Chapter 575 Beauty and the Beast

What's going on here?
Dian Wei was dumbfounded, and Sisi, who came back with him, was also dumbfounded.

He always thought that Guo Jia had taken a fancy to that girl from the Huang family, and that's why the girl from the Huang family came to make trouble.

This is also in line with Guo Jia's style.

But what he never expected was that Miss Zhen Tuo was the one who worried the girl from the Huang family.

It seems that something is wrong!

Is he too stupid, or is the world changing too fast?
Can this woman be with a woman?

Dian Wei couldn't help shaking his head, he really couldn't figure out such a profound and complicated problem with his brain capacity.

Zhen Tuo's eyes once again fell on Sisi who was silent at the side.

To avoid trouble, Sisi also wears men's clothes.

However, when the two met, Zhen Tuo recognized this charming brothel proprietress at a glance.

Thinking of Guo Jia's mysterious relationship with this Sisi, the girl became a little jealous.

It's all right for you to stay in the brothel honestly, but you dare to come to her door. Although Zhen Tuo is just one of Guo Jia's many concubines, she still wants to defend her territory to the death.

"Oh, isn't this the coquettish proprietress? What brought you here."

Zhen Tuo stepped forward sarcastically.

She was holding back her anger just now, and was worrying that she had nowhere to put it, so she happened to vent it on Sisi.

But who is Sisi?

That's someone who has been in the Fengyue world for many years.

From the hostility in the girl's eyes, she guessed that this woman had a lot to do with Guo Jia.

My visit this time probably caused a misunderstanding.

Sisi smiled sweetly at that moment, suddenly pulled Dian Wei, and said, "This is Zhen Wei's lady. Sisi met Miss here."

Saying that Wei Wei is blessed.

Dian Wei was pulled by her, and only waited to giggle a few times.

Seeing this situation, Zhen Tuo was taken aback for a moment, and then almost spat out with a puff.

What is this situation?

Why are some strange things.

It's all right for that big girl Huang Wudie to fancy herself as a fake son.

It can only be that the Huang family girl has not seen many men.

Besides, Zhen Tuo's men's clothing is also a little bit eye-catching.

But what surprised Zhen Tuo was, why did this charming proprietress fall in love with a big, stupid guy like Dian Wei?
Let's talk about Dian Wei.

Zhen Tuo can only be described with one word - ugly.

Because if you use two words, it is extremely ugly.

I don't know what enmity God has against him to make his face look like this.

It can be said to be ugly beyond the sky.

Zhen Tuo always thought that no woman would fall in love with Dian Wei in this life, except for those who love vanity and covet wealth.

After all, Dian Wei is also the general of Yunzhou.

But God seems to have played a trick on Zhen Tuo.

Someone really fell in love with Dian Wei, and this woman's beauty is not bad.

This is really a miracle!
Thinking of this, Zhen Tuo suddenly became interested.

"Silly old man, tell me, what's going on?"

Dian Wei grinned and scratched his head in embarrassment.

He didn't know how to speak.

But Sisi said generously: "Miss Hui, thanks to Zhen Wei's rescue, the little girl escaped a catastrophe. Now Zhen Wei also agrees, so she dropped everything and eloped with him."

Not bad!
Dian Wei nodded hastily.

The situation of the two is no different from elopement.


Zhen Tuo laughed a few times, and said: "Big man, I didn't see it, you actually have such a clever method."

Her mind is not as simple as Dian Wei's.

This Sisi is a famous courtesan in Nanyang, and Yuan Yao wanted to be her guest of honor.

Can she like Dian Wei, a big, stupid guy?


Sisi smiled lightly, and said: "Little girl has seen many men, and Zhen Wei is the only one who really treats her well. A woman will eventually marry in this life, and the little girl cherishes this man in front of her very much. I still hope that Miss Complete."

Said to be blessed again.

She knew that Zhen Tuo had a close relationship with Guo Jia, and before Guo Jia was dealt with, she had to deal with the mistress first, and things would naturally be easier in the future.

Dian Wei smirked again.

Sisi took the initiative to hold Dianwei's hand, her eyes were full of tenderness.

It is so!
Zhen Tuo couldn't help being surprised.

She is also a woman, so she is no stranger to Sisi's expression, which only appears to the man she loves.

She also had this look before, of course it was given to that heartless bastard Guo Jia.

It's a pity that at this moment, Guo Jia is probably in Qiao's mansion with her two daughters in her arms.

Thinking of this, Zhen Tuo couldn't help but darken his eyes.

At this moment, she actually felt a little envious of Sisi.

Although her man is a bit ugly, he treats her wholeheartedly and will not go out to make trouble.

"Okay, you guys get up first. I know about this, but I can't decide your affairs. I have to wait for him to come back."

Zhen Tuo said lightly.

Thank you miss!

The two bowed again.

This Zhen Tuo has a lot of weight in front of Guo Jia. If she doesn't object, things between the two will go smoothly.


Dian Wei looked left and right.

"Where did the lord go?"

After fighting for so long, he was really surprised that Guo Jia didn't come out.

This bastard!

Thinking of Guo Jia, Zhen Tuo became furious, and immediately shook his sleeves and said, "Dead!"

Said, leaving Sisi and Dianwei in astonishment, turned and walked into the room.


The two looked at each other, and both saw each other's doubts.

It seems that the young couple are having a quarrel.


Fu Sheng steals half a day off.

After everything was ready, Guo Jia stayed at Qiao's house.

Mi Zhu and Qiao Rui are responsible for implementing the plan, so he can be a hands-off shopkeeper with peace of mind and deepen his relationship with Erqiao by the way.

Dealing with the gentle and elegant bridge during the day, and talking with Xiao Qiao Bingzhu at night, this guy couldn't help being a little tired, and he would definitely take a nap in the afternoon.

A sneeze!

Guo Jia couldn't help rubbing his nose, but when he opened his eyes, he saw Xiao Qiao mischievously lying in front of him, holding a piece of dog's tail grass to tease his nostrils.


Guo Jia snorted and said, "You are so brave, you dare to tease me, see if I don't teach you a lesson."

As he spoke, he reached out and scratched her armpit a few times.

Little Qiao Gege laughed, out of breath, and said, ", I don't dare."

Immediately begged for mercy.

Girls are passionate!

Xiao Qiao is very fascinated by the young heroic husband-in-law who has long loved Mi Zhen.

Now I met by accident, and even fell in love with this handsome man irresistibly.

Although she also knew that this man had many women.

Of course, all of this was kept from her family, and even Guo Jia's identity was kept secret by this girl.

(End of this chapter)

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