Chapter 589 Yuan Shu's Distress

Let's say that Jizhou has assembled an army of [-], and they are going straight to Nanyang, threatening to avenge Yuan Shu's cutting off the Yunzhou trade route.

Yuan Shu, the prefect of Nanyang, was naturally panicked. On the one hand, he mobilized troops and horses to hoard Luyang, and on the other hand, he wrote to Yuan Shao and Cao Cao for help.

After all, the two people who cut off the business route in Jizhou were also involved.

However, Yuan Shao had a bad relationship with Sun Jian and Yuan Shu because of the matter of passing on the jade seal of the country. Now he is naturally happy to stand on the sidelines when he sees Jizhou attacking Yuan Shu.

Cao Cao has always been difficult to deal with Yuan Shu, so he didn't bother to help him and stood still.

In this way, Yuan Shu will be in a bit of a miserable situation. He has to face the military pressure of Jizhou alone.

"Damn things!"

Yuan Shu slapped the table angrily, naturally very annoyed at Yuan Shao and Cao Cao's ignorance.


The director Yan Xiang came in a hurry.

"I just got the news that the Jizhou Army, with General Polu Yu Jin as the commander and Lieutenant Fenwei Zhang He as the vanguard, has [-] troops entering Sizhou territory."

Yuan Shu's complexion changed drastically.

The Jizhou army still sent troops.

He was willing to serve the Jizhou Army just as a show, but he did not expect to send troops.

The foundation of the Jizhou Army is the Yunzhou Army, and its combat effectiveness is very strong. He had witnessed it with his own eyes when he was in Mengjin.

Although Luyang's garrison has more than 2 troops, it is by no means an opponent of the Jizhou Army.


Yuan Shu couldn't help but sat down.

Originally, he hoped that the Jizhou army would be afraid of Cao Cao and Yuan Shu, and would not dare to use all their forces to attack Nanyang, but it seems that there must be some kind of agreement between the two sides, otherwise those two bastards would not just sit idly by.

"Gather your troops, gather your troops, quickly gather your troops, and gather all your troops to Nanyang."

Yuan Shu suddenly shouted hysterically.

Nanyang is his base camp, once lost, he will have no place to live.

So you must hold on.


Yuan Shu's heart trembled, thinking of the sharp firearms of the Yunzhou Army under Mengjin City, he felt very terrified.

Can he really hold on?

Back in Mengjin, Yuan Shao led the fifth battalion of the Northern Army with tens of thousands of elite troops, but they were still defeated.

How could a mob like Yuan Shu be the opponent of the Jizhou army?
"Hurry up and recruit strong men. All men over the age of 16 will be forced to join the army immediately."

Yuan Shao shouted hastily.

There is only one way now.

The more people there are, the more stable his heart will be.

My lord must not!
Yan Xiang hastily persuaded: "It's okay for Minzhuang to assist, but it is simply difficult for them to fight. Besides, once Minzhuang is forced to recruit, it will inevitably cause chaos in the rear. Before the enemy comes, we will be in chaos first. No need to fight."

Yuan Shu was suddenly annoyed.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, but what do you think?"


Yan Xiang hesitated for a while, but didn't have any ideas.

After all, he is a literati, and it is okay to give ideas, but it is far from fighting or something.


Ji Ling who was on the side suddenly said: "The last general raised [-] troops to fight the Jizhou army, and he will definitely be able to kill Jiang Jin under his horse."


Yuan Shu cursed, and said, "Even if you can fight, how many people can you kill? The most powerful thing in the Jizhou army is not the generals but the firearms. Do you understand firearms? A big jar was thrown over, and there was a bang, and everything was gone!" It's gone! In the battle of Mengjin, tens of thousands of troops were lost just like that. Don't you think you can compare to the elite of the Fifth Battalion of the Northern Army?"

After being scolded by Yuan Shu for a while, Ji Ling didn't dare to speak.

He had also heard about the powerful weapons of the Yunzhou Army.

Idiots, idiots, all idiots!

Yuan Shu snorted, and walked back and forth anxiously with his hands behind his back.

"In such a big Nanyang, there is no one to share the worries of this general. What is the use of this general to support you?"

There was heat on everyone's face.

Machines are not as good as people, and this is not their responsibility.

Who made those Yunzhou troops so perverted?
At this moment, a subordinate suddenly came to report, saying that a young relative outside asked to see him.

not see!

Yuan Shu was upset, how could he have time to see this person.

The subordinates left in a hurry, and then came back, saying that the man came to resolve the disaster in Nanyang on purpose.

Disaster in Nanyang?
Hearing this, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

This guy has such a big tone, can he solve the disaster in Nanyang single-handedly?

Yuan Shu's eyes suddenly narrowed.


Now that you're here, it doesn't matter to listen to him. If he talks nonsense, he doesn't mind beheading the bastard.

After a while, a young man walked in slowly.

Ouch I'm going!

Seeing this person, everyone couldn't help being surprised.

Yuan Shu was also taken aback.

I have seen ugly, but never this ugly.

If it wasn't broad daylight, would he really have thought he had seen a ghost?

It's all right if you say you are ugly, but you dare to come out to scare people. What's even more intolerable is that this guy is still wearing a scribe's attire, holding a folding fan, and looks elegant.

Toad wears glasses, what kind of cultural person are you pretending to be?

Whether it is tolerable or unbearable, the counselors around Yuan Shu are a little upset.

The young man paid no attention to the gazes of the crowd, and clasped his fists slightly.

"Xiangyang Wuming pays respects to General Yuan!"

Hearing this name, everyone was stunned.

They originally came here alone, so they must be famous people all over the world, but they didn't expect to be an unknown person.

Or maybe you don't want to reveal your name.

Yan Xiang's heart suddenly moved, and he hurriedly said: "I don't know if you know Mr. Pound?"

Jingzhou celebrities, headed by Xiangyang Pang De, since this young man is from Xiangyang, he probably has something to do with Pang De.

Ha ha!

The man smiled lightly, and said: "Mr. Pang De is famous all over the world, who doesn't recognize Jingzhou scholars?"

He made an understatement, but still did not reveal his identity.

Yan Xiang was a little upset.

You underground worker, you still hide it so tightly.

"Since you are from Jingzhou, what are you doing here?"

Yan Xiang sneered.

Although Nanyang also belonged to Jingzhou, Yuan Shu and Liu Biao were indeed facing each other. Some time ago, the two sides had fought a battle, but Sun Jian was defeated and had a grudge since then.

"I am here to resolve the immediate crisis for General Yuan."

Young people are not at all polite.


Ji Ling snorted, and said angrily: "Hide your head and show your tail, cover up, I think you are a spy."

The words are rough and the reason is not rough, everyone has this suspicion.


The young man laughed a few times and said, "Since that's the case, I'm worrying too much. You must have already found a way to repel the Jizhou army. Then I will leave!"

With that said, he cupped his fists, turned around and was about to leave.

What a madman!
Everyone was a little annoyed.

"Sir, please stay!"

Yuan Shu stepped forward quickly, grabbed his hand, and said pleasantly, "So, do you have a way to retreat?"

The man nodded.

Really help me too!
Yuan Shu was pleasantly surprised and said, "Sir, please take your seat!"

(End of this chapter)

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