Chapter 574

less rest!

Huang Zhong blocked Dianwei's final blow and suddenly jumped out of the circle.

"Your Excellency is so strong, I, Huang Zhong, admire it. Don't know your name?"

Now that he was older, he suddenly had a feeling of sympathy.

Dian Wei put down the stone table.

Although he is extremely powerful, he is also a little tired when he wields such a thing.

"A certain family is Zhen Wei, the nursing home of the Zhen family."

It was top secret that Guo Jia came to Nanyang, so Dian Wei naturally did not dare to reveal his identity.

It turned out to be Zhen Zhuangshi!

Huang Zhong nodded.

This Zhen Wei is extremely powerful and skilled in martial arts. If he had a weapon at hand, he might not be able to defeat him.

When the matter reached this stage, Huang Zhong didn't want to make any more trouble.

He said slowly: "Young Master Zhen, listen. This time Huang came here to tell you. If you are willing to tell me how to cure Xu'er, I, Huang Zhong, will be grateful. But if you want to use this to beat me My daughter's idea, then don't blame me, Huang Zhong, for turning my face against others."

As he said that, he quickly tore off the bow and arrow, swish, swish, three arrows were shot out, and nailed to the beam in the shape of Yipin.

Good guy!
Seeing this, Dian Wei couldn't help but gasped.

When seeing Huang Zhong shooting an arrow, Dian Wei originally planned to go up and stop him, but he stopped again after hearing Huang Zhong's words.

Although this guy's reaction was a little slow, he still understood the general meaning.

It seems that the protagonist, Guo Jia, has taken a fancy to his daughter, but I don't want to, so he came here to make a big fuss.

The lord was too frightened to show his face, and he happened to come back to block Huang Zhong.

In other words, most of the lord's carelessness caused the disaster.

Thinking of this, Dian Wei has no impulse.

Fortunately, he didn't move, otherwise it would be dangerous.

This Huang Zhong is not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also superb in archery.

This archery technique may only be comparable to that of the fourth disciple Long.

Huang Zhong made three arrows to show his prestige, and immediately sneered, and said: "Since the Zhen family already has a warrior like Zhen Wei to help, why should Huang Zhong be a warrior. Farewell!"

He collected the bow and arrow, took the big knife, and was about to leave.

Huang Zhong originally came here to make a big fuss, but he met Dian Wei and those tiger guards who swore to die, which made him feel a little respectful.

If the quarrel continues, it will probably hurt both sides.

It was the master who caused the trouble, so what does it have to do with these servants?
Besides, Huang Zhong didn't have the confidence to defeat Dian Wei.

After teaching the members of the Zhen family a lesson, it's all right to let out a bad breath.


The door of the room opened suddenly, and Zhen Tuo came out slowly in women's attire.

She gave Huang Zhong a cold look.

"You mean, I have thoughts about your daughter?"

Huang Zhong was dumbfounded.

Back then at home, he had met Zhen Tuo, and he knew that she was the young master Zhen that his daughter said. According to his daughter, it was this young master Zhen who fell in love with her, and that's why he helped their family.


Seeing Zhen Tuo's women's attire, Huang Zhong felt that the sky was thundering.

Damn Nima!

What's the situation?
Is it my daughter who lied, or I was wrong.

He wiped his eyes vigorously, and carefully sized Zhen Tuo a few times.

To be honest, Huang Zhong's daughter Huang Wudie is also a beauty, but she seems to have inherited her father's majesty. This girl's figure is a little bit taller and stronger than ordinary women.

This Mr. Zhen has a beautiful face and a graceful figure, even more beautiful than his daughter.

Of course, this is not the point, the point is that Mr. Zhen is a woman.

At that time, it was not popular to engage in lilies, so how could people be interested in their daughters?
Huang Zhong had a fever on his face.

I don't know if my daughter misunderstood it, or I misunderstood it myself.

Anyway, this time it was a shame.

"Miss Zhen, I'm sorry!"

He suddenly let out a long sigh, clasped his fists and said, "Huang Zhong was reckless and offended Miss, I hope Miss will forgive me."

As he spoke, he bowed deeply.

Zhen Tuo sneered, and said: "You made trouble unreasonably, broke our things, and injured our people, can this one sentence of sorry be enough?"

Huang Zhong hurriedly said: "I will pay for the broken things. I will pay for the soup and medicine of the injured brother."

Although the Huang family can't be regarded as rich, they still have some family background.

"What about Miss Ben's reputation? You said in front of so many people that I had an affair with my daughter, where do you want my face to be?"

Having said this, Zhen Tuo was angry and annoyed.

What annoyed her was not Huang Zhong, but that invisible Guo Jia.

This bastard just had a good time with her for a few days, and in a blink of an eye, he went to Wan County to hang out with the daughter of the Qiao family.

How could Zhen Tuoyou not worry?
"You bastard who loves the new and dislikes the old, just die outside."

Zhen Tuo yelled and burst into tears, taking the opportunity to vent the grievances of the past few days.


Huang Zhong's face was greatly embarrassed.

His own oolong made too much trouble, and he didn't know how to end it.

At this moment, there was a miserable cry from outside the door.

"Master Zhen, you..."

It was Huang Wudie.

Not long ago, she got the news that Huang Zhong had come to Zhen's house to make a fuss, so she rushed over immediately in fright.

Along the way, the girl kept praying in secret.

Huang Zhong loved this pair of children very much and would not let them suffer any grievances, so when he learned that Mr. Zhen's family had ambitions for his daughter, he was so angry that he immediately rushed to argue.

Huang Wudie admired this Mr. Zhen very much, and was afraid that his father would have trouble with the Zhen family.

When she finally arrived at Zhen's house, everything was settled.

It's not as unrestrained as she thought.

The kind girl breathed a sigh of relief just now, but when her eyes fell on a pretty figure in the yard, she stopped moving.

Huang Wudie immediately recognized this woman as Mr. Zhen whom she had been thinking about day and night.

In an instant, like a thunderbolt in the clear sky, Huang Wudie was immediately suppressed.

It never occurred to her that this Mr. Zhen was actually a woman.

How could this be, how could this be?

Huang Wudie's face became extremely pale. She looked at all this in disbelief, bit her lips hard, and tried her best not to let the tears flow.

But the tears still fell like broken beads.

This girl waited on her sick brother all day long, and Zhen Tuo was the "man" she had the most contact with.

Poor love at the beginning, has withstood this kind of crushing blow.

She suddenly felt abandoned by the world.

In fact, being single is not terrible. What is terrible is that lovers eventually become brothers and sisters. What is even more terrifying is that lovers finally find out that the other party is the same sex.

Seeing Huang Wudie's desperate look, Zhen Tuo felt a little apologetic.

She whispered: "I'm sorry, sister Huang, I didn't mean to deceive you. If you want to blame, you can blame that bastard. If he hadn't insisted on making me wear men's clothes, naturally these things would not have happened. "

Stop talking!
Huang Wudie suddenly hid her face and fled, even though Huang Zhong called and did not respond.

Fearing that something might happen to his daughter, Huang Zhong hurriedly chased after her.

(End of this chapter)

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