Chapter 586 Continue to Dig the Pit
In the room, the corners of Mi Zhu's mouth kept twitching, trying not to laugh out loud.

Because Guo Jia on the opposite side was very embarrassed, with a dark circle under his left eye, five blood spots on his right face, and messy hair.

Of course, this is the end of angering the two sister-in-laws.

It seems that my sister-in-law's combat effectiveness is relatively strong. Even Guo Jia, who has experienced many battles, was defeated by the sharp attack of the two.

Thinking of this, Mi Zhu is very thankful that he has not been ambiguous with his sister-in-law, otherwise he must have ended up like this.

At this moment, alarm bells were ringing in his heart.

Don't mess with my sister-in-law!

Guo Jia glared at this guy for a long time, very annoyed in his heart.

It was already settled, but this cheap brother-in-law said something extra, and the second daughter immediately exploded, and he suffered such an indiscriminate disaster?
It really makes no sense!
What made Guo Jia even more angry was that this bastard got into trouble, but he dealt with it calmly, without any sense of guilt.

As expected of being a profiteer, his psychological quality is very strong.

The two just looked at each other, the atmosphere was very awkward.

Finally Mi Zhu broke the deadlock.

"General, I think your complexion is not very good."

He also had nothing to say.

"I'm very good!"

Guo Jia said stiffly.

Although he really wanted to beat up this brother-in-law, his rationality told him that it was impossible. After all, he was Mi Zhen's eldest brother, and this time the plan still required him to play the leading role?
Mi Zhu also suppressed a smile, and said, "What about the Qiao family?"

This fellow is also which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted.


Guo Jia replied without thinking.

Big and small Qiao, he is naturally determined to win, even if his face is scratched, so what?
Big deal shameless!
it is good!
Mi Zhu nodded and said, "Your subordinate will make arrangements now!"

Said to leave.

He really couldn't bear to look at Guo Jia's face.

After walking a few steps, he suddenly remembered something, and said in a low voice, "There is something very strange."

Guo Jia frowned.

Under his planning, the plan is also progressing smoothly. Wan County and the surrounding counties have already experienced a sell-off wave of commodity stores, and Mi's family has also prepared cash and is buying them wantonly.

"According to the reactions of my subordinates, there is another force in the market that is also consuming it aggressively, and secretly clashed with us a few times. But I held them all down."

Mi Zhu said in a low voice.

Now is the time for them to buy commodities at low prices. At this time, it is uneconomical to have a conflict, so Mi Zhu immediately chose to avoid it. Anyway, the market is relatively large, and Mi Zhu's family can't afford it.

The other party seemed to have this in mind, and didn't get too entangled. After a simple contact, he immediately chose to die down.They went to find their own goals.

another force?
Guo Jia's eyes suddenly narrowed.

He already felt that there was something wrong with Nanyang.

The whereabouts of the weapons and materials that the Zhen family sold at a low price has been unknown. It must not be a small organization that can eat so much.

Guo Jia has always wanted to discover this organization, but as soon as the shearing plan was implemented, this organization gradually faded away.

Now, it actually came out.

Ha ha!

A smile appeared on the corner of Guo Jia's mouth.

It is not easy for the person in charge of this organization to have an extraordinary sense of smell and discover the business opportunities here.

Not only that, this organization is also very huge to be able to compete with the Mi family's financial resources.

It seems that the black hand behind the scenes that I have been looking for has been revealed.

Guo Jia's eyes suddenly flashed brightly.

"Do you want to do it now?"

Mi Zhu saw some clues from Guo Jia's face, and was about to ask Guo Jia's opinion.

The peers are enemies. Although the situation is calm now, it is because the market is large enough and they have no conflict of interest.

As time goes by, the market will become smaller and smaller, and the conflict between the two parties will completely break out.

How can other people sleep soundly on the side of the couch?
The two sides will definitely compete.

If you look at it this way, it is better to start early than late.

No, no!
Guo Jia shook his head hastily.

"Let them eat, let them eat hard. If they are not full, give us our share."

Mi Zhu was dumbfounded.

What's the point?
How can the fat in your mouth be given to others?
He couldn't figure it out.

Guo Jia smiled mysteriously and said, "Don't worry, this time I will not only empty out all of Nanyang's wealth for several years, but also make this mysterious organization lurking in Nanyang exhausted."


Mi Zhu was puzzled.

Guo Jia suddenly beckoned to him.

Mi Zhu immediately leaned over.

Just so so!

Guo Jia whispered something in his ear.

Hearing this, Mi Zhu's eyes lit up, and he nodded excitedly.

"General is brilliant!"

He couldn't help but raised his thumb.

The Mi family has been in business for generations, and Mi Zhu is a big businessman among the big men.

No business, no rape!
Mi Zhu has mastered this way.

But today he realized that compared to Guo Jia, he was nothing more than a big witch. He was as stupid as a unicorn and a jackdaw with luan and phoenix ears.

This brother-in-law is the biggest profiteer among profiteers.

Mi Zhu's treachery can still leave some leeway for others.This brother-in-law is going to kill people.

Awesome! Awesome!
Mi Zhu couldn't help but shook his head.

Fortunately, I saw the opportunity early, and gave the girl half-post and half to Guo Jia, and caught up with this line.

Otherwise, the Mi family would be devoured by this brother-in-law sooner or later, not even bones left.

"In that case, this subordinate will go back and make arrangements."

Mi Zhu clasped his fists and said.

Since this brother-in-law plans to dig a bigger hole and trap more people, he has to go back and prepare.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded.

In fact, this brother-in-law is quite good, but it is a pity that he is a businessman after all, and his vision and mind are not far from a politician, so he is not useful.

It's okay to let him beat the side drums and other things, but Guo Jia is really worried about entrusting the whole plan to him.

At this time, he suddenly missed Su Qinglian a little bit.

Su Qinglian is an authentic descendant of a businessman, a direct descendant of Wang Mang, who has inherited the ability of his ancestors, and he can be said to be an incomparable genius along the way of business.

If she was here, Guo Jia would definitely be able to relax a lot.

And this girl is also very gentle, she will definitely not beat Guo Jia, and punish Guo Jia to stay alone in the empty room.

Thinking of this, Guo Jia couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

Cai Yu Zhentuo and the two girls were determined to lock him outside to dry him all night.

It seems that having more women is not a good thing.

At this moment, the door of the room was pushed open suddenly, and a beautiful figure swayed over, smiling sweetly and gracefully, it was Yu Linglong.

She specially dressed up to look even more charming.

"The subordinate has seen the master."

Yu Linglong parted her vermilion lips lightly, and said softly.

Guo Jia nodded.

"What are you doing here?"

he asked puzzled.

Yu Linglong smiled slightly, and there was an extra tray in her hand, with a jug of wine and a few dishes on it.

"This subordinate is here to entertain the master."

As he spoke, he swayed his steps gently, and came to Guo Jia and knelt down in front of Guo Jia.

(End of this chapter)

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