Chapter 581 Convincing Huang Zhong
Besides, when Dian Wei saw Huang Zhong coming, he was very happy, and he drew out his double halberds and was about to go up to fight.

But Huang Zhong obviously didn't come to fight, he didn't even bring a weapon.

"Zhen Zhuangshi, you misunderstood, Huang did not come to fight this time."

He shouted anxiously: "Miss Zhen, Miss Zhen, have you ever seen my daughter?"

your daughter?
Guo Jia was stunned for a moment.

Isn't Huang Zhong's daughter Huang Wudie?
Seems like a nice little girl.

"What happened to your daughter?"

Guo Jia asked puzzledly.

He still had a good impression of the little girl Huang Wudie.


Huang Zhong hesitated for a while, and then said: "Leaving home and walking out!"

It turned out that when Huang Wudie found out that Mr. Zhen, whom she had a crush on, was a woman, all thoughts were lost for a moment.

She has always been living in the shadows, with her sick brother and old father in her eyes. It is very easy to meet someone who makes her fall in love, but now it is a misunderstanding.

For a while, Huang Wudie couldn't bear the blow, and left home quietly that night with a book.

After Huang Zhong found out, he was naturally anxious, so he left his son at home to look for it by himself.

The Zhenjia freight station is his last hope.

"Your daughter is missing?"

Guo Jia was stunned again.

Huang Zhong's daughter is missing. What are you looking for at Zhen's Cargo Station?
At this time Zhen Tuo's room door opened, and the girl came out slowly without even looking at Guo Jia.

"Your daughter is missing, what does it have to do with me? If you don't look for it, what are you doing here?"

The voice was extremely indifferent, and there seemed to be some resentment.

Huang Zhong also seemed to know that he was wrong, and said in a low voice: "Miss Zhen's family. Everything is due to Huang's recklessness. I hope Miss will forgive me."

He hesitated for a moment, and begged: "If the lady can help me find my daughter, Huang will be very grateful, but if the lady asks, Huang will definitely go all out."


Zhen Tuo smiled instead of anger, and said, "What does it matter to me that your daughter ran away? Why should I help you find her?"

Huang Zhong was at a loss for words again.

It was Guo Jia who suddenly said: "Miss, this Mr. Huang is also eager to love his daughter. Naturally, we have to go all out. Besides, after all, a girl's family is still not at ease."

Seeing Huang Zhong's humility, he was already very happy.

Isn't it just to find someone?
Isn't it easy to use Skynet's eyes and ears?

But now that the two are acting as the hostess and subordinates, he must not reveal his secrets.

It was good that he didn't speak, but this remark immediately aroused Zhen Tuo's anger.

"You bastard is still pretending to be a good person. If it weren't for you, how could you do such a thing? Go to hell!"

As he spoke, he picked up the bottles and cans on the side and threw them over.

Guo Jia left her to hang out with other women, this girl was already a little angry.

Now that he came back, not only did he not comfort her, but he actually helped Huang Zhong to speak.

It really makes no sense!
The second lady went crazy, and threw whatever she picked up.

All of a sudden, miscellaneous objects flew towards Guo Jia.

"what happened?"

Guo Jia was taken aback and wanted to hide behind Dian Wei.

But this time Dian Wei dodged aside without loyalty.

He didn't want to meddle with the matter between the lord and the second lady, and he didn't dare to meddle, what if the second lady took her anger out on him?
Besides, this guy has something to ask for from Zhentuo.

darn thing!

Seeing Dian Wei being so disrespectful, Guo Jia couldn't help but cursed, turned around and escaped from the freight station.

"You stop for me!"

Zhen Tuo angrily chased after him.

She finally saw Guo Jia, how could she let him escape.

The two chased and fled, and soon disappeared before everyone's eyes.


Huang Zhong was a little overwhelmed.

what with what?
He looked at Dian Wei with some puzzlement.

Dian Wei shrugged!

He didn't dare to ask about the matter of the young couple, and he didn't bother to ask.

Huang Zhong was about to catch up, but was blocked by Dian Wei.

"You are so unreasonable as a servant, and you won't help when you see your master fighting?"

he scolded.


Dian Wei scratched his head.

"Ignore it!"

Then his eyes fell on Huang Zhong's body, and Wei Zheng's hands were itchy.

"Try it?"

He suddenly asked with a smile.

But given this guy's extremely ugly face, even when he smiles, isn't he usually ugly?
Dian Wei showed his double halberds again.

No time!

Huang Zhong rolled his eyes.

At this moment, he is concerned about the whereabouts of his daughter, so why is he in the mood to compete with Dian Wei?

Dian Wei smiled slightly, and said: "Don't worry, those two will come back soon. My lord will not ignore your daughter. You just need to wait in peace. We are also idle, why don't we try it out."

Said eager to try again.

is it?

Huang Zhong was a little dubious.

Looking at it like that, Miss Zhen's family is really angry, that young man has to be skinned if he doesn't die.

will not!

Dian Wei shook his head solemnly again.

"My lord is very good at flirting with girls. It won't be long before this young lady will happily follow him back. It will only add to the confusion if you follow him."

This is also his experience.

Sure enough, not long after, the two came back talking and laughing. Zhen Tuo snuggled up to Guo Jia's side, very gentle, didn't he look like he just had a fight?

Huang Zhong was dumbfounded again.

Is that okay?

Today's knowledge once again maxed out his three views.

Dian Wei laughed proudly.

The protagonist's methods of dealing with women are endless.

As long as any pretty woman falls into his hands, she will be submissive, which is why Dian Wei insisted on letting Guo Jia deal with Sisi's mistress.

As long as Sisi's mistress meets Guo Jia, she will definitely be devoted to Guo Jia.

After sending Zhen Tuo back to the room, Guo Jia breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that so many things happened in the past few days when he was away, no wonder this girl was upset.

"Mr. Huang!"

Guo Jia came to Huang Zhong.

"Don't worry, I'll send someone to inquire about Ms. Huang's news. With the Zhen family's eyes and ears in Nanyang, it won't be long before they find out."

Hearing this, Huang Zhong was relieved.

"Thank you sir!"

No matter how dull he is, he still knows that the Zhen family is headed by this man.

That lady is just a cover.

Mr. Huang!
Guo Jia coughed and said, "How did you think about what you said earlier?"

Huang Zhong is a fierce general, so Guo Jia will naturally not let him go.

Besides, he just came to Nanyang, and Huang Zhong was his main target.

Huang Zhonglue pondered for a while, cupped his fists and said: "As long as the young master can find the little girl, Huang Zhong will do as he pleases."

Now he can't agree to it.

it is good!
Guo Jia nodded, and said: "It's a deal, I'll send someone to find Ms. Huang right away. I hope Mr. Huang will prepare, we will go back soon."

no problem!
Huang Zhong nodded.

"As soon as he sees the little girl, Huang will take his son to Zhen's goods station."

(End of this chapter)

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