Chapter 577 Rebellion
Let's say that when Guo Jia came to the front hall, Qiao Rui was sitting upright, waiting for him a long time ago.

"Meet General Qiao!"

Guo Jia saluted immediately.


Seeing Guo Jia approaching, Qiao Rui immediately stood up and stretched out his hand to pull him into the seat.

"My brother, how can there be so many courtesies?"

He poured a glass of wine for Guo Jia himself.

"Brother Zhen, I have already prepared the plan you arranged, and I can do it at any time."

it is good!
Guo Jia couldn't help but nodded.

Qiao Rui's side is ready, and Mi Zhu's side is almost ready.

Planning is about to begin!
"General Qiao has worked hard!"

Guo Jia raised his glass.

Where are you talking!
Qiao Rui also raised his glass and said, "Happy cooperation!"

Happy cooperation!

A smile appeared on the corner of Guo Jia's mouth.

The two clinked glasses, drank them all in one gulp, and laughed loudly.

Nanyang is Yuan Shu's territory, but he will retreat to Huainan after a while.

In other words, this place will soon be a land of no man.

The prosperity of Nanyang is also short-lived and will soon wither.

So Guo Jia planned to pick the many flowers before they withered.

In fact, Guo Jia had this idea from the first day he came to Nanyang.

After discussing with Mi Zhu, he started to implement it.

To implement this plan, it must be said that Tongwan County actually controls Qiaorui, and it happens that Qiaorui has an old relationship with Mi Zhu, and this can be used as a breakthrough point to pull Qiaorui into the water.

It happened that Dian Wei beat Yuan Yao again, and Madam Yuan asked Qiao Rui to catch the murderer.

It was only then that Guo Jia used a clever trick to use a death row prisoner as a stand-in for Pian Wei, thereby rescuing Qiao Rui and gaining Qiao Rui's trust.

In this way, the plan is carried out more smoothly.

The plan is also very simple.

First let the Jizhou Army make some noise, and then let the ears and eyes of Wan County and other places in Nanyang spread rumors, saying that the Jizhou Army is about to fight.

Yuan Shu had previously cut off the commercial route through Jizhou, so it was reasonable for Jizhou to turn around and retaliate.

As long as the rumor spreads well, Wan County and even Nanyang will fluctuate.

It's time for Qiao Rui to play.

He only needs to put the whole city on alert and prepare for the battle, and this rumor will be confirmed.

Merchants live for profit, and once a war is about to break out in Wan County, they will definitely run away.

So during this period, they will dispose of their assets on a large scale.

During this period, goods, stores and other things will shrink on a large scale.

Guo Jia had already asked Mi Zhu to prepare money and buy goods, shops and other things wantonly.

When they were full of food and drink, Qiao Rui returned to the carbine again, came out to appease the people, and clarified the rumor.

In this way, the form of Nanyang stabilized again.

Where there is demand, there will be a market.

The prices of commodities and shops will naturally return to their original prices again.

With the ability of a profiteer like Mi Zhu, with a little operation, it is easy to double the number of commodity stores in their hands.

As long as Wan County stabilizes, these things will inevitably lead to looting by merchants.

In this way, they buy in below the market price and sell it for twice the market price.

Once in and out, they made a lot of money!
In a short period of time, Nanyang's prices will double several times.

After seeing business opportunities, large and small merchants entered the market in turn.

Beat the drum and pass the flowers, whoever takes the last stick is an idiot! .

This is also the famous method of shearing sheep in later generations.

Wool comes from sheep, Guo Jia seized a lot of wealth in Nanyang, and the decline of Nanyang became inevitable.

Guo Jia would laugh out loud thinking that Yuan Shu could be finished without a single soldier.

This guy probably never dreamed that the originally prosperous Nanyang would become impoverished.

The original plan was also very smooth. Mi Zhu and Qiao Rui each performed their duties and had already made the preliminary preparations. Guo Jia only needed to quietly take back the fruits of victory.

Once Guo Jia takes back what Guo Jia wants, he will leave quickly.

As for Qiao Rui's life and death, he naturally didn't bother to ask.

It's just a pawn with no use value.

But what Guo Jia didn't expect was that he met Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao, who had been missing all this time.

What Guo Jia didn't expect was that this little Qiao was actually his fan, and he had already recognized his identity.

In order to appease Xiao Qiao, he also had to live in the mansion.

Long live love!

Now, Guo Jia can't do without this little Qiao.

Therefore, for Xiao Qiao, he had to take the Qiao family away.

That's the real reason he stayed.

You and I drink each other, and gradually drink a little too much.

Qiao Rui's tongue is also getting bigger.

"Brother Mi!"

He patted Guo Jia's shoulder vigorously.

"You are very good. With you, the Mi family will surely prosper!"

Although this Guo Jia is young, his methods are very good.

Especially in this move, a lot of money was made as soon as it was entered and exited.

Qiao Rui is admirable.

Of course, his benefits are also indispensable.

Otherwise, how could Xingang help Guo Jia so easily?

Therefore, greed is the driving force of crime.

Naturally, Qiao Rui also likes money, so he hit it off with Guo Jia.

"General Bridge!"

Guo Jia coughed and said tentatively: "Although General Yuan is famous all over the world, in my opinion, he is not the master of the Ming Dynasty. Moreover, this Nanyang is not a place where he has lived for a long time. Once something happens to General Yuan, what should the general do?"

Now that he has decided to take Xiao Qiao with him, he can't ignore his family.

When necessary, the bridge will still be taken away.

But I don't know how loyal Qiao Rui is to Yuan Shu, so he wants to test it out with the strength of wine.

General Yuan!
Qiao Rui suddenly laughed, and said, "It's better for you businessmen to see clearly. Nanyang is the place where the Four World Wars were fought, not the foundation of hegemony. Although General Yuan is famous all over the world, he is not a successful person."

He was also a little too drunk, and he actually started talking to Guo Jia.

There is a door!

Hearing Qiao Rui's evaluation of Yuan Shu, Guo Jia felt hopeful.

Since he is not so loyal to Yuan Shu, he has a way to persuade him to leave.

In this way, Xiao Qiao's face will also look better.

But Qiao Rui suddenly changed the subject.

"Back then, when Qiao was down and down, he survived thanks to brother Zizhong's help. Without brother Zizhong, there would be no me, Qiaorui. But although brother Zizhong helped me, he didn't let me stand up. Really let me It was General Yuan who I, Qiao Rui, stood up."

Having said that, his eyes suddenly flashed with gratitude.

"Back then, I, Qiao Rui, a commoner, defected to General Yuan. General Yuan didn't take it seriously, and entrusted me with a heavy duty. That's how Qiao Rui was born. General Yuan's kindness, Qiao Rui will never forget."


Hearing this, Guo Jia's heart sank.

He has heard Qiao Rui's thoughts.

This person will not betray Yuan Shu.

Things are probably a little tricky!

(End of this chapter)

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