Chapter 554 Playboy Yuan Yao
That's it!

After listening to Mi Zhu's detailed explanation, Guo Jia was completely relaxed.

It seems that the matter in Yunzhou really has nothing to do with them, and Mi Fang's rebellion was probably instigated by Liu Bei.

"Don't worry, brother, I never doubted you!"

Guo Jia smiled and patted Mi Zhu on the shoulder!

Mi Zhu clasped his fists again and said, "Since my Mi family got married to the general, I have devoted myself to the general and Yunzhou. Mi Fang's affairs will never happen again. I hope the general can rest assured!"

Guo Jia nodded.

Then Mi Zhu introduced the branches and composition of the Yin-Yang system in detail, and generally agreed with Guo Jia's guess.

Brothers Dong Fu, Zhu Xiangping, Xu Shao and Xu Jing are all descendants of the Yin-Yang lineage, but they are not of one mind, and occasionally fight among themselves.

The yin and yang system is caused by people, and their own strength is not enough to worry about.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia relaxed.

Since the yin and yang system is nothing to worry about, the next thing to deal with is the military strategist's Heishui and the vertical and horizontal Chixiao.

Compared with the yin and yang magic sticks, these two families are Guo Jia's serious troubles.

Of course, there is no need to mention Heishui. Guo Jia has experienced the forbearance and resourcefulness of the Sima clan. If he hadn't dug up the Sima family in Wen County by mistake, Heishui might not have surfaced now.

Guo Jia cared more about Chi Xiao than Hei Shui.

Because they often produce major destructive effects at critical moments.

Aside from Yu Linglong, Chi Xiao's Pan Yin, Wang Yun, and Li Ru aren't the ones who caused trouble in the world?

He Jin and Dong Zhuo are all their pawns.

Even if Cai Yu conquered Yu Linglong, what Chi Xiao uncovered would only be the tip of the iceberg.

The purpose of Guo Jia's coming to Nanyang is to take advantage of the opportunity before the war to come here to recruit some talents to meet the growing talent gap in Yunzhou.

Inadvertently broke through the tricks of Zhen's cargo station.

During his investigation, a large amount of weapons materials were sold cheaply.

There are many wars around Luoyang, and there are countless caravans stagnant in Nanyang. The amount of this weapon material is not a small amount.

Of course, with the strength of Yunzhou, this loss is simply not worth it.

However, Guo Jia has reason to believe that it must not be a small organization that swallowed these weapons and materials.

In view of the shock Heishui Chixiao gave him, he decided to find out this organization.

Mi Zhu got Guo Jia's instruction and left soon.

Only then did Zhen Tuo come forward in embarrassment.

"Sorry, Guo Jia, I misunderstood you!"

Guo Jia has done two important things here one after another, which made this girl look a little different.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia suddenly looked at her jokingly.

The latter only felt that Guo Jia's gaze was so fiery that she couldn't lift her head up.

That's it!

Guo Jia waved his hand.

Originally, I wanted to tease a few words, but when I saw this girl's tender face, I gave up.

He stretched suddenly, and said to himself: "Dian Wei's side is almost there, we should go too!"

Zhen Tuo nodded gently.

Now he no longer treats Guo Jia as a pervert.

The two came downstairs quickly.

Dian Wei and the others were already waiting downstairs.

"Miss, son!"

Seeing the two people coming down, Dian Wei immediately went up to meet them.

Seeing Dian Wei's serious look, Guo Jia was a little surprised, he looked Dian Wei up and down a few times, and found something was wrong.

If it is meat, there will probably be some traces.

Why is there no trace of this fellow?

Just when Guo Jia was wondering and wanted to clarify, an old bustard suddenly yelled: "That damned girl knocked our girls out. Seriously, how are you going to receive customers... You bastard, my old lady will never end with you... "

Hearing this, Dian Weideng was a little embarrassed, if Guo Jia hadn't been by his side, he would have run away in a hurry.

Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, then burst out laughing.

This guy actually knocked the girl unconscious, no wonder there was no trace of it.

"Come on, what's the matter with you, you have never been afraid of thousands of troops, why are these girls so facing the enemy?"

Guo Jia asked with a smile.

It's okay not to mention this, but Dian Wei's face immediately turned into an eggplant shape.

"My lord, let's go!"

He was about to cry.

Seeing the embarrassment of this confidant and beloved general, Guo Jia couldn't help laughing again.

never mind!

Or take your time!

It seemed difficult to get this rude guy to understand.

Just as Guo Jia was about to leave with the crowd, there was a sudden noise outside, and then a group of people walked in.

"Mr. Yuan is here, everyone avoids quickly."

Then a group of servants violently pushed everyone away, and a young man in brocade clothes walked in slowly.

Young Master Jin Yi glanced around, with a look of pride on his face.

"Who is this, what a majesty!"

"Hush, keep your voice down. This is Yuan Yao, the son of Yuan Shu, the prefect of Nanyang."

"General Yuan's son, what is he doing here?"

"Of course I'm looking for Miss Sisi. Everyone in Wan County doesn't know that Mr. Yuan has been pursuing Miss Sisi."

Hearing everyone's discussion, the young man in brocade just glanced around contemptuously.

He is Yuan Shu's direct son Yuan Yao.

Yuan Shu stationed troops in Lushan, and he was appointed to guard Nanyang.

"Young Master Yuan!"

At this time, Sisi also came down to the first floor accompanied by several maids.

She first glanced left and right, but didn't find Guo Jia in the corner, thought he had left, and then she relaxed.

"Mr. Yuan, I am a brothel. I am open for business. If you come here like this, how can I do business?"

Sisi said complainingly.

As expected of a veteran in Fengyue Field, even if he complains, he is a bit pitiful.


Yuan Yao laughed out loud and waved his big sleeve.

"Sisi, don't worry, I'll book the place for you this time! Today, you will only do my business."

A few servants came forward, holding a box, and when it was opened, it was full of copper coins, at least hundreds of thousands.

Yuan Yao's expression darkened suddenly, and he said, "Did you see that, today I have reserved a place for you, you all can go!"

Everyone couldn't afford to offend Yuan Yao, many people left one after another.

Si Sixiu frowned lightly, and said: "Young Master Yuan, the brothel is for guests to come and play, you rent out the place every two days, how can we gain a foothold in Nanyang in the future!"

It's not easy!
Yuan Yao smiled and said: "Come home with me, being my Yuan Yao's woman, isn't it happier than being here?"

Si Sideng couldn't laugh or cry.

She is an important member of Skynet. She is here to inquire about information. Where can she enter Yuan's house?
Mr. Yuan!
She spoke earnestly and earnestly: "You come from a famous family and have a bright future. Why do you make things difficult for me, a prostitute? Take your things back, please forgive me for not being able to bear it. I feel a little uncomfortable, so excuse me."

This Yuan Yao has pestered her many times, and she has always been polite, but this time Yuan Yao went too far, and even drove him away in front of her face.

Sisi was already a little unhappy.

(End of this chapter)

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