Chapter 570

Among the beauties of the Three Kingdoms, Xiao Qiao has always occupied a high position.

In addition to the fact that the two sisters are both beautiful and beautiful, what is more important is that their husbands and sons-in-law are heroes.

Da Qiao's man is Sun Ce, and Sun Ce is the son of Jiangdong Tiger Sun Jian.

In his 20s, he laid a foundation in Jiangdong and established the later Soochow Dynasty.

Sun Ce is highly skilled in martial arts and is known as the little overlord.

There has been a saying in China since ancient times that a king cannot be called a bully, and a general cannot be called a king.

This tyrant is Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu.

This man is an awesome fighter, so I won't say much about him.

It must be very remarkable that Sun Ce can be compared with him.

Although the little overlord is not as good as the real overlord, he is still an awesome existence.

Xiao Qiao's man is Zhou Yu, who is Sun Ce's brother and the most important military commander of the Jiangdong Army.

In the first battle of Chibi, the masts and sculls were restored and annihilated during the chat and laughter, creating a three-point world pattern and establishing the peace of Sun Wu for decades.

It can be said that without Sun Ce and Zhou Yu, there would be no later Soochow Dynasty.

The two Optimus pillars of Soochow are the men of Joe and Joe.

In this way, the two sisters also rose with the tide.

Besides, when Guo Jia came to the Three Kingdoms, he yearned for Xiao Qiao very much.

It's a pity that Jiangnan is too far away from Yunzhou, and he didn't have time to find the two sisters. Besides, the backgrounds of the two sisters in history are not very detailed, so even if they look for them, they may not be able to find them.

But what Guo Jia didn't expect was that he ran into the second bridge here today.

What he didn't expect was that Qiao Rui was Erqiao's father.

"Come, come, daughter, this is Mi Jia, a young talent from the Mi family, come and pay your respects."

Qiao Rui said with a smile.

Madam Qiao moved again, her eyes fell on Guo Jia's face, she seemed to be thinking.

The older girl was a little shy, and came to Guo Jia gently to give her blessings.

dare not!

Guo Jia hastily returned the gift.

The younger girl became a little curious. She came to Guo Jia and looked left and right for a while, then suddenly smiled and said, "I know you. Father, mother, women know this person."

Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn't help being taken aback, and looked at Xiao Qiao suspiciously.

Have the two met before?


This is his first time in Wan County, how could Xiao Qiao have seen him?
However, Guo Jia was also a little uncertain.

No matter how you say it, you can be considered a big shot, but you are a household name in Yunzhou?
Has this girl been to Yunzhou?
Thinking of this, Guo Jia's heart sank suddenly.

Yunzhou didn't deal with Yuan Shu very much. If his identity was exposed, Yuan Shu would definitely not let him go easily.

He took a deep breath, forced a smile and said, "Girl, this is my first time in Wan County, where did you meet me?"

Xiao Qiao suddenly covered her mouth, and said cunningly: "In a dream! I dreamed about you."

Guo Jia was dumbfounded, and at the same time his heart relaxed.

Is this being molested?
It seems something is wrong.

Don't all men tease women?
Why is it upside down now?

this kid!
Mrs. Qiao hastily teased her, and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhen, this child has been spoiled by my concubine, and he doesn't know how to speak properly, so don't worry about it."

Guo Jia quietly wiped off his cold sweat, and said with a forced smile: "Tongyan Wuji, Tongyan Wuji."

"Everyone is fourteen!"

Xiao Qiao said unhappily, "Where is it so small?"

As he spoke, he puffed up his chest and looked at Guo Jia provocatively.


Guo Jia was ashamed again.

Is this really Little Joe?
It looks like a little chili pepper.

younger sister!

Da Qiao on the side felt a little sorry, and immediately gave Guo Jia an apologetic look, his gaze was very gentle.

Those eyes almost melted Guo Jia.

Still my sister is gentle.

Guo Jia secretly praised in his heart, it seemed that all the sisters he met were like this.

Sister Cai Yan is like this, sister Zhen Jiang is like this, and so is Xiao Qiao.


Qiao Rui didn't take it seriously, and grabbed the hands of the two of them.

"It wasn't fun in the hotel just now, let's keep drinking!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but pull the two of them to sit down, and the servants served the food and wine again.

This time, even Guo Jia drank too much, and when the banquet was over, the two of them could not walk, so Qiao Rui hurriedly arranged for someone to put them in the guest room.


After everything settled, Qiao Rui returned to the room.

Mrs. Qiao has been waiting for him for a long time.


Mrs. Qiao suddenly said: "What do you mean by asking your daughters to come out today?"

After speaking, a pair of wonderful eyes fixed on Qiao Rui.

Qiao Rui smiled slightly and said, "Ma'am once?"

Mrs. Qiao smiled lightly, and said: "There's nothing to guess, it's probably because you value that young man named Mi Jia."

Qiao Rui laughed and said, "Sure enough, I can't hide it from Madam."

He has great respect for this lady.

The Qiao family can be regarded as a big family in Huainan, but it is a pity that Qiao Rui's generation is in trouble. Not to mention the loss of the family business, the wife and children are almost separated.Later, with Mi Zhu's support and Yuan Shu's attention, the Qiao family gradually recovered.

Mrs. Qiao is a good wife and mother, no matter what Qiao Rui is, she will follow him firmly, so Qiao Rui is also very grateful.

Even if he made a fortune later, he didn't take concubines.

The couple have always treated each other with respect.

"I plan to betroth my eldest daughter to that Zhen Jia!"

(Big Joe, what's the name of Little Qiao, the author really didn't find out, so let's just call it Big Joe and Little Qiao!)

Qiao Rui pondered for a while, then said slowly.

Mrs. Qiao frowned slightly, she was a little puzzled and said: "Mrs. Yuan has already revealed to my concubine that she wants our daughter to be sent to the Yuan family."

Mrs. Qiao is somewhat related to Mrs. Yuan, and Qiao Rui came to join Yuan Shu because of this.

Ha ha!

Qiao Rui sneered, and said, "Do you think the Yuan family can think more highly of our Qiao family?"

Mrs. Qiao stopped talking.

The four generations and three fathers of the Yuan family are naturally not the ones that the Qiao family can climb up to. Even if the two daughters are married, they are still concubines.

With Yuan Yao's character of a playboy, even if her daughter enters the Yuan family, she will definitely not be happy.

Qiao Rui walked a few steps with his hands behind his back, and said slowly: "Nanyang seems to be a prosperous place, but it is a place of the Four World Wars. If there is any war in the surrounding area, this place will bear the brunt of it. If Dong Zhuo leaves the customs, Nanyang will suffer. Slaughter. Although General Yuan is famous, it may be difficult for him to gain a foothold here!"

He has some vision, and he can see the geographical shortcomings of Nanyang.

"So, for my husband, I have to plan ahead and settle you down first, so that I can do things with peace of mind!"

Qiao Ruiyu said earnestly.


Mrs. Qiao's eyes were moist, and she seemed to understand what he meant.

Their mother and daughter have always been Qiao Rui's weakness.

"Everything is subject to your husband's arrangement!"

She bowed her head and said.

(End of this chapter)

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