Chapter 565 Huang Wudie Visits

Guo Jia was naturally unaware of the conspiracy of the two powerful subordinates.

He is immersed in the gentleness these days.

Zhen Tuo became more and more like a woman.


"Miss, ma'am!"

Just when Zhen Tuo and Guo Jia got carried away, Zhen Chang's voice suddenly sounded outside.

what's up?

Zhen Tuo was a little upset.

This guy is really annoying, it is really unreasonable to disturb her at this time.

Hearing the displeasure of the eldest lady, Zhen Chang sneered slightly, but said: "Miss, there is a girl named Huang Wudie outside asking to see you."

Huang Wudie!
Hearing this name, Guo Jia suddenly stopped moving.

Isn't that Huang Zhong's daughter?

For the past two days, he was just hanging out with Zhen Tuowai, almost forgetting about business.

What is she here for?
Zhen Tuo was a little upset.

Women in love are the most jealous.

Huang Wudie is also a beauty, although her hands are a bit rough.

Now Guo Jia belongs to her alone, at least in Nanyang.

Therefore, the arrival of Huang Wudie is still very repulsive.

Same-sex repels opposite-sex attracts, this has been the truth since ancient times.


Guo Jia said quietly: "Let her in quickly."

Zhen Tuo was a little unhappy.

"You really have a crush on her?"

Guo Jia laughed dumbly.

"Girl, don't make trouble. Let her in quickly. This time, Huang Zhong may decide whether to invite her or not."

It's easy to say, Zhen Tuo nodded.

After putting on her clothes, Guo Jia persuaded her to change into women's clothes again.

Shaoqing, under Zhen Chang's guidance, Huang Wudie walked in.

Master Zhen!
As soon as they met, Huang Wudie's eyes fell on Zhen Tuo.

Please sit down!

Zhen Tuo said vaguely.

When she was in Nanyang, she always appeared in men's clothing.

Huang Wudie's complexion was a little haggard, with heavy bags under her eyes. It seemed that she hadn't slept well in the past two days.

"Yellow girl!"

Guo Jia coughed and said, "I wonder if Brother Ling is feeling better?"

Huang Wudie didn't answer but just looked at Zhen Tuo.

This made Guo Jia a little boring.


Zhen Tuo was terrified by Huang Wudie's look, and he murmured in his heart, could it be that he failed in men's clothing and was caught by this girl?
Miss Huang!
She said vaguely, "Did you come here to do something with you?"

Huang Wudie still didn't speak, just looked at Zhen Tuo.

Zhen Tuo was a little unhappy.

What are you doing here just to see me?
Just when the girl was about to get angry, Huang Wudie suddenly spoke.

"Young Master Zhen, there is something I want to tell you alone, is it okay?"

After hearing this, Zhen Tuo and Guo Jia were greatly surprised.

According to the original plan, Huang Wudie had to ask Guo Jiacai whatever she wanted to ask, how could she ask Zhen Tuo?

Did she really discover something?
Zhen Tuo was about to refuse, but saw Guo Jia gesturing and said with a smile: "In that case, the villain will leave first, and you two can chat slowly."

With that said, he left the room and closed the door behind him.

Of course, he didn't leave, he just walked a little further, listening to the movement inside.

Seeing Guo Jia leave, Huang Wudie breathed a sigh of relief, and her eyes softened.

Master Zhen!
She whispered, "What do you want?"

Zhen Tuo was a little puzzled when he asked this question.

Huang Wudie said to herself: "You want my father to protect the caravan north and put it forward in an upright manner. Why did you lie to us that you can cure my brother's illness?"

Thinking of this, she suddenly became excited.

"Do you know, my brother has been tortured by the disease for more than 20 years, how excited he is when he suddenly hears a way to get rid of the disease completely? He thought he saw hope, but who knew it was nothing. But when he knew all this How disheartening is it when it's a scam? Do you think it's appropriate to do so?"

With that said, two tears flowed down my face.

In the past two days, Huang Xu's mood is very bad, and his body is getting heavier and heavier. After taking the medicine of the miracle doctor, it is even worse than before.

The culprit is the Zhen family.

If it weren't for their appearance, Huang Xu's mood would not have such a big ups and downs, and his body would not be more serious.


Hearing this, Zhen Tuo understood.

This Huang Wudie came to Xingshi to inquire about the crime.

The corner of her mouth twitched slightly.

When Guo Jia flirted with Huang Wudie back then, the girl was a little unhappy.

Dare to come to the door now, is it really unreasonable?

Zhen Tuo snorted suddenly, and said: "Miss Huang, how capable is your father Huang Zhong? Can he resist the uprooting of a mountain or return the river without water?"

Huang Wudie said proudly: "In Nanyang, everyone doesn't know my father's reputation. His old man can stop hundreds of thousands of people with a knife. A bow can kill thousands of people."

Although these words are a bit exaggerated, Huang Zhong's martial arts are indeed very powerful in Nanyang.


Zhen Tuo suddenly laughed and said, "Even if he is the enemy of ten thousand people and can take the head of a general among millions of troops, it has nothing to do with our Zhen family. Our Zhen family is a businessman, and what we want is a guard to guard the house. It's not a general. It's just a housekeeper. Our Zhen family has a lot of money. Thinking about the level you mentioned, we can find hundreds of them at any time."


Huang Wudie was at a loss for words for a while.

That's good.

If they were just looking for a guard to look after the home, there was no need for them to go to such great lengths to deceive them.

Is it...

A flash of excitement flashed through Huang Wudie's heart.

"Aren't you lying, my brother's illness can really be cured."

Since there is no conspiracy, there is only one explanation at the moment.

From the bottom of her heart, Huang Wudie was looking forward to this result.

This is great news for her brother, her and the Huang family.

Zhen Tuo sneered again, and said, "Stop it, this matter has nothing to do with me, it's that bastard who has too much trouble and insists on helping you. It's hard to be a good person, but you think you're a liar when you think about it."

Speaking of this matter, this girl is really gloating.

sorry Sorry!
Huang Wudie hurriedly stood up and bowed to Zhen Tuo a few times.

"So, this matter is true, and my brother's illness is really cured?"

She was a little overjoyed.

Zhen Tuo snorted and said, "I don't know if your brother's illness can be cured, but that bastard's illness is indeed cured."

This girl has also heard about Guo Jia's matter, after all her sister is Zhen Jiang.

(End of this chapter)

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