Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 584 Merry Will Be Retribution

Chapter 584 Merry Will Be Retribution

After receiving Sisi's letter, Cai Yu immediately rushed over from Chang'an.

Nanyang is an important node for news communication between the north and the south of Skynet. Once something goes wrong, the entire Skynet will be delayed, so she has to rush over to deal with it.

Of course, a few days later is also fine.

It was Guo Jia who really made Cai Yu come here non-stop.

Because she had already learned from Sisi that someone had appeared in Nanyang with a token.

There are only two Skynet tokens, one on Cai Yu and the other on Guo Jia.

After listening to Sisi's description, Cai Yu was even more sure that it was Guo Jia who came to Nanyang.

The two hadn't seen each other for a few days, so this girl left Chang'an for Nanyang immediately.

But what she didn't expect was that when she arrived at the destination, she witnessed a farce with her own eyes.

For some reason, Dian Wei got together with Du Hanying, her competent subordinate in Nanyang, and the two actually made a private appointment for life.

This made Cai Yu very angry.

Skynet is an intelligence organization that requires members to be absolutely loyal, because once there is a mutiny, the entire organization will face the danger of being exposed.

So Cai Yu has always used torture to restrain his subordinates.

It is precisely because of this that Skynet can operate smoothly.

But this time, Du Hanying's actions violated Cai Yu's taboo.

If the backbone of Skynet is doing this, then she, the leader, has also done it.

This time, she wanted to make an example to the monkeys, so as to prevent similar things from happening again.

"Du Hanying!"

Cai Yu said coldly: "You also know the rules of Skynet. As the backbone of Skynet, not only make a private life with people, but also deceive the master."

Her gaze became cold.

"You know what to do, don't you?"

Du Hanying's body trembled, and his complexion became very pale.

The first rule of Skynet is to die if she deceives her master. She concealed her personal relationship with Dian Wei. This is deceiving her master. According to the rules, she must be executed.

Second Miss!
Dian Wei knelt down in front of Cai Yu again.

"This is all a certain family's idea, if you want to blame it, you can blame the certain family!"

Indeed, it was this fellow's idea to lure Cai Yu over with the letter box.

At the beginning, Dian Wei didn't know that Cai Yu was Du Hanying's mistress, and he wanted Guo Jia to deal with this mysterious woman.

Cai Yu looked unmoved.

"You belong to him and don't belong to me, otherwise I will be the first to kill you."

As he spoke, he waved his sleeves and said sharply, "Du Hanying, do you want me to do it, or do you do it yourself?"

Hearing Cai Yu's shout, Yu Linglong, who was following her, suddenly appeared, and coldly looked at Du Hanying who was kneeling on the ground, her eyes flashed with murderous intent.

This is the rhythm to do it!
Everyone couldn't help being surprised.

Guo Jia was also taken aback.

He thought that Cai Yu was just trying to scare the two of them, but now it seems that this girl doesn't seem to be joking.

"Sister Zhenji!"

Zhen Tuo at the side also paled.

She hastily pleaded: "They are very affectionate, why should my sister tear them apart?"

As he spoke, he gently shook Cai Yu's hand, his eyes showing pleading expressions.

"The state has the laws of the state, and the family has family rules!"

Cai Yu said indifferently: "Since you have made a mistake, you must accept punishment, otherwise how will my sister control the people in Skynet?"

elder sister!

Zhen Tuo wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Cai Yu.

"Sister, don't talk about it. I'll catch up with you after my sister finishes handling the housework."

As he spoke, he stepped forward a few steps.

Du Hanying's expression turned pale, knowing that it would be difficult to escape this time.

She didn't dare to resist, because her sisters and relatives were all in Cai Yu's hands.

"Husband, see you in the next life!"

With a faint sigh, she stood up slowly.

This kind of thing can only be solved by own death.


Dian Wei grabbed her tightly.

After finally meeting a true love, how could he let go so easily?

At this time, Dian Wei could only turn to Guo Jia for help.

After all, the only one who wants Cai Yu to change his mind is the omnipotent master.

Seeing Dian Wei's pleading eyes, Guo Jia smiled wryly.

Dian Wei is a tough guy, even if he dies in battle, he won't frown. Now that he is begging like this, I'm afraid he has already fallen in love with this thought.

He wanted to beg for mercy, but he was also afraid of losing Cai Yu's face, which would do great damage to her management of Skynet today.

How to do?
Guo Jia was also a little embarrassed.

While hesitating, a beautiful figure suddenly rushed in in a panic.

"Feng Xiao, Feng Xiao, it's not good. My father sent someone to look for my sister all day today, but they didn't find any trace. You should send someone to look for her!"

Everyone's eyes fell on the visitor again.

What a beautiful woman!
At the age of [-], she is as beautiful as a fairy, wearing a white dress like a fairy walking out of a painting, it is Da Qiao.

Everyone sighed.

Although this girl is a little younger, her appearance and figure are all outstanding, and her beauty is better than the three girls present.

It turned out that the Qiao family just thought that their daughter was naughty and would come back after relaxing on the street. Unexpectedly, they sent people out to look for it for a long time, but there was no trace. help.

At this moment, Da Qiao's heart was on fire, and naturally he didn't care about other things. He quickly came to Guo Jia's side, grabbed Guo Jia's right hand with both hands, and looked very flustered.

But even so, she still managed to attract everyone's attention, especially Cai Yu and Zhen Tuo.

The behavior of this girl and Guo Jia is so close, and the relationship between the two can be imagined with her toes.

Asshole Guo Jia!

Zhen Tuo gritted his teeth.

No wonder this fellow is so happy to miss leaving in the city, it turns out that he is accompanied by such a beautiful girl.

It really makes no sense!
It's a pity that she just broke through the last layer of relationship with Guo Jia, and just when she needed Guo Jia's comfort, this guy actually left her to hang out with other women.

Cai Yu was even more annoyed.

She came all the way here just to see Guo Jia.

Who would have thought that it was Zhen Tuo first, and then this beautiful girl who couldn't speak, did he take himself to heart?

The two of them stared at Guo Jia in unison.

If eyes could kill, Guo Jia must have transparent holes all over his body.

Seeing the murderous eyes of the second daughter, Guo Jia couldn't help but tremble in his heart.

No matter how gentle and virtuous a woman is, she is always narrow-minded and jealous. It seems that she has gone too far.

Before the Sisi matter was resolved, Da Qiao popped up again.

Originally, the girl Zhen Tuo was still able to stand on the united front with him when it came to Sisi, but after Da Qiao came out, this girl probably wouldn't be with him anymore.

What about swollen?
Guo Jiadeng had a head as big as a bucket.

Without Zhen Tuo's support, it would be even more difficult to convince the furious Cai Yu.

There will always be retribution for the wind.

Only now did Guo Jia deeply realize this truth.

(End of this chapter)

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