Chapter 562 Tie Han Tenderness
Dian Wei immediately blushed, ran back quickly and put on his clothes, and accidentally put his coat on backwards.

Sisi was a little embarrassed at first, but when she saw Dian Wei flustered, she couldn't help laughing again.

Hearing Sisi's smile, Dian Wei became even more flustered, and accidentally made a chuff and tore his clothes to pieces.

He simply did not do anything, and tore off the other long sleeve.

The basement is a bit stuffy, and wearing long sleeves is indeed a little uncomfortable, but short sleeves are a bit more refreshing. Although it is a bit indecent, it is still neat, much better than being shirtless.

After getting dressed, Sisi slowly came to Dianwei.

"Miss Sisi!"

Dian Wei suddenly didn't know what to say.

Sisi smiled lightly and said, "Take it off, I'll mend it for you."

The tense situation above does not know when it will end, and the two may stay here for a few more days.

Dian Wei was stunned for a moment, and suddenly hesitated.

Sisi couldn't help pushing him, and said angrily, "What are you dawdling in, I see a lot of men without clothes on."

Dian Wei's face turned red as soon as he spoke.

Sisi is the leading brothel owner in Nanyang, what kind of scene has she never seen?

He had no choice but to take off his clothes silently and handed them to Sisi.

Sisi pulled out a long needle from her head, picked the wick of the oil lamp, and the light in the room became brighter.

The next thing is to thread the needle, Sisi is also familiar with the road, it seems that she has long been used to this kind of work.

For some reason, Dian Wei watched Sisi mending for himself stitch by stitch, and a feeling of warmth suddenly rose in his heart.

When he was a child, he had a fight outside and tore his clothes, and his mother helped him mend them stitch by stitch.

Under the illumination of the light, a kind of maternal radiance suddenly appeared on Sisi's body.

Dian Wei opened his mouth, wanting to say something, but didn't dare to say it.

He was originally the stupidest person, even if he wanted to answer Sisi, he didn't know where to start.

Sisi sewed very quickly, and a short-sleeved jacket came out after a while.

After Dian Wei put it on, it fit right, and the cuffs were neatly handled, much better than his crude works.

"This is my concubine's residence, and there are no men's clothes, so it's hard for you."

Sisi said lightly.

"Miss Sisi, your hand is really... What a coincidence?"

After holding back for a long time, this guy only came out with this sentence.

Sisi smiled slightly, but just looked up at Dian Wei.

She has been in the prostitution for some years, and she has never seen any kind of man. If a man compliments her, she will ignore it, and she has never taken it seriously.

Although this Dian Wei was dumb, his words came from the heart.

"When I was a child, my family was a tailor, so I knew some needlework by my ears and eyes."

Sisi lowered her head and said.

She seemed to be aware of Dian Wei's embarrassment, so she tried to say something to ease the embarrassment of the two of them.


Dian Wei scratched his head.

"Good job tailoring, Miss Sisi, why don't you work as a tailor anymore? After all, it's a serious business!"

As soon as the words fell, Sisi's smile suddenly froze.

Dian Wei immediately felt that something was wrong.

He hurriedly remedied: "I'm sorry, Miss Sisi, I didn't mean that you are not serious now...ah, no, I mean that you were serious before...not...I didn't mean to laugh at you."

This fellow was originally of the stupid variety, so flirting with girls was naturally not his specialty.

The more and more it goes, the darker and darker it is.

In the end, this guy simply shut his mouth, so as not to make more mistakes.

Sisi suddenly sighed quietly, and said to herself: "That's my concubine's life."

I couldn't help but shed tears as I spoke.

Seeing Sisi crying, Dian Wei was even more at a loss.

I want to say something to comfort others, but I don't know where to start.

"My concubine was born in a tailor's family. There are three members of my family, my father, my mother and I. My parents sell clothes to dignitaries for a living. Although their lives are poor, they are also very happy."

Sisi wiped her tears, and said to herself: "It's a pity that the good times didn't last long. My father was employed by a wealthy family and wanted to make clothes for their family. He was a little busy that time, so he asked his mother to measure for the family. Unexpectedly, a young master of that family fell in love with her and wanted to take her as a concubine. Naturally, the mother would rather die than obey, and finally committed suicide with scissors. When the mother's body was carried home, the father went to find the evil young man , was beaten to death again. Evil young man forced my parents to death, and he said that we owed them money and asked me to pay back the money, so he sold me into a brothel. I was only ten years old that year. "


Dian Wei was suddenly enraged, and slapped the young couple beside him to death with a slap, his face was bulging with veins.

"Miss Sisi, tell me who that person is, and a certain family will go and avenge you."

He stood up and was about to go out.

He was originally a person who hated evil, otherwise he would not have killed people and fled.

Seeing that Dian Wei was about to go out aggressively, Sisi was a little flustered suddenly, but at the same time she was very sweet in her heart.

Chongguan turned into a red face in anger.

How could such a man not break her heart?
But this person's approach is still not advisable.

"What are you doing?"

Sisi hurriedly grabbed Dianwei, and said angrily, "How many miles away is my concubine's hometown? Besides, the master has already helped me avenge me. That wicked young family has also been punished as it should be."

Dian Wei sat on the ground angrily, feeling a little annoyed.

In other words, what he hates the most is this kind of bullying bastard.

As long as you let him run into each other, you will definitely see one and kill the other!
Seeing that Dianwei finally turned off the flame, Sisi breathed a sigh of relief.

Miss Sisi!
Dian Wei suddenly scratched his head and said, "Who are you talking about as the master?"

Sisi suddenly looked at Dian Wei in surprise.

"You really don't know?"

Dian Wei shook his head blankly.

Although Dian Wei knew about Skynet, he didn't go into details.

Sisi stared closely at Dian Wei, who looked blank, as if he didn't know anything about it.

That's it!

Sisi's eyes flashed with excitement again.

She was willing to help Dianwei know her identity and jumped out to help, which also meant to protect her companions.

But now it seems that his idea is completely wrong.

This person simply does not know.

He is purely on the road to help when he sees injustice.

This made Sisi even more moved.

"My master is a wonderful person. She saved me from suffering, and she gave me a new life. In this life, she is the person I am most grateful for."

Sisi said movingly.

Her master is naturally Cai Yu, and this Sisi was also discovered and cultivated by Cai Yu.

Dian Wei did hear something wrong.

Because of the other master, Sisi's eyes were shining brightly, with a determined look on her face.

For some reason, he suddenly felt sad.

(End of this chapter)

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