Chapter 588
Although there has been no progress in finding Xiao Qiao and Huang Wudie, Nanyang's situation has been proceeding according to Guo Jia's expectations.

The change of the Jizhou army immediately caused Yuan Shu's panic. He stepped up his guard on Luyang and dispatched troops around Wan County to supplement Luyang's defense.

Luyang is the northern gate of Nanyang. If the Jizhou army wants to go south, Luyang County will bear the brunt of it.

As a result, Qiao Rui also took the opportunity to add fuel to the flames, making the situation in Wan County tense.

Mi Zhu sent people to spread rumors, saying that Luyang had been broken, and the Jizhou army would go south to Wanxian in a few days.

Businessmen became more panicked and intensified their opponents' selling of assets.For a time, the surrounding assets of Wan County shrank sharply.

Once Nanyang fell into war, all their assets would be ruined, and they would earn as much as they could get back before.

After all, money is what you get.

At this moment, the Mi family and Heishui secretly opened their mouths, devouring these assets and goods vigorously.

For them, this is a godsend opportunity.

Mi Zhu has long been advised by Guo Jia to avoid conflicts with the Blackwater organization as much as possible. If the Blackwater organization takes a fancy to any high-quality assets, the members of the Mi family will stay away, even the assets that have already been taken by the Mi family. , once being targeted by Heishui, the Mi family will also give up the original price to Heishui.

As a result, Heishui's strength has swelled unprecedentedly, taking this opportunity to eat up most of the assets around Wan County.


"Sir, sir!"

The young man hurriedly came to the man in black and handed over an account.

During this period of time, he took advantage of the strength of Heishui to swallow half of the assets around Wan County.

"well done!"

Seeing the amount on the account, the man in black smiled.

Heishui has been lurking in Nanyang these years, although he also has considerable strength.But in the whole of Nanyang, it is nothing.

Now they have taken advantage of this opportunity to occupy nearly half of Nanyang's assets in one fell swoop, and their strength has expanded by more than several times.Even if you don't sell it, you will still make a lot of money.

"Son, you are a genius, the old man is right about you. The future of Heishui depends entirely on you."

The man in black praised sincerely.

Sir, you are welcome!
The young man's face was very calm, as if neither happy nor sad.

Don't be surprised by favor or shame, the talent of a general!

The man in black praised again.

Among several disciples, he admired this young man the most.


The young man cupped his hands suddenly, and said, "Now we're almost done expanding, and it's time to start getting warmer."

The man in black also nodded.

Heishui's strength is also limited, and he has reached the limit of being able to swallow so many assets while in chaos. If the chaos continues, there may be accidents.

"what's your plan?"

asked the man in black.

The young man pondered for a while, and said: "I plan to meet Yuan Shu in person, to inform him of the general trend, and let him see clearly the strategic intentions of Jizhou. In this way, he will definitely feel relieved and turn to stabilize the situation in Nanyang. Then is the time for us to act.”

There was a smile on his face.

Eat at a low price and sell at a high price. In this way, the strength of Heishui has skyrocketed by more than several times.

it is good!
The man in black nodded again.


He pondered for a while, then shook his head and said, "Don't use Qianlong, it's not the time for you to show up. Besides, Yuan Shu is narrow-minded, if you don't let him use you after you show your sharpness, he will definitely not let you go easily. Let’s leave it to your senior brother.”


The young man showed a smile on his face and said, "Brother, is he back?"

Not bad!

The man in black had a rare smile on his face.

"It's been a while since he came back from his study tour, and he's in Nanyang right now. It's better to let him out. Besides, he's originally from a wealthy family in Jingzhou, so Yuan Shu wouldn't dare to embarrass him."

So good!

The young man clapped his hands and smiled: "If I knew the brother was back, the students wouldn't have to work so hard."


The man in black laughed a few times, and said: "In the black water, your senior brother is the most prudent, and you won't make dangerous moves unless you have to. Once you use the risk, there will be no disadvantages. Your second senior brother has a bohemian temperament and is good at making tricks." , I don’t like to follow the rules, but once you really follow the rules, you will be invincible. And what you have learned is compatible with the strengths of the two, the odd and the odd, and the achievements are immeasurable.”

Mister praise!
The young man was humble for a while.

He frowned suddenly, and said in a low voice, "What about the younger brother?"

Speaking of this junior brother, the man in black couldn't help but restrain his smile.

He took in four apprentices in his life, each of whom can be regarded as a talented person.

Only this fourth disciple was somewhat unpredictable to him.

Although this child is young, he has shown a calm and sophistication that is different from ordinary people.


Mr. Heiyi suddenly said: "Perhaps he is the biggest obstacle for Heishui."

Hearing this, the young man couldn't help being taken aback.

The four brothers are all from Heishui, but the four of them have very different personalities, and they don't quite get along in one aspect.

With Mr. Heiyi present, the four of them are considered to be from the same school, but once Mr. Heiyi is gone, the four of them will probably part ways.

"Don't worry sir!"

The young man said in a deep voice: "If there are students for one day, nothing will happen to Heishui."

it is good!
Mr. in black was very pleased.

He looked at the young man feelingly again.

Although Heishui was founded by the military strategists, the military strategists may not be unique to the Sima family.

On this point, he has always had some disagreements with Sima Fang, the head of the Sima family.

Mr. Heiyi has always believed that if military strategists want to flourish, they should not stick to the Sima family, so he went against all odds and accepted four disciples, and taught them the profound art of war.

As long as these four disciples are here, the military family will not perish.


The young man clasped his fists and said, "I heard that you have been full of praise for Guo Jia. I don't know how he compares to our brothers?"

He had wanted to ask this question a long time ago.

Guo Jia!

Hearing this name, a wry smile suddenly flashed across the face of the man in black.

If the little disciple made him a little confused, then this Guo Jia made him tremble with fear.

Especially those unconstrained ideas and outlandish methods of this fellow, the man in black has never seen or heard of them.

this person……

Mr. Heiyi took a deep breath, and suddenly said: "Unfathomable. Sometimes, the old man also thinks that he is not a human but a ghost. Because the power of a human is limited after all, the power of ghosts and gods is indeed infinite. In the future, the four of you will definitely You will be the leader of the Central Plains, and this genius Guo Jia will definitely be your biggest opponent."

The genius Guo Jia!

Hearing this, the young man's eyes flashed for a while.

He suddenly felt impatient.

I hope this day will come sooner!
The young man said calmly.

(End of this chapter)

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