Chapter 583 Family
Zhen Wei!

Sisi exclaimed, and said, "What are you doing? My own sins will naturally be borne by myself. What are you doing?"

So far, the two have not confessed everything to each other.

Dian Wei said calmly: "You are dead, what's the point of living in a certain family, why not go together today. Let's be husband and wife earlier in the next life."

Hearing this, Sisi burst into tears again.

If a husband is like this, what can a woman ask for?
Although the two cannot live together, they can die together, which is also a kind of fate.

The two of them are in the same mind at this moment, their eyes are full of joy, and they will go to the underworld together in the next moment.

At this moment, there was another burst of crying in the yard.

"You two can't die, if you want to die, let that bastard Guo Jia die!"

Zhen Tuo rushed over in a hurry, and she beat Guo Jia hard.

"Let you pretend, let you play tricks, let you be an asshole!"

Guo Jia just smiled and said nothing, letting the girl beat her.

It turned out that all of this was negotiated by them.So what Guo Jia blamed the two was that Zhen Tuo didn't show up either.

Zhen Tuo beat Guo Jia for a while, and immediately came to Sisi, grabbed her dagger, and cried, "Sister Sisi, you don't have to die, and you don't have to die even if you're a fool. That bastard Guo Jia is pretending Yes, he didn't mean to let you die."


Dian Wei and Sisi were a little dumbfounded.

They didn't react for a while.

Guo Jia smiled slightly and said: "Okay, okay, after some testing by me, the two of you really have a deep affection. How can I stop such a deep affection?"

He looked at Dian Wei and said, "Come on, you are so lucky. I am a little jealous that you can meet such a good woman as Sisi?"

Dian Wei was surprised and delighted.

Although he was unresponsive, he also knew that things had turned for the better.

The fellow immediately dropped the double halberds, and hugged Sisi excitedly.

"Great, we don't have to die, my lord agreed."

Sisi was also very pleasantly surprised, but she was so careful that she still heard some clues.

She hurriedly pushed away Dian Wei who was giggling aside, and came to Guo Jia again.

"It turns out that the master is General Guo. The subordinates have eyes that don't know Mount Tai. They have offended me a lot. I hope the master will forgive me."

At this moment, her heart was truly in her stomach.

The man in front of him is Guo Jia, the Hussar General of the dynasty, the overlord of Yunzhou, Jizhou and Youzhou, and the supreme leader of Skynet.

If he is willing to agree to himself, there is probably no problem with the hostess.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia smiled, and wanted to reach out to help Sisi up.

But after thinking about it, he withdrew his hand and just made a holding motion in vain.

Since this woman is already Dian Wei's woman, he, the lord, has to leave some leeway.

Friend's wife can't play!

Body-to-skin contact should be avoided in the future.

"Get up!"

He said lightly.

Thank you master!

Sisi stood up slowly.

She turned her head to look at Dian Wei, and smiled wryly, "Since the master is General Guo, then you should be the leader of the Tiger Guards, General Dian Wei."

At this moment, she only knew Dian Wei's true identity, and she felt a little pleasantly surprised.

For a long time, Sisi only thought that Dian Wei was an ordinary person, but she didn't expect that he was the world-famous Huwei General Dian Wei.


Dian Wei rubbed his head in embarrassment.

"A certain family is so ugly, so it's natural that Dian Wei was replaced by a fake. If you don't dare to be a general, you can call me evil in the future. This is the name chosen by the master."


Sisi immediately lowered her head and whispered: "My real name is Du Hanying, and I am the person in charge of Skynet in Nanyang."

"After a long time of trouble, it turns out that you are from Skynet?"

Dian Wei was also taken aback.

He is Guo Jia's confidant and favorite general, and he is naturally no stranger to Skynet.

Sisi blushed and nodded.

Although the two were already in love with each other, they did not disclose their identities to each other out of the need for confidentiality.

Now is the truth!

Guo Jia couldn't help laughing a few times.

He is still very satisfied with the loyalty of the two.

"This is what caused the flood to flood the Dragon King Temple, and the whole family no longer knows each other."

As long as one of the two is not determined and reveals his identity, the matter will not be so dramatic.

Sisi's face was filled with a smile.

If she had known that Dianwei's protagonist was the famous General Guo, how could she have written a letter to seek help from the hostess Cai Yu?

alright, alright!

Guo Jia waved again and said, "You two, stop showing your affection in front of others. If you have anything to say, hurry up and talk in the room. Don't make everyone jealous!"

Thank you master for fulfilling.

The two bowed again and were about to enter the house.

At this time, a cold voice came.

"He agreed, but I haven't agreed yet?"

A figure slowly walked into the freight station, it was Cai Yu.

She received Sisi's letter and knew that something happened in Nanyang, so she rushed here immediately.

As soon as I arrived at the cargo station, I witnessed the previous scene.

Hearing this voice, Sisi's face suddenly turned extremely pale, and she suddenly fell to her knees.


Although Guo Jia is the owner of Skynet, Sisi's awe of the hostess has been imprinted in her bones.

Cai Yu looked at Sisi coldly.

"You wrote me to come all the way to Nanyang just to watch these farces?"

Sorry, master!

Sisi's body trembled a little.

Cai Yu's imperial orders are extremely strict, and he will be severely punished for any negligence.

Guo Jia hurriedly said: "Zhen Ji, that..."

Stop talking!
Cai Yu looked at him coldly and said, "It has nothing to do with you that I teach my subordinates a lesson! If you want to intervene, I will return Skynet to you."

After several years of training, this girl is becoming more and more like a queen.

Guo Jia obediently closed her mouth.

The two had already agreed that Cai Yu was in charge of Skynet, and Guo Jia was not allowed to intervene.

The smooth operation of Skynet is inseparable from Cai Yu's meticulous management. If he talks too much at this time, it will definitely damage Cai Yu's dignity in Skynet.

Of course he wouldn't do such an unwise thing.

Although Guo Jia is inconvenient to talk, it doesn't mean that other people can't.

"Sister Zhenji!"

Zhen Tuo immediately went up to meet her, quietly grabbed her hand, and said cautiously: "You must be exhausted after coming here from such a long distance, you should take a rest first."

When they were in the Guo family, the relationship between the two was pretty good.

"You are Jiang'er's younger sister, I haven't seen you for a few years and you've grown up so much!"

Cai Yu's eyes fell on this girl, and a rare smile appeared on her face, but she soon realized something was wrong.

This girl's brows are full of spring, less of a girl's innocence and more of a woman's charm.

Cai Yu was someone who had experienced it, so she immediately understood.

Guo Jia, you bastard!

She was very annoyed in her heart. He was working hard outside, but he hadn't forgotten how to be happy.

It really makes no sense!
(End of this chapter)

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