Chapter 566
Hearing what Zhen Tuo said, Huang Wudie stood up excitedly.

"Young master Zhen! We are wrong, we misunderstood you, I am here to apologize to you on behalf of my father."

Said and bowed again.

No need!
Zhen Tuo said coldly, "We didn't take it to heart either."

She really didn't care.

Is this girl wishing that Guo Jia's affair will become a scandal?
Once the matter is over, this Huang Wudie will not pose any challenge to her.

No, no!
Huang Wudie hurriedly said: "It should be, it should be. I hope Mr. Zhen will ignore the villain and help my brother."

As he spoke, he looked at Zhen Tuo expectantly.

Zhen Tuo said strangely, "Okay, I accept your apology. But why should we help your brother?"

She has great hostility towards Huang Wudie, who has outstanding appearance and figure.


Huang Wudie was at a loss for words again.

Yes, why should people help them?
For money?The Zhen family is as rich as an enemy country, so naturally they look down on the small property of the Huang family.

Why?As long as people are willing to pay, what kind of talents cannot be recruited?
But thinking of his elder brother Huang Xu's pain, Huang Wudie's heart ached.

She gritted her teeth and suddenly fell to her knees.

"Young master Zhen, please help my brother. The little girl will repay your kindness even if she is a slave."

Zhen Tuo also admired Huang Wudie's willingness to make such a sacrifice in order to treat his brother's illness.

There are really not many women who are willing to make sacrifices for their families.

"Okay, you get up first and then talk!"

Zhen Tuo hurriedly stood up and helped Huang Wudie up, holding her hand.

This girl's heart is actually not bad.

But she forgot that she was wearing men's clothing.

Huang Wudie's pretty face suddenly turned red.

Men and women can't kiss each other, the feudal ethics at the moment are not as perverted as in later generations, but it's still a bit out of the ordinary for strange men and women to hold hands.

In her view, there was only one possibility.

This Mr. Zhen has taken a fancy to her.

This can also explain why people want to help them.

In fact, from the very beginning, Huang Wudie had a good impression of this handsome "Mr. Zhen", and she didn't dislike being favored by this "Mr. Zhen".

So, she didn't dodge, but just bowed her head and said, "My lord, I understand your thoughts. If you are willing to help my brother, the little girl will naturally be grateful. Yes. In fact, the little girl also... admires the young master very much."

Zhen Tuo was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help letting go of Huang Wudie's hand.

No matter how dull she is, she can hear something wrong.

Looking at Huang Wudie's shy expression, where does she still not understand?

Zhen Tuo just wanted to explain.

Huang Wudie revealed her heart, and she was a little ashamed at this moment, and hurriedly said: "Young master, stay with me for a few days, and I will go back and convince my father."

Said and left without looking back. wait...

Zhen Tuo chased after him, but Huang Wudie had already run away.

She is thin-skinned, she just confide in her heart, now is the time to feel ashamed, how can she face Zhen Tuo again.

Zhen Tuo was anxious, and was about to catch up with Huang Wudie to explain clearly, when a figure suddenly blocked her way, it was Guo Jia.

He smiled and said: "Master Zhen is so charming, even if he is dressed like this, he can't stop the beauty from throwing himself into his arms. This subordinate really admires him very much."

Guo Jia, you bastard!
Zhen Tuodeng was a little ashamed.

Her son is a Xibei guy, and you can see the flaws if you take a closer look, that is, Huang Wudie, a silly girl who has never seen a few men, can't see it.

"No, I must explain it to her!"

Zhen Tuo hurried forward.

Wouldn't it be a joke if this got out?

Ha ha!

Guo Jia blocked her again.

"Girl, don't intervene. I think this is very good, just make a mistake and make a mistake."

He said with a smile.

In this way, Huang Zhong would naturally not doubt their purpose.

As long as Huang Zhong's family is successfully brought to Yunzhou, this general will not be able to escape.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia suddenly became excited.

It is true that there is no unparalleled road, what method is he thinking of to persuade Huang Zhong during this period of time?
Zhen Tuo was of great help.


Zhen Tuo almost broke out in pain.

"I don't want it?"

She is an upright woman, how could she do those phony tricks?Once spread, wouldn't it make people laugh out loud.

How could Zhen Tuo go out to meet people?

Guo Jia laughed again.

"Girl, this proves that you are attractive!"

He said earnestly.

This is a critical moment, so naturally Zhen Tuo cannot be exposed, otherwise all previous efforts will be wasted.If the Huang family repents, Guo Jia will suffer a great loss.

Therefore, Zhen Tuo must be allowed to seduce this Huang Wudie.

What a charm!

Zhen Tuo became anxious, and said angrily: "Guo Jia is all you, if you hadn't let me dress up as a man, how could this kind of thing happen. I don't care, you should find a way quickly. The Zhen family's face in the north can't be let I lost it."

I was a little anxious to cry.

Ha ha!

Seeing that the girl was getting anxious, Guo Jia stopped teasing her and whispered something in her ear.

Zhen Tuo was stunned for a moment, and asked doubtfully, "Is this possible?"

of course!

Guo Jia nodded affirmatively.

"Don't worry, it's too late for her to regret it."

Zhen Tuo looked at Guo Jia suspiciously.

For some reason, she felt unreliable no matter how she looked at it.


The girl nodded heavily, and said: "I believe you again, if you dare to play me again, I will tell Huang Wudie that all this is your conspiracy."

Guo Jia was taken aback, and said: "Girl, you can't say that! Who made you so beautiful, wearing men's clothing, even a little girl can't help it?"

The two went to Huang's house together, Huang Wudie didn't fall in love with Guo Jia, but instead fell in love with Mr. Xibei Zhen who was disguised as a man.

Things are also a little dramatic.

I do not care!
Zhen Tuo gritted his teeth and said, "It's all your fault!"

She was originally a young lady with a temperament, and she has been indifferent to Guo Jia for these years, so she restrained her temper.

But now she has successfully won Guo Jia's favor, so naturally she won't be as submissive as before.

One must know that she is different from Zhen Jiang, she is the direct daughter of the Zhen family.

good good!
Guo Jia smiled and said: "It's all my fault, and I shouldn't let you show your face. This appearance attracted a Huang Wudie. If you show a few more faces, maybe you will attract another one." Wu Die and Li Wu Die. Don’t I have to work hard again.”

You think beautifully!

Zhen Tuo said angrily: "This time, I'm here to help my sisters keep an eye on you, and not let you hook up outside. If you dare to do this, I will never end with you."

(End of this chapter)

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