Chapter 585
For a long time, Da Qiao has been worried.

She knew that her sister ran away from home because of her own reasons.

It was after learning of her sister's marriage to Guo Jia that this girl chose to run away from home.

For this matter, Da Qiao felt very guilty, and hoped to find Xiao Qiao as soon as possible.

But one day was almost over, and the Qiao family didn't find Xiao Qiao in Wan County, so they felt that things were a little tricky.

Because Xiao Qiao has probably already left the city, if he goes out of the city, it will be relatively difficult to find him.

So Da Qiao hurried to the Zhenjia cargo station, seeking Guo Jia's help.

But she didn't expect that this would bring Guo Jia a lot of trouble.

Everyone looked at her with weird eyes, especially the two beautiful women in the middle, their eyes were almost full of hostility.

But Da Qiao didn't care about other things, and begged again: "Feng Xiao, you must find my sister!"

As he spoke, tears were already moaning.

"I know I know!"

Guo Jia hurriedly comforted Da Qiao.

Although this girl came at the wrong time, she gave him a little inspiration.

After finally appeasing the eager Miss Simei, Guo Jia turned to look at Cai Yu.

"Zhen Ji, stop dealing with the doorman's affairs first, I have important things for Du Hanying to do."


Cai Yu asked coldly.

She was already a little upset, but she was even more upset seeing the two of them being so close.

"We have already spoken beforehand, you will not interfere with my actions."

Is such that!

Guo Jia coughed and said, "General Qiao Rui's daughter, Xiao Qiao, is missing. We must find it, otherwise it will affect my purpose of coming to Nanyang."

His eyes fell on Du Hanying who was beside him.

"Ms. Du has been in Nanyang for so many years, so she must be very familiar with the surrounding environment. She must be the one to find someone. This matter is of great importance, so we can't be careless. Let's write down this section first, and let her take the blame and make meritorious service."

In fact, it is not necessary for Du Hanying to help in finding someone, Guo Jia is also interceding for her in a disguised form.

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Cai Yu snorted, with a noncommittal expression on his face.

She is not a woman who doesn't know what to do, since the matter is related to Guo Jia's plan, she can't act recklessly.

"All right!"

Cai Yu flicked his sleeves and said, "Since this is the case, I will spare you first."

Du Hanying was overjoyed immediately, and hurriedly grabbed Dianwei and knelt down on the ground.

"Thank you master for fulfilling, thank you master for fulfilling!"

Dian Wei also grinned, feeling a little silly for a while.

Don't thank me!

Cai Yu said lightly: "If you want to thank him, thank him. If he didn't want to use you, I wouldn't let you go."

Thank you General!

Thank you my lord!

The two bowed down in front of Guo Jia again.

Get up!
Guo Jia helped the two of them up, and said gently: "In this case, please leave this matter to Miss Du."

General, please rest assured!
Du Hanying nodded again and again, gratefully said: "This subordinate will definitely go all out to find Miss Xiao Qiao."

And Miss Huang!
Guo Jia added another sentence.

Du Hanying escaped, so he was very grateful to Guo Jia, so he nodded in agreement.

Guo Jia immediately told Du Hanying about the appearance and background of the two of them. After the latter took notes carefully, he left the Zhenjia cargo station.

Escaping from death, she naturally cherished this opportunity.

Dian Wei wanted to catch up, but stopped after walking a few steps. Although they were both under Guo Jia's subordinates, their responsibilities were somewhat different.

His duty is to protect Guo Jia's safety.

After Du Hanying's matter was resolved, Guo Jia was relieved, and he immediately told Da Qiao in a low voice, wanting her to go back.

If this girl stayed here all the time, Guo Jia's life would probably be a bit difficult.

Although Da Qiao was somewhat attached to Guo Jia, she obediently got into the car and went back.

Guo Jia was relieved.

Zhen Tuo and Cai Yu were still staring at him, with a bad expression on his face.

Da Qiao came so abruptly just now that they didn't have time to ask. Now that he has left, it is natural to ask clearly.

"Who is she? Who is Xiao Qiao, and who is that girl Huang?"

Cai Yu snorted coldly.

"You haven't been seen in the past two days, are you going to accompany the sisters of the Qiao family again?"

Zhen Tuo also asked whether the nose is not the nose and the face is not the face.

Ha ha!

Guo Jiaqian laughed a few times and looked at Dian Wei.

The latter backed away shamelessly.

He doesn't get involved in this kind of thing?
Annoyed Cai Yu, his family's Sisi will suffer again.

It seems that after having a woman, this guy's brain has also been opened up a lot.

darn thing!

Seeing Dian Wei slip away, Guo Jia cursed a few times in his heart.

I just saved this bastard, but I didn't expect this bastard to be so heartless.

Guo Jia wanted to say something else, but the second daughter immediately rushed forward, and four murderous eyes stared at him.

That driving seems to be about to start if there is a disagreement.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

Guo Jia coughed and said, "This is all for the needs of the plan!"

Ever since, this guy explained his plan in detail.

Of course, the key places have been changed.

In Guo Jia's narrative, the whole thing became like this.

In order to shear Nanyang's wool, Guo Jia arranged a bureau to harvest Nanyang's wealth over the years in one go.

But if this plan is to be implemented, the general Qiaorui of Wan County must be bought.Without his cooperation, this plan would have been very difficult to realize.

So Guo Jia went to meet Qiao Rui with the spirit of sacrificing the ego to achieve the greater self, and persuaded Qiao Rui with a good tongue.

During this process, he met Qiao Rui's two daughters.

The two daughters fell in love with Guo Jia at first sight, but Guo Jia had long been interested in them and had always regarded them as younger sisters. In order to make the plan go smoothly, he had to compromise.

After a lot of eloquence from this guy, he quickly established a glorious and stalwart image.

is it?

Cai Yu and Zhen Tuo looked at each other, both half-believing.

Although Xiao Qiao has never seen him before, Da Qiao is indeed a stunning beauty in the world, so how could Guo Jia not be tempted by her lust?
Of course it's true!
Guo Jia put his arms around the waists of the two, and said with emotion: "I already have Zhenji and Tuo'er, so how can I move on?"

He didn't believe what he said.

Dian Wei curled his lips.

If this lord is single-minded, the sun will come out from the west.

It's all about the big picture!

Guo Jia finally reminded the two girls meaningfully.

The two nodded dubiously at this moment.

Get it!

A smile appeared on the corner of Guo Jia's mouth.

As for the ability to coax women, he has already mastered it.

Unfortunately, his triumph did not last long.

Mi Zhu suddenly came in a hurry.

"Fengxiao, Fengxiao, great joy. General Qiao has already told me that he wants to betroth Da Qiao to you..."


Guo Jia couldn't help but his face changed drastically, this Mi Zhu didn't come sooner or later, but it was at this time to sabotage the situation.

Sure enough, the face of the second daughter immediately became gloomy.

Guo Fengxiao!
The two chased after them at the same time, and then there was a flutter of chicken and dog jumping.

(End of this chapter)

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