Chapter 576 Why?

Xiao Qiao responded enthusiastically.

It's not the first time the two have been intimate, and she also likes to get along with Guo Jia very closely.

Of course, that's just the end of it, and if it goes any lower, this girl won't allow it at all.

Guo Jia didn't force it either.

Clear soup with little water also has the benefits of clear soup with little water.

However, no matter how light the soup is, you will feel thirsty if you drink too much.

This time Guo Jia couldn't bear it anymore, and his right hand began to slide towards Xiao Qiao's skirt.

Although Xiao Qiao's body is petite, she has developed well. She should be convex and concave, and she doesn't look like a girl of fourteen or five years old.

don't want……

Xiao Qiao immediately held Guo Jia's hand to stop him from invading further, but how could Guo Jia hold back at this moment?
Xiao Qiao couldn't help herself, and the hand that blocked Guo Jia was also a little weak.

Seeing that this girl's city was about to fall under Guo Jia's attack.

At this moment, there was another burst of brisk footsteps outside the door.

"Brother Zhen, sister!"

With a soft voice, it was Da Qiao.

The two hurriedly separated.

Xiao Qiao hurriedly tidied up her clothes, gave Guo Jia a white look, and then shouted: "Sister, I'm here!"

Hearing the girl's voice, Da Qiao walked in.

Guo Jia had the habit of taking a nap these two days, so she never bothered her.

But the girl Xiao Qiao is different.

This girl is a bit naughty and often makes Guo Jia a little embarrassed.

"Brother Zhen!"

Da Qiao came to the two of them with a smile.

At this moment, the two of them had already sat upright.

Xiao Qiao also pretended to be nonchalant, but her cheeks were still flushed and her eyes were very strange.

But Da Qiao is also like a blank sheet of paper, naturally he doesn't know what happened between the two.

"Father is back, he is waiting for Big Brother in the lobby!"

Da Qiao said softly, looking at Guo Jia very softly.

She also admires this handsome and funny man very much, and also vaguely knows that her parents want to betroth her to Guo Jia, so she also has an inexplicable affection for Guo Jia.

In fact, she was very satisfied with this man.

Qiao Rui is back!
Hearing this, Guo Jia nodded.

Most likely the planning has already begun.

"Brother, let's go!"

He stood up slowly as he spoke.

"I will go with you!"

Seeing that Guo Jia was about to leave, Xiao Qiao also stood up, and now she has almost recovered, except for some blush on her cheeks, there is nothing unusual about her appearance.

younger sister!

Da Qiao hurriedly said: "This time father wants to talk to Big Brother Zhen alone, so let's not go with him!"

Hearing this, Xiao Qiao was suddenly disappointed.

The close contact these few days made this girl suddenly unable to leave Guo Jia.

But since her father said so, she couldn't refuse.


She just nodded.

"You two sisters later, brother Yu will come back as soon as he goes!"

Guo Jia clasped his hands together, and then Shi Ran left the room.

So chic!
Xiao Qiao looked at Guo Jia's back and became very obsessed.

If she had such a heroic husband-in-law, her life would not be in vain.

younger sister!

Da Qiao suddenly called her.

Xiao Qiao thought about Guo Jia, but didn't respond.

younger sister!

Da Qiao gave the girl a strange look, and his voice became a little louder.

Xiao Qiao just woke up like a dream.

"What's the matter, sister?"

She was a little embarrassed.


Da Qiao suddenly felt a little embarrassed, and he hesitated and said nothing.

elder sister!

Xiao Qiao squinted at her with a smile on his face.

"What else are we sisters embarrassed to say?"

She felt that her sister today was a little strange.

A blush flashed across Da Qiao's face again, and he hesitated for a long time before saying: "My parents have arranged a marriage for my sister..."

Xiao Qiao was taken aback for a moment.

"Is there anyone in Wan County who can be worthy of my sister? Is it Yuan Yao? No, no, I can't agree. My sister is so beautiful, so I naturally want to find a heroic husband-in-law."

Speaking of which, the girl was about to go out to find her father, Qiao Rui, for a theory.

Not any more!
Da Qiao hurriedly grabbed the girl.

Not Yuan Yao?

Hearing this, Xiao Qiao breathed a sigh of relief.

Yuan Yao is a prodigal son, and my sister will definitely not be happy if she marries him.

But the girl was a little suspicious again.

Besides Yuan Yao, who else in Wan County can be worthy of her sister Da Qiao?

Xiao Qiao repeatedly said a few names, all of them were Yuan Shu's subordinates, but Da Qiao shook her head again and again.


Xiao Qiao frowned lightly.

Although these people are a little bad, they can be regarded as famous people in Wan County. Since they are not, then she really can't guess.

Da Qiao looked at her carefully, a shyness flashed across his face suddenly, and he asked in a low voice: "What do you think of Brother Zhen?"

Young hero!

Xiao Qiao answered without thinking.

With Guo Jia's status, he naturally deserves this evaluation.

is it?

Da Qiao glanced at the girl in surprise. Although she had a good impression of Guo Jia, she did not reach this level.

But what she didn't expect was that this girl had already seen Guo Jia's true identity.

Xiao Qiao was stunned suddenly, she looked at her sister puzzled, wondering what her sister was asking Guo Jia for?
Is it...

The girl suddenly froze and looked at Da Qiao in surprise.

Could it be...

Her body trembled suddenly, and her face turned pale.

no... no...

The girl shook her head vigorously, unable to believe the truth.

Da Qiao didn't pay attention to Xiao Qiao's expression, but replied shyly: "Sister, this husband is Brother Zhen."

Hearing her sister's words, Xiao Qiao felt that the sky was thundering, and her mind went blank for a moment.

How can this be?

How could my sister's husband be him?
This is impossible?

Xiao Qiao suddenly yelled and rushed out.

Guo Jia has always been her idol, and Xiao Qiao has been secretly in love with her for a long time.

Originally, the distance between the two was thousands of miles away, Xiao Qiao also thought it was wishful thinking.

But God actually arranged for the two to meet at home, Xiao Qiao was naturally overjoyed, and she believed that it was God's arrangement.

So these days, she has been waiting for one thing.

That is Guo Jia proposing marriage to her parents.

Only in this way can the two of them be together in a legitimate way.


A wry smile suddenly flashed across the corner of the girl's mouth.

The encounter between the two seemed like a dream, and when they woke up, nothing was left.

Guo Jia is actually going to become her sister's husband-in-law, which was decided by her parents.

Judging from her sister's expression, she is also very satisfied with this husband-in-law.

Once the two get married, she can only be Guo Jia's sister-in-law.

For Xiao Qiao, it was a bolt from the blue.

why is it like this!
Why do you treat me so!
Xiao Qiao ran out in a daze, took a few steps and fell, then got up again and continued to wrestle.

Even so, she didn't stop and let her sister shout behind her and ignored her.

(End of this chapter)

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