became an enemy with Jingzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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