Chapter 571
Over there, the Qiao family discussed overnight, but here Guo Jia couldn't fall asleep.

His heart was filled with Xiao Qiao's mysterious smile.

It must not be so simple for the Qiao family to be so enthusiastic.

But what exactly?

Guo Jia was a little dazed again.

From the next room, Mi Zhu's snoring could be heard. He was too drunk, but Qiao Rui persuaded him to drink a few more glasses. He had already dreamed of Duke Zhou.

Guo Jia was helpless, put on his clothes, opened the door quietly, and came to the yard.

At this moment, the moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the surrounding area is silent.

Guo Jia suddenly felt a little homesick, and didn't know how the girls at home were doing. Did little Guo Ye learn to ride a horse?

While thinking wildly, there was a sudden noise from the eaves.

Guo Jia couldn't help but glance back, and after only one glance, he almost fell to the ground.

A white figure on the eaves is waving to him, smiling sweetly, who is it not Xiao Qiao?


Guo Jia stood up in surprise, and was about to say something when Xiao Qiao stretched out her hand and made a shh gesture.

The girl tiptoed down from the roof, and lightly jumped in front of Guo Jia.

"Brother Mi Zhu fell asleep?"

she asked quietly.

Guo Jia nodded, feeling a little dumbfounded.

This girl is skilled in movements and has a light body, she seems to do this often.

Is this really Xiao Qiao?

Guo Jia was a little skeptical again.

Xiao Qiao quietly stopped in front of Mi Zhu's room, listened carefully, and then relaxed.

She came to Guo Jia again, looked at Guo Jia back and forth, with a playful look on her face.

what happened?
Guo Jia asked in a low voice.

He was terrified by this girl.

Always feel that something is wrong.

"How bold are you?"

A smile flashed across Xiao Qiao's eyes, and she asked in a low voice.


Guo Jia was immediately happy.

No matter how courageous he is, he is not as courageous as the second young lady of the Qiao family.

How dare this girl climb the wall to chat with guests in the middle of the night?

Isn't she afraid that Guo Jia will have malicious intentions and come to rape first and then kill?

Of course Guo Jia would not do this.

He still doesn't bother to use such a low-level method.

Flirting is the best way.

The little girl sneaked over in the middle of the night, this was a great opportunity.

When Guo Jia was thinking about how to tease this little Qiao, the latter suddenly spoke.

"Guo Fengxiao, you dare to come to Nanyang, are you really impatient?"

Hearing this, Guo Jia couldn't help but his face changed drastically.

He had long felt that this girl was not simple, and the way she looked at him seemed to be the kind of banter that saw everything.

Is it really exposed?

Guo Jia's heart sank suddenly.

If his identity is revealed, the situation may be very dangerous.

Yuan Shu would not let him go so easily.

This Qiaorui probably had bad intentions in keeping him.

Maybe there are soldiers waiting outside.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia suddenly stepped forward, hugged Xiao Qiao in his arms, and grabbed her neck with his right hand.

Now that it was exposed, he could only destroy it with his hands.

Maybe if Xiao Qiao is captured, he can still bargain with Qiao Rui.

Xiao Qiao didn't expect Guo Jia to suddenly get violent, and then his neck was strangled, his mouth was covered, and his body was squeezed against the wall.


Just as she was about to say something, Guo Jia suddenly whispered: "Girl, don't blame me. If your father wants to arrest me, I will let you pay for it first."

Said the eyes showed a fierce light.

Now he really regrets it.

I regret that I should not personally implement this plan.

Xiao Qiao seemed to be really frightened, but looked at Guo Jia tearfully, not daring to move.

After Guo Jia subdued Xiao Qiao, he listened carefully and found that there were no abnormal noises around him, and he was a little suspicious again.

He suddenly lowered his voice and said, "How many ambushes are there outside? Where is your father?"

Xiao Qiao's chest rose and fell a few times, and she shook her head humbly.

No ambush?
Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, and listened again for a while, but there was no movement.

Are you overly concerned?

He looked suspiciously at Xiao Qiao, who was already in tears.


If Qiao Rui really planned to capture him, how could this little Qiao sneak up to meet his enemy?
He released his hand cautiously.

"Your life is in my hands. If you dare to scream, I can strangle you to death at any time."

Xiao Qiao nodded tearfully, expressing her understanding.

Guo Jia breathed a sigh of relief.

"Now if I ask a question, if you answer a question, nod your head, and shake your head if you don't. If you dare to yell, don't blame me for being rude."

Little Joe nodded again.

Guo Jialue pondered for a while, and asked, "Is there an ambush outside?"

Xiao Qiao shook his head hastily.


Guo Jia frowned, and asked again: "Does your father know my identity?"

Little Joe shook his head again.

Qiao Rui doesn't know!
Guo Jia finally let go of his heart.

Since Qiao Rui didn't know about it, things weren't so dangerous.

Soon, he became suspicious again.

Since Qiao Rui doesn't know her identity, how does this little Qiao know?
"How did you know who I am?"

Guo Jia stared at Xiao Qiao closely.

This question cannot be answered with a nod and a shake of the head.

Xiao Qiao neither nodded nor shook her head, just whimpered.

Guo Jialue pondered for a while, and then said in a low voice: "I can let go, but you must not warn the police, otherwise I will kill you first before your guards arrive."

Speaking of this, he is also very stern.

Xiao Qiao burst into tears again, so she nodded aggrievedly.

it is good!
Guo Jia let go, but didn't move too far away, in case the girl suddenly sounded a warning.

Xiao Qiao just took a few breaths, and said in a crying voice: "It's Sister Zhen, it's Sister Zhen."

Sister Zhen!
Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, puzzled, "That sister Zhen?"

Xiao Qiao burst into tears again, and cried, "It's sister Mi Zhen."

Mi Zhen!

Guo Jia was taken aback again.

What does this have to do with Mi Zhen?
Xiao Qiao cried and said: "When we were in Huainan, Sister Mi Zhen had a very good relationship with our sisters. When she got married, she wrote us a letter. There is a portrait of you in our room. I just I recognized it from this portrait. You are not Zhen Jia at all, you are sister Mi Zhen's man Guo Jia."

Hearing this, Guo Jia was surprised and delighted.

Unexpectedly, it was this ending.

Really misunderstood.

Mi Zhu and Qiao Rui are old acquaintances, so it is not uncommon for Mi Zhen to know Xiao Qiao.

Why did this Zhen'er give away her portrait indiscriminately!
Luckily it didn't cause any trouble.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia's face gradually flattened.

Only then did he let go of his hand, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

It seems that this little Qiao just recognized herself from the portrait, and there is no ulterior conspiracy.

(End of this chapter)

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