Chapter 552 Mi Zhu Came to See You
"Young master is absurd!"

Miss Sisi pursed her lips and smiled, seeing the jade pendant on Guo Jia's body, her body trembled suddenly, and then Yingying fell to the ground.

"Subordinate Tianwang Shadow Thirteen pays homage to the master."

Seeing this woman say that, Zhen Tuo was startled.

"What are you talking about?"

What is Skynet, what is Shadow Thirteen?
"Get up!"

Guo Jia said lightly.

Thank you master!

Sisi stood up again, with an incomparably respectful demeanor, which was completely different from Feng Chen's demeanor just now.

When Guo Jia asked Cai Yu to build the intelligence agency Skynet, Cai Yu lived up to expectations. It only took her three years to cover the major cities of the country with this big network.

Nanyang is the only way to go north and south, so there will naturally be strongholds.

Sisi is the person in charge of this stronghold.

These responsible persons were excavated and cultivated by Cai Yu. Guo Jia didn't know it, but he had a token in his hand that could command the entire Skynet.

So as soon as he showed the token, Sisi recognized it and took the initiative to reveal his identity.

Skynet has always been hiding in the dark, recognizing the token but not the person, and Sisi doesn't know who Guo Jia is, but since they hold the token, they are the object of their allegiance.

Zhen Tuo stopped talking, no matter how stupid she was, she knew that Guo Jia definitely didn't come here to ask for flowers.

It seemed that he really had something important to do, and maybe he really misunderstood him.

"This is Zhen Tuo, the second young lady of the Zhen family."

Guo Jia introduced generously.

Met the second lady!
Sisi bowed down again.

She had already seen it.

It may be difficult for ordinary people to detect a woman disguised as a man, but a seasoned veteran like her can recognize it at a glance.


Guo Jia coughed, and said: "There is nothing important to come to you this time, but I was entrusted by the Zhen family to investigate the matter of the Zhen family freight station."

Zhenjia cargo station!

Sisi frowned.

They have always been under the jurisdiction of Skynet, and have no connection with other forces in Yunzhou, so they are naturally not familiar with the freight station of the Zhen family here.

But since the young man in front of her took out the token, she just obeyed.

"What does the master want his subordinates to do?"

Sisi asked.

Very simple!
Guo Jia nodded.

"Investigate Zhen Chang, the person in charge of Zhenjia Freight Station, and the flow of goods."

After pondering for a while, he said: "This subordinate understands, but I need to give my subordinate a few days to make arrangements."

it is good!
Guo Jia nodded and said, "We live in the Zhenjia cargo depot, so report to us as soon as we need anything."

Sisi cupped her fists and retreated.

These people are the eyes and ears of Skynet here, responsible for monitoring all movements in Nanyang, so it is very appropriate for them to do this kind of thing.

Sisi quickly withdrew.

"Guo Jia!"

Only now did Zhen Tuo recover from the shock.

"You actually have such a subordinate?"

She was indeed a little surprised.

The majestic Hussar General of the current dynasty, the overlord of Yunzhou, Jizhou and Youzhou, actually had prostitutes as his men.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia waved his hand.

My sister-in-law Cai Yu is an intelligence genius, and her way of doing things is also not stick to one pattern.

Skynet's intelligence personnel are spread across various occupations, and it is normal to have prostitutes.

"Since you're an intelligence agent, it's natural to have as many contacts as possible. Regardless of your identity, prostitutes still have an advantage in this regard."

Guo Jiasi said slowly.


Zhen Tuo was a little dumbfounded.

For a moment, she didn't know how to refute.

Being a prostitute is indeed a profession that contacts a lot of people.

The room was relatively small and not well sealed, and the surrounding chaotic sounds quickly reached Zhen Tuo's ears.

Zhen Tuo's face turned red again.

Guo Jia!

what happened?
Guo Jia put down his wine glass and looked at her with a smile.

Zhen Tuo begged: "Since we're done with business, let's go back!"

He didn't want to be here for a moment.


Guo Jia laughed again.

"Girl, if you want to go out now, Dian Wei and the others must hate you to death."

When he arrived, he had already explained that he asked the bustard to find a few girls for Dian Wei and the others, and he might just be in a good mood right now.


Zhen Tuo couldn't bear it anymore, she complained: "Brother Dian Wei is such an upright person, how could he have a master like you?"

She snorted, her voice a little annoyed.

What do you know?
Guo Jia smiled and said, "Am I helping them?"

Is there any help?

Zhen Tuo rolled his eyes.

At this moment, the door was pushed open again, and a middle-aged man quickly walked in.

"The sinner Mi Zhu pays his respects to the general!"

He is Mi Zhu, the head of the Mi family in Xuzhou.

Mi Zhu!

Zhen Tuo couldn't help being surprised.

This is the head of the Mi family in Xuzhou, Mi Zhen's older brother, the reason why Guo Jia didn't leave was to wait for him?
She was a little ashamed again, because she blamed Guo Jia again.

"Brother, you are welcome!"

Guo Jia hurriedly helped Mi Zhu up with a smile, and helped him to the seat.

Mi Zhu had a look of fear and relief on his face.

The general Hussars of the dynasty, the overlord of the three states of Yunjiyou, Zhen'er's man, is holding his hand intimately at this moment, it seems that he has no intention of blaming the Mi family.

At the beginning, he saw at a glance that this Guo Jia was not someone in the pool, so he made great efforts to marry his sister to him.

This Guo Jia also lived up to expectations. In just three years, he went from a local prefect to a current hussar general, with one man under [-], and he dominated the north.

The Mi family followed suit and became the most important part of the border trade along the coast.

Originally, the two sides complemented each other, but Mi Fang's rebellion cast a shadow over the Mi family.


Mi Zhu said sadly: "The Mi family is sorry for you. Mi Fang, a scum, dared to collude with outsiders to plot Yunzhou. It is the most unforgivable. Fortunately, the general turned the tide and Yunzhou was not damaged. Otherwise, I, Mi Zhu, would have no face to see Zhen'er. I The bastard Mi Fang has been imprisoned, and he will be dealt with as soon as the general gives an order."

For Mi Fang, he was very angry!
This guy is simply unreasonable.

If Guo Jia hadn't been lenient, he would have been killed by now.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia hurriedly said: "Brother, don't be angry, I think Zifang was also confused for a while. Besides, he also made meritorious service at the last moment, so this matter is like this."

Hearing this, Mi Zhu breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Guo Jia entrusted Mi Fang to him to deal with, he planned to make an exception.

"Thank you, General, for not killing me. The whole Mi family is very grateful. From now on, Mi Zhu will definitely discipline this bastard well."

Mi Zhu thanked him again.

After learning about Mi Fang, he was afraid that Guo Jia would blame Mi's family, so he always wanted to communicate with Guo Jia. Unfortunately, Xuzhou and Yunzhou are far away, so it is difficult to see him in a short time.

When he was hesitating, he suddenly received a letter from Guo Jia asking him to come to Nanyang to meet him.

Mi Zhu was naturally overjoyed, settled the matter at hand, and immediately rushed to Nanyang County.

Nanyang is not far from Xuzhou.

Guo Jia suddenly said: "This time, I have something to ask for your help."

General please order!
Mi Zhu hurriedly said.

(End of this chapter)

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