Chapter 591
Drunkard’s intention is not to drink!
The young man said with a smile: "The reason why Guo Jia's bluff is not to attack Nanyang, but to destroy Nanyang's business."

Destroy commerce?

Everyone was shocked and looked at the young man in surprise.

Maybe they all understand war, but business is a little unclear.

"In view of the development of Yunzhou's commerce and trade, it has driven the surrounding commercial roads. Nanyang is located at the intersection of the north-south commercial roads, and its geographical location is very superior. In time, it will inevitably become a commercial center. This is an extremely important thing for Yunzhou. Big challenge. That's why Guo Jia will act first and kill Nanyang's future in the cradle. He deliberately made the move to attack Nanyang in order to increase the fear of businessmen. Business needs a stable situation. Once a war breaks out in Nanyang , the first to escape is the merchant.”

The young man explained.

After listening to the young man's explanation, everyone suddenly realized, and finally understood Guo Jia's intention.

Attacking Nanyang's business is the biggest purpose of the Jizhou army this time.

Business is the foundation of Nanyang's prosperity. Once the business is gone, Nanyang's income will drop by several levels.

This is a poisonous plan to draw wages from the bottom!

Everyone couldn't help but gasped, and their tactics against Guo Jia deepened.

Well said!

Yuan Shu patted his thigh and said, "The merchants in Wan County are in a mess today. That's why."

He said angrily, "Guo Jia, that bastard, is really abominable."

Thinking of this, Yuan Shu cupped his fists again, and asked respectfully, "Sir, in your opinion, how should Yuan respond?"

At this moment, Yuan Shu had no doubts about this young man.

Very simple!
The young man smiled faintly and said: "Whatever the enemy wants to do, the general will oppose it. Whatever the enemy opposes, the general will support. Since the enemy is deliberately trying to destroy Nanyang's business, the general must vigorously support Nanyang's business. Give them a stable environment and give them a firm confidence. Then the enemy's conspiracy will naturally be impossible to realize."

good good!
After listening to the young man's suggestion, Yuan Shu laughed out loud.

"Immediately issue an order to local officials to refute rumors and stabilize the confidence of businessmen. From now on, reduce taxes and encourage them to do business. This general will turn Nanyang into the largest commercial center in Henan."

At this moment, he has regained his confidence.

Everyone responded in unison.

The young man also bowed slightly.

"In this way, the people who are waiting for you in Nanyang have thanked the general."

Don't dare to be!
Yuan Shu hurriedly supported the young man, and said with a smile, "Sir, you are truly a genius in the world. I wonder if I would like to stay and help Yuan."

He looked at the young man eagerly.

After just a short contact, Yuan Shu realized that this person was a great talent, and with such a great talent by his side, he would definitely be able to become even more powerful.

Ha ha!

The young man smiled faintly, and said: "The villagers in the lower mountains refuse to accept Wang Hua, and they will not be able to get on the stage. This time I came here to save the people of Nanyang from disaster, and there is no other meaning. But..."

He hesitated for a while, and said: "If the general has any doubts in the future, you can ask someone to go to Pang's house in Xiangyang for help."

Hearing that the young man was unwilling to stay and help him, Yuan Shu felt a little unhappy, and was thinking about forcing this person to stay, but when he heard the reputation of the Pang family in Xiangyang, he suddenly became vigilant.

The Pang family in Xiangyang is the head of scholars in Nanzhou, and its reputation is not inferior to that of the Yuan family in Runan.

Hearing that this person didn't say anything to death and left room for him, Yuan Shu naturally couldn't push him too fast.

"I don't know Mr.'s name?"

he asked respectfully.

The young man smiled slightly and said, "Xiangyang Pangtong."

It turned out to be Mr. Fengchu!
Yuan Shu was overjoyed, and Pang Tong had a great reputation in Nanyang, and was hailed as a Phoenix by his uncle Pang Degong.


The young man laughed a few times, then took his leave and drifted away.

It really lives up to its reputation!

Looking at the back of Pang Tong going away, Yuan Shu praised him sincerely.

Others are not feeling well.

This phoenix chick is certainly talented, but she is too arrogant, offending everyone at once.

What are you still doing?
Yuan Shu snorted, and said: "If we don't go down to prepare, if Mr. Feng Chu hadn't helped me, I'm afraid there would have been a big joke."

He was very dissatisfied with the gang.

Everyone swallowed their anger and hated Pang Tong once again, hoping that this fellow would never come again.


Soon, news spread that Yuan Shu was trying his best to appease the merchants in the country.

Guo Jia really wondered why Yuan Shu's brains turned so fast, and after learning of Pang Tong's offer, his face became a little heavy.

Is Fengchu Pangtong?
Guo Jia's eyes narrowed immediately.

Crouching dragon and phoenix chicks are all top talents in the Three Kingdoms, and he also wants to recruit them this time.

Unexpectedly, before the solicitation started, Feng Chu saw through Guo Jia's plan.

As expected of a top talent in the Three Kingdoms, Guo Jia's purpose was seen at a glance, this phoenix chick really lived up to its reputation.

In fact, Pang Tong is also a character who was killed by the romance.

This person came from a famous family in Xiangyang, Pang's family. Pang De, a famous scholar in Nanzhou, was his uncle, and Feng Chu's name was given by this uncle.

It looks a little watery, but it's not.

Pang De is a gentleman, he can give the name of Fengchu to his own nephew, which proves that this nephew is still very talented.

Crouching dragon and phoenix chicks have a good world, although this is a bit exaggerated, but it is not useless.

Liu Daer later acquired Wolong, and finally established the Shuhan Dynasty.

Pang Tong can be as famous as Zhuge Liang, so there is no doubt about his talent and learning.It's a pity that he made his debut late and died early. Compared with Zhuge Liang, there is a gap in his achievements.

Crouching dragon and phoenix chick are the talents Guo Jian went to recruit in the south, but what he didn't expect was that before he had time to recruit, he fell in love with Pang Tong first.

Perhaps because of Guo Jia, Pang Tong made his debut many years earlier than in history, and his debut was to see through Guo Jia's scheme.

For Guo Jia, this is definitely an irony.

Guo Jia was thinking about it, and he didn't understand why Pang Tong would help that bastard Yuan Shu.

Could it be that his plan to draw salary from the bottom of the pot offended the Jingxiang gentry?

Guo Jia thought about it carefully, and there was really such a possibility.

Nanyang has become a business center, and the whole of Jingxiang will benefit, and these gentry will naturally not let go of this piece of fat.

Guo Jia intervened to remove this piece of fat, which would naturally arouse the dissatisfaction of others.

It is understandable that Pang Tong came forward to help Yuan Shu.

The ass decides the head!

Pang Tong, who was born in the Jingxiang gentry, naturally wanted to work for the welfare of the Jingxiang gentry, and it made sense to deal with Guo Jia.

But on this matter, Guo Jia will not compromise, nor will he change his plan because of a Pang Tong.

Although it is a bit regrettable, the two sides still stand on opposite sides.

Phoenix chick!

A cold light flashed across Guo Jia's eyes.

So what if all the crouching dragons and phoenix chicks have come?
Anyone who dares to stand in his way is his enemy, and naturally he will not be soft on his enemy Guo Jia!
(End of this chapter)

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