Chapter 590
In addition, the Jizhou Army wanted to attack Nanyang, and Yuan Shu could not support it alone, and his subordinates had no effective way. The dilemma was that a mysterious young man suddenly visited and said that there was a way to retreat the troops and protect the people.

Yuan Shu was naturally overjoyed, and immediately invited the young man to sit down.

The young man did not refuse, Shi Shiran walked to the main seat and sat down.

As a result, Yuan Shu's subordinates were even more annoyed.

Yuan Shu didn't take it seriously, and said sincerely: "Sir, you are a great talent, can you teach me any way?"

Ha ha!

The young man smiled and said, "So the general is really in trouble?"

That's right, Yuan Shu nodded, and immediately told the news that the Jizhou Army is going south.

It's no secret anyway.

The reason why this young man dared to come, there must be some way.

General Yuan!
The young man suddenly said: "Is there something I want to ask first?"

"Please tell me, sir!"

Yuan Shu hurriedly replied.

The young man pondered for a while, and then slowly said: "May I ask the general, do you have the hatred of killing your father and taking your wife with the Jizhou army?"

of course not!

Yuan Shu shook his head.

The Jizhou Army is the Yunzhou Army, and the Yunzhou Army is Guo Jia's army. He has no great hatred with Guo Jia.


He said embarrassingly: "When Guo Jia and Liu Yu were fighting, this general cut off the commercial route from Nanyang to Jizhou. Maybe there was such a little friction!"

very good!

The young man then nodded.

"Since General Yuan and Guo Jia didn't directly have any great hatred, why did Guo Jia expend so much effort to attack the general? As far as I know, your elder brother Yuan Inspector and Cao Cao, the prefect of Dongjun, met with Jizhou soldiers. Why did Guo Jia let go of the general?" If the enemy does not fight, but wants to detour to attack General Yuan because of a little friction?"


Yuan Shu was stunned for a moment. He was also a little puzzled at first, but when he heard the young man click, his heart skipped a beat.

Did Yuan Shu kill Guo Jia's parents, and didn't rob his wife? Why did Guo Jia beat Nanyang?
Besides, even if he wanted to fight, he would be the first to fight Yuan Shao and Cao Cao.

At the beginning, they came to the city of Jizhou. If Guo Jia hadn't agreed to the battle of Yunyou, Jizhou might have fallen by now.

This thing seems a little strange!
"Sir, you mean..."

Hope rose in Yuan Shu's heart.

"Perhaps Yuan Shao and Cao Cao reached an agreement with Jizhou."

Yan Xiang on the side spoke.

They are helpless.Yuan Shu was taken aback by this young man as soon as he came. If he was easily persuaded by Yuan Shu, wouldn't these people look pale.


The young man smiled lightly and said, "In that case, please teach me this gentleman. What kind of agreement did Yuan Shao and Cao Cao have with Jizhou?"


Yan Xiang's tone froze.

These are just their guesses. Who knows what agreement the two parties have?
Even if there is an agreement, how do they know?

The young man suddenly stood up slowly, and came to the map hanging in the hall.

Everyone please look!

Pointing to the location of Nanyang, he said: "If the Jizhou army wants to reach Nanyang, there are two routes. One is to pass through Chenliu Yingchuan, and the other is to pass through Sizhou, a detour. Only with the agreement of the two counties of Yingchuan and Yingchuan can the army cross the border. However, Zhang Miao, the prefect of Chenliu, and Kong Ni, the governor of Yuzhou, will not agree easily. Well, that is to go to Luoyang and go to Nanyang by detouring Sizhou. There was a great chaos in Sizhou, and there were already ten rooms and nine empty rooms, but this road was very smooth. But the problem came again, and Dong Zhuo could not remain indifferent when the Jizhou army went south to Luoyang. Once the Jizhou army really takes this path, it will face the supply line being exposed to the attack range of the Xiliang army."


The young man smiled and said, "If you were Guo Jia, would you take such a big risk to fight Nanyang?"


Everyone looked at each other.

Even as stupid as Ji Ling, he knew that it was impossible for the Youzhou Army to attack Nanyang.

Sir is right!
A smile appeared on Yuan Shu's face.

Sure enough, he was a talent, and with a few words, he cleared the fog and saw the blue sky.

The young man smiled slightly and said: "Take a step back, this Guo Jia is a fool, and he wants to fight Nanyang. But have you ever thought about how Guo Jia will govern even if Nanyang is captured? Jizhou and Nanyang are separated Sizhou and Chenliu Yingchuan, does he have to fly over every time?"


Yuan Shu burst out laughing.

This is absolutely impossible.

If the territory wants to be stable, it must first be connected as one piece, so that it can be used as an arm. It is taboo to be separated by other people's forces, because there is always the danger of being cut off by others.

In a short period of time, the young man dissected the matter from the perspective of motivation and behavior.

Guo Jia is absolutely impossible and does not have the ability to fight Nanyang.

After figuring this out, Yuan Shu's heart fell into his stomach.

It seems that most of the Jizhou army made a feint and would not really come over.

"Mr. Talent!"

Yuan Shu cupped his fists and said with emotion: "Nanyang is so big, it doesn't have the vision of Mr. Yuan, it really makes Yuan feel ashamed!"

What he said scolded all his subordinates, and everyone couldn't lift their heads up, and became even more jealous of this young man.

Ha ha!

Facing Yuan Shu's compliment, the young man just smiled lightly.

"General Yuan is being polite. What do you think Guo Jia's purpose is for such a bluff?"

He asked suddenly.


Yuan Shu's eyes darkened, and he said angrily, "Of course it's to avenge Nanyang's cutting off the Jizhou trade route."

At that time, Yuan Shu responded to Liu Yu's call and cut off the trade route to Jizhou.But when Guo Jia won the battle against Yunyou, he quietly let go of the trade route.

Because Liu Yu was defeated, why did he bother with Guo Jia?
If he had known that Liu Yu was so useless, Yuan Shu would not have provoked Guo Jia.

General Yuan!
The young man said meaningfully: "It's not that simple!"

Hearing what the young man said, Yuan Shu raised his heart again. Could there be some conspiracy?
Everyone was also a little puzzled.

The young man put his finger on the map again.

"Guo Jia is not a simple person, he has some tricks. Over the years, he has built a huge border trade center in a barren land, thus becoming the most powerful prince in the world in one fell swoop. The business status of Yunzhou is stable, and the surrounding area has also formed a fixed trade routes. Nanyang is one of them.”

Not bad!

Yuan Shu nodded.

The reason why Nanyang can be prosperous is because it is the only way for business and trade in Yunzhou.

Without these businessmen, Yuan Shu would not have such a large family fortune in such a short period of time. Speaking of which, he would also like to thank Guo Jia.

(End of this chapter)

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