Chapter 580 Coincidence
Hearing that Mr. Heiyi was going to give up Nanyang and move his foundation to Jingxiang, the young man was very surprised.

Heishui has also been operating in Nanyang for many years, and now it has initially gained some strength. It would be a pity to give up now.


The young man hurriedly said: "The students think it's better not to make a conclusion first. What if this is a scam?"

He was still skeptical about the news.

Because no matter how you look at it, Jizhou's attack on Nanyang is a loss-making business.

There were not many people in Jizhou, at most 3 people, and they had to guard against Yuan Shao, Cao Cao and other princes who dominated one side.

Although Yuan Shu in Nanyang is not too strong, he still has 3 people.

Even if the Jizhou soldiers took down Nanyang, it would be a tragic victory, and they would risk being intercepted by Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

If he were Guo Jia, he would not use troops against Yuan Shu until Cao Cao and Yuan Shao were dealt with.

Therefore, the young people concluded that this battle could not be fought.

Mr. Heiyi sighed, and said, "Haven't you understood yet? It's the worst thing if you don't fight. What Guo Jia wants to deal with is not Yuan Shu, but Nanyang's business."

Not hitting is the most important thing?
The young man was stunned again. He was originally an extremely intelligent person, so he soon understood.

The bow and crossbow are drawn but not fired, which is the most threatening.

Guo Jia put on the appearance of using a soldier to show the merchants in Nanyang.

Merchants are a group that pursues interests. Although Nanyang is prosperous, it is facing the danger of war.

They will leave here immediately.

Once the merchants left, Nanyang completely lost its value.

The reason why Heishui operates here is entirely because of the business prospects of Nanyang, where they can buy what they urgently need at a low price.

Once Nanyang's business prospects are gone, there is no point for them to stay here.

That's it!

The young man nodded.

Older gingers are more spicy!
Mr. Hei Yi saw Guo Jia's intentions at a glance, so he was prepared for the worst.


Surprise suddenly appeared on the young man's face.

"Since war can't be fought, and only business has changed, why don't we leave after making a lot of money?"

Make a fortune?
Mr. in black froze for a moment.

Although he is proficient in the art of war, he doesn't know much about business.

But the disciple in front of him is a genius, so there might be some way to do it.

"How to make a lot of money?"

Mr. Black asked in a low voice.

The young man smiled slightly and said: "Since ancient times, shopping malls have been like battlefields. Since we have insight into the enemy's mind, we can predict the next changes. Once Jizhou assumes an offensive posture, the merchants in Wan County and Nanyang will immediately Will sell the goods in the store, ready to leave at any time."

Not bad!

Mr. Black nodded.

There is no need to predict this anymore, Wan County is currently undergoing a big sale scene.

"The reason why Guo Jia did this was to attack Nanyang's business, not to invade Nanyang. Therefore, the soldiers must not come out. If there is thunder but no rain, the merchants in Nanyang will see through Guo Jia's plot, so they will definitely continue. Return. During the period of their return, Nanyang’s commodity store assets will definitely rise on a large scale. This is the rebound after compression. Therefore, our opportunity has come!”

The young man said with a smile.

Hearing his disciple's opinion, Mr. Heiyi couldn't help but gasped.

If they seize the opportunity to buy low and sell high, wouldn't they be able to make a lot of money?

As long as you operate properly, you will be able to grab a lot of wealth in a short period of time.

In this way, Heishui's funds are more sufficient.

Thinking of this, Mr. Black showed a smile on his face.

"Good good!"

He said three good words in a row.

This disciple was able to comprehend commercial struggle from the art of war, and he could draw inferences from one instance and turn disadvantages into advantages. He was a genius in the world.

"How sure are you?"

The man in black asked in a low voice.

The young man thought for a while, nodded and said, "About seventy percent."

As long as Jizhou does not send troops, the chaos in Nanyang will eventually calm down.

Once it's quiet, it's their chance.

very good!

Mr. Black nodded again.

"I entrust all the resources of Heishui in Nanyang to your operation. You must not let down your expectations as a teacher!"

Hearing that Mr. Heiyi valued him so much, the young man was also very excited.

"Students must live up to the expectations of their masters."

Now tell me your plan.

The young man's plan almost coincides with Guo Jia's.

First, rumors were used to encourage businessmen in the city to sell their assets, and they bought them at a low price, and then bought off the government to stabilize the situation.

Once the situation stabilizes, merchants will return in large numbers.If they push the flames secretly, asset prices will skyrocket, and they will make a lot of money.

After hearing the young man's plan, Mr. Black nodded excitedly.

Win by surprise and fit together!
This disciple is indeed a genius.

With this disciple around, who will win the battle between Heishui and Guo Jia?


Mr. in black looked up to the sky and let out a long laugh.

"Guo Fengxiao, Guo Fengxiao, you are a ghost in Yingchuan. You have always been good at making surprises and winning with surprises. Now I have a genius in Heishui. I want to see if it is you, the ghost, or our Heishui genius. .”


A sneeze!

Guo Jia, who finally arrived at the Zhenjia cargo station, couldn't help but sneezed.

He looked at all this in surprise.

It seems that something is wrong!

I haven't seen you for two days, why is there no one in sight.

"Where did everyone go?"

He couldn't help but yelled.

"My lord is back!"

Hearing Guo Jia's voice, Dian Wei hurried over.

"Come on, you're still willing to come back!"

Guo Jia asked jokingly.

He had already been to the brothel before he came, and knew that Sisi had already left.

During this period of time, Dian Wei and Sisi have been living together, and the lonely man and widow don't know if there is a spark.

Dian Wei had a ghost in his heart, he faltered and couldn't speak at once!

Seeing Dian Wei like this, Guo Jia couldn't help but burst out laughing.

At this moment, the sound of horseshoes came from outside the door, and a big man rushed in. It was Huang Zhong.

Seeing Huang Zhong approaching, Dian Wei immediately stood in front of Guo Jia.

"Huang, my master is here, don't act wild."

As he spoke, he showed his double halberds.

Although the two fought against each other last time, Dian Wei did not show his due strength due to the lack of weapons.

I have always had some regrets in my heart.

When Kung Fu practiced to the point of Dian Wei, it was difficult to meet an evenly matched opponent. It was better in Yunzhou, where he could compete with a few brothers, but when he came to Nanyang, he felt lonely as a master.

Huang Zhong's appearance just gave Dian Wei a chance.

Therefore, he had already prepared the double halberds, just waiting for Huang Zhong to come to the door.

(End of this chapter)

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