Chapter 592
Sir, good news!

The young man quickly came to the man in black.

"Yuan Shu has already ordered preferential treatment for merchants, it seems that the brother has succeeded!"

it is good!
Mr. Heiyi clapped his hands fiercely, and said, "This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Heaven will never destroy my black water."

Once Yuan Shu can stabilize Nanyang, merchants will come back again, and the prices of commodity shops will soar for a while.

This is Blackwater's opportunity.

Without further ado, start now!
Mr. Black told the young man.


The young man nodded hastily and went back to make preparations.

Guo Jia!

The man in black snorted and said with a sneer, "You may not have thought that your plan would end up cheaper than Heishui!"

Having said that, Mr. Heiyi suddenly felt a little elated.

Ever since Heishui met Guo Jia, he couldn't help being unlucky. First, the Sima family was exposed, and decades of planning came to nothing.

As a last resort, Mr. Heiyi hid in Nanyang, hoping to take advantage of the prosperity of Nanyang to regain his vitality.

But I didn't expect Guo Jia's big hand to reach out again. This time he wanted to take the bottom line and wipe out Nanyang's economy.

Fortunately, Heishui had a genius disciple who broke through Guo Jia's plan, and took advantage of the situation to become bigger and stronger.


There is a military strategist, and the black water is endless!
Mr. Black thought happily.



Mi Zhucong came to Guo Jia.

"There is news from Qiaorui that Yuan Shu has started to stabilize his business and reduced the business tax. In the past two days, the surrounding merchants have returned enthusiastically, and the shops in Wan County have begun to pick up."

Guo Jia nodded.

He had already heard this news from Skynet.

"What happened to those people?"

he asked in a low voice.

Mi Zhu knew that he was talking about those mysterious organizations.

"These days, they have been covering the plate and secretly fueling the flames."

Ha ha!

A smile appeared on Guo Jia's face.

I have to say that these people really have some skills of profiteers.Even the methods are exactly the same as those profiteers in later generations.

very good!

Guo Jia nodded and said, "In that case, let them be happy for a few days first."

Both the mysterious organization and the phoenix chick Pang Tong miscalculated the form.

They analyzed the pros and cons of Guo Jia's sending troops from various angles, and thus came up with the reasons why Guo Jia would not send troops.

Because this is related to a question of the cost of using troops.

It is not beneficial to use all the strength of Jizhou to take great risks to attack Nanyang.

This shows that it only pays but not earns, and no fool will do it.

But Guo Jia did it anyway, not only did it, but also did it vigorously.

One thing they didn't expect was that Guo Jia was in Wan County at the moment, and he was the one who made the sheep shearing plan.

Guo Jia has sent an order to Zhang Yun, ordering him to advance with a light army, detour Luoyang with [-] cavalry, and raid Xixian County in Nanyang.

Zhang Xi is known for his ingenuity in using troops, and if he entrusts the cavalry of Jizhou to him, he will be able to reach the destination well.

Xixian County is the northern tip of Nanyang, and its defenses are weak, so it is not vulnerable at all. Once the battle starts, five thousand troops will inevitably march straight in.

At that time, Nanyang will be in chaos, the merchants will flee again, and Wan County's assets will be as cheap as a cow's hair.

Once that time comes, the mysterious organization that has absorbed a lot of assets will definitely vomit blood and die.

At that time, Mi Zhu can easily take down all the accumulation of those organizations over the years without any effort.

In this way, this potential opponent was killed without moving a single soldier.

After the mysterious organization exits, Guo Jia and Mi Zhu will rule Wan County around. At that time, Guo Jia only needs to let Zhang He lose the battle and return to Jizhou, and Nanyang will restore its former prosperity.Merchants will come back again in large numbers. Guo Jia only needs to sell the assets in his hand, and he will surely make a lot of money.

Although Jizhou will suffer some losses, it is nothing compared to Guo Jia's gains in Nanyang.

Therefore, losing a battle does not mean that you cannot fight, but depends on what the price is.

If Zhang Xi can successfully cover Guo Jia to seize Nanyang's wealth, what does it matter if he loses a few more battles?
Thinking of this, Guo Jia was shocked and said, "Immediately implement the next plan."


Mi Zhu also nodded excitedly.

He was already impatient.

During this time, under Guo Jia's instruction, Mi Zhu adopted a policy of giving in to this mysterious organization.

But by nature of a businessman, Mi Zhu is still a little upset to see his own interests being swallowed up by others.

But he also knew that the opponent's complacency was temporary.

In the end, no matter how much they ate, they still had to spit it out with profit.

Thinking of this, Mi Zhu had a smug look on his face.

He suddenly found that cheating things are still very cool.

It's even more wonderful to put people to death like Guo Jia.

This guy actually gradually fell in love with this feeling!

The feeling of cheating is quite cool!

Hanoi County!
Zhang He's five thousand cavalry were ready to go.

He had just received Guo Jia's order to lead [-] cavalry to detour alone to feel that Nanyang attacked Xixian County.

This is a tough battle, without backup, without supplies, Zhang He is fighting alone.

From Jizhou to Luoyang, then detour to Hongnong and then to Xixian County, it is more than a thousand miles?
The covetous Dong Zhuo of the Xiliang army, the various prefects with ulterior motives, the difficult and dangerous roads, and the lack of guaranteed logistics and food.

Either way is a test for Zhang He.

But Zhang He didn't have the slightest fear, but instead had an indescribable excitement.

Since he defected to Guo Jia, he has always played the role of a general guarding the frontier, and rarely has the opportunity to lead the army alone.

Yu Jin, Zhao Yun, Zhang Fei and others who defected to Guo Jia with him have become independent generals, which made Zhang Xi very depressed.

In terms of talent and martial arts, Zhang He is not bad, but he has no chance to show off.

Now the opportunity finally came, and all the cavalry under his command made Zhang Xi very excited.

In history, Zhang He was famous for his ingenuity in using troops, and he was very good at flexible and mobile combat methods.

Guo Jia asked him to lead the cavalry just right.

set off!

Zhang He pointed his spear and led [-] cavalry into Sizhou in the dark.

Drive straight all the way, and soon entered Nanyang Xi County.

When Zhang Yun's army arrived at the city of Xi County, Li Feng, who was in charge of guarding Xi County, woke up like a dream.

The Jizhou army is really coming!
Nanyang's troops were all concentrated in Luyang and Wan counties, and there were only [-] old, weak, sick and disabled in Xi county. Li Feng resisted decently for a while, and immediately led his men to escape.

Zhang He entered Xi County smoothly.

The journey was very difficult. Zhang He overcame all kinds of difficulties, but also suffered a lot of losses. Only 4000 people remained in Xi County after the [-] troops came to Xi County.

But it's still worth it, because he's done a great job.


Standing at the head of Xixian County, looking towards Wanxian County, Zhang He was very excited.

He can finally be alone.

(End of this chapter)

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