Chapter 553 Mi Family and Yin Yang

Hearing that Guo Jia asked Mi Zhu to help him, Mi Zhu was very happy.

Because of Mi Fang's relationship, the Mi family felt a little guilty towards Guo Jia, so it happened to mend the relationship between the two parties this time.

"Brother, Nanyang seems to have vaguely become a small business center."

Guo Jia reached out and knocked on the table.

Not bad!

Mi Zhu also nodded.

Due to the rise of the border trade in Yunzhou, the north-south trade routes began to open up. Where there are people, there are business opportunities, and the places where these merchants pass by are also gradually rising.

Among them, Nanyang has become the largest business center in Jiangbei with its unique geographical location and huge population base.

Of course, this business center cannot be compared with Yunzhou, it is just a large transfer station.

However, due to the crusade against Dong Zhuo by the princes outside the pass, there was chaos around the capital, the caravans going north and south stopped, and the north-south border trade also stopped.

The merchants staying in Nanyang were unable to circulate for a while, so they started trading locally, radiating east to west, forming a large-scale goods distribution center.

It is precisely because of this that the prosperity of Nanyang has been created.

But this prosperity was short-lived.

Once the north-south trade route is unimpeded, the number of merchants gathered here will soon decrease, and even those who stay here will not be able to support the current prosperity.

Mi Zhu, who is a big merchant, naturally knows it well.

This Nanyang is the dewdrop before the sun rises. It looks beautiful, but in fact it has no vitality. Once the sun comes out, it will be finished.

It’s okay to shoot and go, but it’s not safe to invest here for a long time.

After all, it is a jar that can rot at any time, and it is very dangerous to put eggs in it.

Most businessmen come here for this purpose.

"Brother, do you want to make a lot of money?"

Guo Jia suddenly asked mysteriously.

Hearing about making money, Mi Zhu immediately regained his spirits.

He is a businessman, so he naturally likes to make money.But money is not so easy to earn.


Mi Zhu coughed all over and said, "What orders does the general have?"

Guo Jia whispered a few words in his ear, and Mi Zhu immediately became excited, saying yes again and again.

Soon he was worried again.

"Isn't it a bit too sinister to do so?"

If Guo Jia's plan is followed, the people here will probably be insolvent.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said: "You also said that this is the dewdrops before the sun. Once the sun comes out, there will be nothing left. If so, why don't we pick off these dewdrops before the sun comes out?"

Mi Zhu clasped his fists with joy.

"Respect the general's order!"

"Since that's the case, brother, let's arrange it first!"

Guo Jia said with a smile.

Mi Zhu walked a few steps, and suddenly fell to the ground again.

"Mi Zhu has been hiding something from the general. Now that I think about it, I should confess it to the general."

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said, "You're talking about the yin and yang system!"

Hearing this, Mi Zhu's face suddenly changed drastically.

He is the descendant of Yin and Yang.

The yin-yang system is also one of the hundreds of schools of thought, founded by Zou Yan, a native of Qi, who proposed the famous theory of five-element rotation.

But Guo Jia already knew.

Back then, Guo Jia began to suspect the Mi family when the magician Xiang Kai came to him and knew about his affairs.

After some investigation by Skynet, it was discovered that there was something wrong with Mi Zhen's two maids.

But with the death of the two maids and Xiang Kai, the curtain came to an end.

Guo Jia is willing to be a member of Yin Yang for the Mi family, but it can be seen from Mi Fang's words that he doesn't know anything about it.

"It turns out that the lord has already noticed it, but it's a pity that Mi Zhu is still debating whether to say it or not."

Mi Zhu sighed, and immediately told about his origin with the Yin-Yang system.

It turned out that when Mi Zhu didn't succeed as the head of the family in his early years, he met a stranger who taught him the skill of matching people.

Only after the strange man died did Mi Zhu know that he was the descendant of the Yin-Yang lineage.

From this point of view, Mi Zhu can be regarded as a Yin-Yang person.

Originally, Mi Zhu still had a sense of identity with the Yin-Yang family, but a subsequent incident caused him to part ways with the Yin-Yang family.

Thinking of this, Mi Zhu was very angry.

"In the past, I always regarded myself as a yin and yang transmission person. If my fellow family members were in trouble or my livelihood was difficult, I would lend a helping hand without hesitation. How can such a kind heart be exchanged for a wolfish ambition."

Speaking of this, he was a little angry.

"That year, I went out on business. When I came back, I met a woman. She said she was separated from her family on the way, and asked me to take her back to Tancheng. I saw her lonely and pitiful, and it was getting late. So I agreed. But after all, it is not good for strangers to ride in the same car. So I gave up the car to her, and I sat outside with the driver. It was peaceful along the way. When I returned to Tancheng, I looked back. When I was looking for the woman, I found that she had disappeared. I was very frightened when I was carrying someone, but the person disappeared. I immediately asked the driver to go back to look for it. Sure enough, I found this woman not far away. This woman came back after seeing me looking for it. , with a look of surprise on her face. When I asked the reason, she told me that she was an assassin, and someone paid a lot of money for her to assassinate me. But after she boarded the car, she found that I had no hair. Wu Zuo didn't look sideways, thinking that I was a gentleman, so I left halfway. I didn't expect that I was concerned about her safety and caught up again. Out of emotion, she told me that the person who hired her was my brother and sister. "

And such a thing?
Guo Jia was taken aback.

He has heard the story of Mi Zhu meeting a beautiful woman on the way out and returning in the same car.

In the legendary version, this woman is Huode Zhenren, who was ordered to burn the gods of the Mi family.Shou felt that Mi Zhu was sincerely a gentleman, so he told him frankly and asked him to move out of the family's finances, so as to avoid a catastrophe.

But from Mi Zhu's mouth, he heard another version.

"At the beginning, when I heard that my fellow sect plotted against my family property and wanted to kill me to replace him, the atmosphere was abnormal. I immediately wanted to go back and settle accounts with that wolfish bastard. But that woman stopped me and carefully analyzed the cause and effect of this matter with me. Since the yin and yang family wanted to attack the Mi family, the Mi family naturally couldn’t let them go, but it’s not good to offend them on the surface. So I suggest that I pretend not to know and get drunk and set fire to the house after I got home, pretending it was a fire The illusion of being burned. In this way, the reputation of the Mi family will be preserved by getting rid of those people. Since then, I, Mi Zhu, have no contact with the Yin-Yang family. They also know that Mi Zhu is not easy to mess with, so they don't fight Mi Zhu anymore Home's idea."

After finishing speaking, Mi Zhu clasped his fists and said, "The matter of Yin and Yang in Yunzhou really has nothing to do with the Mi family. I hope the general will investigate it in detail."

(End of this chapter)

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