Chapter 563 Dian Wei's Bad Idea
When he was in the brothel, he saw Yuan Yao bullying Sisi, Dian Wei jumped out to help Sisi out without thinking.

At that time, he didn't have any ideas, he just wanted to fight against injustice.

But as the two lived together in the same room for the past few days, Sisi's tenderness gradually captured the heart of this tough man.

Especially when Sisi mended his clothes just now, Dian Wei felt his heart throbbing.

That's why he impulsively went to help Sisi kill someone.

But what Dian Wei didn't expect was that this Sisi actually had a master, and she was so devoted to this master.

In an instant, Dian Wei's heart suddenly became empty, as if he had been abandoned by the whole world.

Sisi, who was so clever, immediately saw the change in Dianwei's mentality.

This big fool!
Sisi was both happy and distressed.

Happily, this big stupid man has heart for him, but dare not say it out.What worries me is that I am a member of Skynet after all. Even though I have feelings for this big fool, I still want the unity of the master. The question is who is this big fool and will the master agree to her being with this big fool? together?

Sisi was a little confused, but she still explained some things.

"My master is a rare and wonderful woman in the world. In my mind, she is even better than some men in the world."


Dian Wei was stunned for a moment when he heard Sisi's explanation, and then burst into ecstasy.

"Women are good, women are good. It's really nice. Hahaha..."

He suddenly felt that everything was so beautiful again, and the eyes he looked at Sisi became much softer.

It turned out that her master was a woman, so there was no problem.

Seeing the change on this fellow's face, Sisi breathed a sigh of relief, and then said angrily: "My master is a woman, why are you so happy?"

Dian Wei chuckled and couldn't help but patted his head.

Of course he was happy.

But at this moment, he didn't know what to say, he just looked at Sisi and smirked.

This big fool!
Sisi couldn't help but rolled her eyes and ignored him.

She can only say so much about herself, and it will be a secret in the future.

Sisi didn't know who Dian Wei and Guo Jia were from Yunzhou, so she didn't dare to reveal too much.

However, since Guo Jia is holding the master's token, he is probably one of his own.


Sisi suddenly said: "Who is that lord of yours? He looks quite young."

Since she couldn't tell, she dug out Guo Jia's background to see if she could find any clues.

Unexpectedly, Dian Wei's face changed drastically, and he was speechless in embarrassment.

"I really can't say..."

After a while, he held back a word.

Guo Jia's coming to Nanyang is a top secret, once his identity is revealed, it will be very dangerous.

Even if he admired this Sisi, Dian Wei didn't dare to say it.

is it?

Sisi glanced at him in surprise, she didn't expect this big stupid man to have a tight mouth.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but want to test Dian Wei.

"If you don't tell me, I won't talk to you."

He really turned his back on it.


Dian Wei suddenly had a sad face, he scratched his head vigorously, opened his mouth, very anxious.

Sisi was quite pleased.

She knew that Dian Wei was a person of great affection, if she was willing to tell everything, it meant that she still had some weight in the heart of this big fool.

But Dian Wei still shook his head.

"Miss Sisi, I'm sorry, don't say you ignore me, even if you kill me, I can't say it. The lord is not only my lord, but also my brother. He has always treated me as a brother, and I will die You can't do anything wrong with him."

These words are resolute and resolute.

Sisi's heart suddenly trembled, and she suddenly felt incomparable admiration for this stupid big man.

Not everyone can withstand temptation.

Not all are steadfast.

This stupid big man is worthy of entrustment and trust!

Thinking of this, tears burst into her eyes suddenly.

Sure enough, she was right.

"Stop crying!"

Seeing Sisi crying again, Dian Wei was at a loss for a while, wanted to wipe her tears but dared not.

Sisi suddenly laughed, grabbed Dianwei's wrist, and wiped his face.

Dian Wei touched Sisi's tender and smooth face, and felt his blood rushing up for a moment, with an indescribable joy.

Sisi suddenly gave him a blank look, and said, "You idiot!"

These three words contain countless tenderness.

"I'm a big fool, I'm a big fool!"

Dian Wei opened his mouth wide open, giggling silly.

No matter how stupid he is, he can understand people's thoughts.

Dian Wei suddenly mustered up his courage and took Sisi's jade hand.

"Miss Sisi, I am willing to marry you as my wife. I will definitely make you happy in the future and no one will bully you anymore."

Sisi's heart trembled again, tears of excitement filled her eyes.

marry you!

The four words hit her heart heavily.

It is said that if you enter a prostitute, you will never have a relationship with a good girl for the rest of your life.

As a prostitute, the best destination is the concubine's room of a dignitary, and the word wife will never be with them for life.

Now that an honest and honest man kneels in front of her, a prostitute, and proposes to her sincerely, how can Sisi not be moved?
How much she wanted to leave with Dian Wei.


Sisi couldn't help but wiped away her tears, and said softly: "I understand your thoughts, and I really want to promise you. But..."

She hesitated for a moment, then continued: "I am a prostitute, you are a good family."

Somebody doesn't care!
Dian Wei took her hand and said loudly: "You are a good woman, I knew that from the first time a certain family saw you. A certain family is married!"

A burst of sweetness flashed in Sisi's heart again.

But she still has some concerns.

"You and I both have masters. How can we be the masters of this kind of matter?"

no problem!
Dian Weihao said dryly: "My lord is as close to me as a brother, if I ask him, he will definitely not refuse."

Indeed, as Guo Jia's confidant and beloved general, once Dian Wei spoke, Guo Jia would naturally not refuse.

Sisi said helplessly: "What about my master? If I want to be with you, at least the master must agree. What if the master doesn't agree?"

She is a member of Skynet, and it is not so simple to want to marry.


Dian Wei scratched his head.

Is this really a problem?
He can deal with Guo Jia, but he may not be able to deal with the master who can deal with Ding Sisi.

"Is your master beautiful?"

Dian Wei suddenly said this.

Sisi froze for a moment, and looked at this guy in puzzlement.

What does this mean?
Seeing something different, trying to get her master's way?

This big fool can do it.

"Of course she's beautiful, this concubine's appearance is like stars in the bright moon in front of the master."

Sisi said proudly.

For Cai Yu, she admired her from the bottom of her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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