Chapter 572
Early the next morning, Qiao Rui sent someone to entertain Mi Zhu again.

Mi Zhu naturally went happily.

After a night of rest, he looked very good.

But Guo Jia next to him couldn't do it. He didn't sleep all night, he was breathing heavily, and walked out with a pair of panda eyes on his face.

"Brother Mi! Did you not sleep well last night?"

Seeing Guo Jia's appearance, Qiao Rui was also a little surprised.

Guo Jiaqiang laughed.

"It's a new place, I'm not used to it!"

He held Xiao Qiao in his arms and worried all night, so naturally he couldn't fall asleep.

Qiao Rui also understood the situation, so she said a few words of relief, and found a reason to dismiss Guo Jia.

"Brother Zizhong, there is something that I want to tell you."

He has already done his wife's work, and plans to betroth Da Qiao to Guo Jia.

"Brother Qiao, please tell me!"

Mi Zhu laughed.

He also knew that Qiao Rui must have something important to keep the two of them at home overnight.

Is such that!

Qiao Rui coughed, and said: "You know the situation of our family. My wife is weak and only gave birth to two girls. As a father, Qiao naturally hopes that these two children can be happy. I heard that your The brother is not married, so I don't know if the brother can marry the Mi family."

Mi Zhu couldn't help being surprised.

Although he had thought of many possibilities, he did not expect Qiao Rui to marry his daughter to Guo Jia.

If Guo Jia was really Mi Zhu's brother, he would agree with it.


Mi Zhu smiled wryly.

This person is Guo Jia, his brother-in-law and the general of the hussars.

It is not easy to marry his daughter to him.

At least Mi Zhu can't be this family!

Now that the two are pretending to be brothers, it is not easy for Mi Zhu to discuss with Guo Jia.

However, he is also mature, coughing a few times, and said: "Thanks to Brother Qiao, Mi Zhu is naturally very happy. It's just that this important marriage must be ordered by my parents and the matchmaker. Although I am his elder brother, the marriage You can't presume anything!"


Qiao Rui laughed loudly, and said: "You are the head of the Mi family and the elder brother of Mi Jia. Youdao is the elder brother as the father, how can such a trivial matter stop you?"

He suddenly grabbed Mi Zhu's hand.

"Brother Zizhong, my brother is sincerely married to you. Could it be that you look down on brother?"

See what Qiao Rui said!

Mi Zhu smiled wryly and stopped talking.

It seemed that Qiao Rui was quite impatient, so he recognized the son-in-law first regardless of the date.

It is said that hot tofu cannot be eaten in a hurry, but Qiao Rui is as impatient as she is.

When he married his sister to Guo Jia, it was at the same speed.

It seems that Qiao Rui has also seen that Guo Jia is not a thing in the pool.

This is exactly what the heroes think.

Mi Zhu thought for a while.

Mi Zhu also met the two daughters of the Qiao family.

Although he is still young, he already exudes the charm of the country and the city.

If the two entered Guo Jia's harem, they would definitely threaten their sister.

Subconsciously, Mi Zhu didn't want to do this.

But Qiao Rui's words were all about this, so he naturally couldn't refuse, and the follow-up plan required Qiao Rui's strong cooperation.

If the two families are unhappy because of this incident, it will ruin Guo Jia's major affairs.

But Mi Zhu really didn't dare to decide this matter.

Who knows what Guo Jia is thinking?

Thinking of this, Mi Zhu suddenly moved in his heart, and said, "Brother Qiao, I understand how you feel. But this matter is not up to the two of us to decide. I don't think it's better to let these young people decide for themselves?"

Let young people decide for themselves?
Hearing this, Qiao Rui froze for a moment.

He also nodded slowly.

What Mi Zhu said makes sense.

The reason why he wanted to marry his daughter to Guo Jia was to find a way out for himself and to make his daughter happy.

If his daughter doesn't like Guo Jia, he will forcefully let her marry him, and there will be no happiness at all.

"I also ask Brother Zizhong for advice!"

Qiao Rui said in a low voice.

Mi Zhu pondered for a while and said, "Well, let him stay in your residence for a few more days and get in touch with the two young ladies more. See if they are in harmony with their temper. If they are in harmony, things will naturally come to fruition."

it is good!
After listening to Mi Zhu's words, Qiao Rui also nodded.

This method is not bad, you can try it.

If his daughter and this Guo Jia can see each other, he will naturally be overjoyed.

If his daughter really doesn't like this Guo Jia, he won't force it anymore.

Ever since, Guo Jia was betrayed by Mi Zhu with no good intentions.

Qiao Rui kept Guo Jia at home for a while, and let him spend time with the two women, which made Guo Jia miserable.

Talking about life with Da Qiao during the day, and chatting with Xiao Qiao at night by candlelight, I am very happy, and I am a little bit reluctant to leave.


Outside Wan County, Zhen's Cargo Station!

In the past few days, the second young lady Zhen Tuo has been a little abnormal, giving the servants a look at her face every now and then.

This made Zhen Chang tremble with fear, and he waited more carefully, fearing that if he was not careful, something would happen to this young lady.

The guys in the entire freight station were also trembling, lest they offend this second lady.

At this moment, an old man suddenly walked into the freight station.

This man is tall and tall, holding a knife in one hand and a bow in the other, with a murderous look.

"Tell your master to get out!"

he yelled.

It was Huang Zhong.

Let's say Huang Wudie misunderstood Zhen Tuo and went back to persuade Lao Tzu Huang Zhong to go.

But Huang Zhong is notoriously stubborn, how can he believe that such a good person exists in the world?

He preconceived that these people were liars.

How can you listen to your daughter's explanation now?
Huang Wudie had no choice but to tell Zhen Tuo about her intentions.He also explained that the reason why Zhen Tuo did this was to get her.

Hearing this, Huang Zhong flew into a rage.

It's really unreasonable for the bastard to dare to have his daughter's idea.

Although the Huang family was lonely, they were not so easy to bully.

So he came to the door with a weapon.

Seeing the faultfinder coming, the Zhen family's buddies put down their work.

"Let your master get out!"

Huang Zhong roared again.

"Who are you? Why are you looking for our master?"

Zhen Chang looked Huang Zhong up and down.

Huang Zhong snorted, stretched out his foot and suddenly lifted a stone drum into the air, smashing the water tank in the yard with a bang.

Oh my God!

Everyone couldn't help being surprised, and Zhen Chang also shrank his head.

This stone drum weighs at least one or two hundred catties, and it would fly away with one kick.

Zhen Chang only weighed more than 100 kilograms. If this kick landed on him, it would probably fly out like the stone drum.

This person can't be messed with!

Zhen Chang hurriedly backed away.

Hide if you can't afford it, is his motto.

Besides, he came to look for the second lady Zhen Tuo, so he had nothing to do with him.

He is too lazy to care so much.

(End of this chapter)

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