Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 548 The Relatively Stable Nanyang

Chapter 548 The Relatively Stable Nanyang

Dong Zhuo left, and the Kwantung Allied Forces occupied Luoyang.

But they only got a ghost city.

Sun Jian got the jade seal and withdrew from the crusade. Cao Cao pursued Dong Zhuo alone and was defeated. Angrily, he led his troops back to Dongjun.

The crowd began to quarrel, Yuan Shao saw that there was nothing he could do, and led his army back to Qingzhou, and the alliance soon fell apart.


Kanto is a piece of scorched earth, but Nanyang in Jingzhou is very rich. Under Yuan Shu's governance, it is still very peaceful.

Due to the war in the Kanto region, the commercial route to the north was blocked, so the merchants stopped in Nanyang.

They came here to do nothing, while waiting for the end of the war, while conducting transactions on the spot, it actually created the prosperity of Nanyang.

Soon Wanxian entered a caravan with a size of 300 people, under the banner of the Zhen family in Yunzhou.

Due to the rise of Yunzhou's border trade, the Su family and the Zhen family have become one of the largest merchants in the north with the support of Guo Jia.

Is there anyone in business who doesn't know the Zhen family?
Although there are quite a few people from the Zhen family, they are nothing compared to the whole Nanyang.

Because there are many large caravans staying in Wan County, they all stayed in Nanyang because the road to the north was blocked.

"What a peaceful paradise!"

Seeing the rich scene in Nanyang City, Guo Jia couldn't help but nodded.

Naturally, this caravan was a banner that Guo Jia deliberately played in order to deceive others.

The largest county in the Central Plains was indeed not built.

Wanxian County is crowded with people.

The population of Nanyang County is almost as large as that of Yunzhou and Youzhou combined.

With such a huge population base, the city is full of business potential.

Guo Jia shook his head.

Nanyang's geographical location is very special, there is no danger to defend, and it belongs to the place of the Fourth World War. It is easy to become a commercial center, but if there is a slight disturbance in the Central Plains, it will be affected immediately.

It is for this reason that after Yuan Shu complained to Yuan Shao, he immediately gave up Nanyang, a place where no danger could be defended, and moved to the southeast and Huaihe Rivers, and finally achieved some hegemony.

In other words, Nanyang is simply not enough to become the cornerstone of hegemony.

"Fengxiao, Qianbian is a branch of Zhen's family!"

Zhen Tuo said with a smile.

This time going south, Guo Jia also took this girl with her. Firstly, she is more familiar with the affairs here, and secondly, she is also cultivating feelings.

She was his woman after all.

The Zhen family is one of the largest merchants in the north, with branches in every major city.

Nanyang is no exception.

Seeing his second young lady coming back, the steward of the Zhen family hastily welcomed a group of people in.

"Second Miss, why are you here?"

The steward said respectfully.

Zhen Tuo smiled slightly and said, "Come out for a walk when you have nothing to do. What, you are not welcome?"

To be on the safe side, the caravan came under the banner of the Zhen family, with Zhen Tuo as the main force, and Guo Jia pretending to be her follower.

"Where to talk, where to talk! Little welcome!"

The steward of Zhen's family hastily laughed with him.

Although he is outside, the manager of the Zhen family is also very clear about it.

The master of the Zhen family died three years ago, and the second young master of the Zhen family succeeded him as the head of the family. However, the second young master has a weak character and has been unable to suppress the family for three years.

Not long ago, there was a plague in Yunzhou, and the Zhen family almost fell apart. If the second young lady Zhen Tuo hadn't been born, the Zhen family might have collapsed.

This second young lady is a formidable person, and she suppressed the rest of the Zhen family by doing three things, and became a veritable head of the family.

It won't be long before the Zhen family will be the second lady's world.

The person in charge of the Zhen family is Zhen Chang, who is also an old man of the Zhen family, but he has been out all the time and rarely goes back, so naturally he doesn't recognize Guo Jia.

The Zhen family's stronghold in Nanyang is a large cargo depot, which is responsible for the logistical work of the Zhen family's caravan going south and north.

However, during this period of time, Sili was fighting, and the trade route was cut off, and the Zhen family's goods were all backlogged here.

Zhen Tuo inspected and frowned involuntarily.

Judging from the ledger, the Zhen family's stronghold should have stockpiled a large amount of goods, but why she only saw a small part of it now.

"Zhen Chang, you are so courageous!"

She said a little displeased.

Zhen Chang was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Second Miss, where do you start with this?"

Zhen Tuo snorted and said, "The things in your inventory are seriously inconsistent with the accounts. Where did the missing things go?"

Who knew that she would be fine if she didn't ask, but Zhen Chang would be full of bitterness if she asked.

"Miss, you don't know! The ten princes attacked Dong Zhuo, the capital was in chaos, and the trade routes were cut off long ago. Those people in the Kwantung Army are hungry wolves, and they are not polite when they encounter a caravan. They robbed your goods. It's a small matter, and some people even snatch their mules and horses to become strong men. Some time ago, many caravans were broken, and everyone was miserable. The war continued for a while, and no one dared to go north. They could only take it here. "

Zhen Tuoxiu frowned slightly, and the anger in her heart disappeared a lot.

There is indeed a war ahead, and the road is impassable, she is also clear.

"Even if the road ahead is impassable, you can just wait here with peace of mind. How can those stocks be so low?"

Zhen Tuo was a little puzzled.

Second Miss!
Zhen Chang sighed, and said: "People can wait, but some goods can't wait, especially those fresh goods, which will rot after a long time. Rather than rot and worthless, it's better to sell it cheap here to reduce the cost." A little loss. Besides, with so many people living here, eating horse chews every day is not a small consumption. We really have no choice but to sell some goods."

He took out an account, cupped his hands and said: "The loss of the goods and all expenses are in this book. Please take a look at it, Miss Er."

That's it!

Zhen Tuo nodded slowly and closed the account.

"It's really embarrassing for you."

Otherwise, she would probably do the same.

This Nanyang seems to be prosperous, but in fact, due to the gathering of people, the price of goods has risen very sharply, and the price of food is almost comparable to that of the upper county.

"Miss, just understand!"

Zhen Chang said gratefully.

He coughed, and said: "Miss must be tired after coming from a long distance, so I'll let someone prepare for it, so that the young lady can clean up the dust."

"Okay, let's go!"

Zhen Tuo nodded.

Zhen Chang went out as if he had been released again.

After Zhen Chang left, Guo Jia suddenly said, "There is something wrong with this person."

Zhen Tuo was stunned for a moment, puzzled and said: "He is an old man of the Zhen family, and the accounts are clear, so there shouldn't be any problems, right?"

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled lightly.

Although this girl is smart, she is still a bit simple.

Ever since Zhen Chang came in, Guo Jia has been sizing up the individual.

While speaking, his eyeballs kept rolling around and he kept rubbing his hands, obviously hiding something.

It seems that things are not as fair as he said.

Most likely this guy has something to hide from Zhen Tuo.

(End of this chapter)

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