Chapter 587
Let's say Guo Jia was kicked out of the room by Zhen Tuo and Cai Yu, and when he was hurting his soul alone, Yu Linglong suddenly came with wine and food.

Yu Linglong is a senior spy carefully trained by Chi Xiao, her appearance and figure are all top choices, and her talent and martial arts are also top-notch.

As Emperor Han Ling's favorite Wang Meiren, Yu Linglong destroyed the Han Dynasty single-handedly.

Just such a peerless beauty, but met Cai Yu, a little witch.

This little witch not only tidied her up obediently, but also became her servant willingly.

Naturally, Guo Jia was not worried that Yu Linglong would harm him, so he immediately took Yu Linglong's wine glass and drank it down.

Being shut out by Cai Yu and Zhen Tuo, he was indeed a little depressed.

Can you not be depressed?
This is a very shameless thing.

But Guo Jia couldn't say anything, after all, he committed suicide and offended the second daughter.


The corner of Yu Linglong's mouth showed a hint of charm.

"It's a long night, it's better for your subordinates to dance to a song and enjoy the wine."

As he spoke, he took a few steps back, threw off his long sleeves, and began to dance lightly.

As a pawn carefully cultivated by Chi Xiao, Yu Linglong's dance can be described as wonderful.

She was originally graceful and graceful, and she was supplemented by red sleeves to add fragrance, making her even more graceful and graceful.

It's a pity that Guo Jia is not in the mood to appreciate it.

Because he knew that Cai Yu was in a fit of anger, and if she had an affair with Yu Linglong, the girl would probably ignore him even more.

Therefore, appreciation belongs to appreciation, and the rest don't think about it, and dare not think about it.

After dancing to a song, Yu Linglong puts her sleeves back and stands up.

She glanced at Guo Jia in surprise, and found that Guo Jia had been staring at the wine glass.


Yu Linglong bit her lip and said in a low voice, "Could it be that you don't care about your subordinates?"

The voice is resentful and pitiful.

Guo Jia just smiled lightly and said: "You danced very well, it's getting late, you should go back and rest."

Hearing Guo Jia's eviction order, Yu Linglong felt a little resentful, but still obediently withdrew.

Now she is no longer Chi Xiao's disciple.

Her life and death are in Cai Yu's hands.

And this man in front of him is one of the few existences who can influence Cai Yu.

Yu Linglong left!
Guo Jia was left alone in the room again.

The guy sighed again.

I finally understand what it means to be alone and alone.

Although Yu Linglong is hot, but he has a heart and no guts.

If that girl Cai Yu started to make trouble again, I'm afraid I'd really be overwhelmed and walk away.

At this time, Guo Jia had already greeted that bastard Dian Wei eight hundred times.

If this bastard hadn't come up with a bad idea to let Cai Yu come, how could there be so many time slots.

The door opened again.

Guo Jia said without raising her head, "Go out, didn't I tell you?"

He thought that Yu Linglong would not give up and came to pester her again.

This fellow has always been worried about Cai Yu's attitude, so why would he flirt with Yu Linglong?

The person who came didn't move, but just looked at him with interest.

Guo Jia suddenly raised his head, and there was a pretty figure in the room, smiling sweetly, who was it not Cai Yu?
Zhen Ji!

Seeing Cai Yu coming, Guo Jia was pleasantly surprised.

At this time, if Cai Yu can come, things will probably take a turn for the better.

Cai Yu showed a smile on his face, and said, "You still know a lot."

Naturally, Yu Linglong was sent by her to test Guo Jia. If this guy really couldn't bear it, he might have encountered Cai Yu's wrath right now.

Guo Jia smiled again.

He was right just now.

If she had relaxed a little earlier and was taken advantage of by Yu Linglong, she would have completely lost Cai Yu's forgiveness by now.

Zhen Ji!

Guo Jia immediately stepped forward and hugged Cai Yu.

It was said that the two hadn't seen each other for some time, so he naturally missed him a little.

Cai Yu didn't dodge either, just looked at him with a smile.

Guo Jia's heart felt hot, and she was about to kiss her lips.

Cai Yu suddenly covered his lips, staring at him with a pair of wonderful eyes.

"Did you miss me during this time?"

of course!

Guo Jia nodded vigorously.

Say yes if you don't want to!
Women are meant to be coaxed.

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Cai Yu let go of his mouth in satisfaction.

Even knowing that this guy is lying, she is very happy in her heart.

Seeing that Cai Yu no longer obstructed him, Guo Jia suddenly became excited.

Cai Yu just closed her eyes and let him do it.

The two hadn't seen each other for a long time, and at this moment, the fire was raging, and when Guo Jia was about to get to the point, another limp body hugged him suddenly.

Only then did he realize that at some point, Yu Linglong also slipped in.


Guo Jia wanted to say something else.

"We're leaving tomorrow!"

Cai Yu gritted her teeth in Guo Jia's ear and said, "In order to prevent you from going out and hooking up, we must squeeze you dry tonight, you bastard!"

Soon, Guo Jia's happy and miserable groans came from the room.


Early the next morning, Cai Yu left without saying goodbye.Seeing Guo Jia spend a whole night with him tenderly, she was naturally satisfied.

But Guo Jia was a little bit miserable. He was tossed about by two resentful women for most of the night.

It wasn't until the sun was high that he walked out of the room tremblingly. Of course, his legs were still a little fluttering.

It was only then that he realized how powerful the resentful woman was.

If the complaining woman becomes ruthless, he really can't hold back.

It seems that it is better to keep a low profile in the future.

Good morning my lord!
Dian Wei forced himself to hold back a smile.

As Guo Jia's personal bodyguard, he couldn't hide what happened last night. Of course, this guy has long been used to it.

It is said that this lord is good in everything, but his private life is a bit chaotic.

For this lord's ability, Dian Wei admired him all over.

Did Dian Wei still feel anything when he had no contact with women, but now that he has Du Hanying, he realizes how powerful Guo Jia is.

After a one-on-two tossing all night, the lord was able to get out of bed, it was truly extremely mighty.

Relatively speaking, Dian Wei is a bit unsatisfactory, only Du Hanying is alone, and this guy is a little overwhelmed.

"My lord is mighty, my subordinates' admiration for you is like a torrent of water..."

Dian Wei said sincerely.

Fuck off!

Guo Jia couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

"What should I do? Don't make noises in my ears. If it weren't for your troublesome bastard, why would I have to suffer like this?"

The most difficult to accept the grace of beauty.

He already regretted helping Dian Wei, a heartless bastard.

Dian Wei chuckled, Pidianpidian was about to leave.

Guo Jia suddenly frowned and said, "Is there any news about Du Hanying?"


Dian Wei shook his head hastily.

Guo Jia couldn't help but shook his head, feeling a little worried all of a sudden.

Xiao Qiao, Xiao Qiao, where did you go, please don't let anything happen to you!
(End of this chapter)

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