Chapter 593
When he heard that Xi County was captured by Jizhou Army, Yuan Shu was shocked and speechless.

He never expected that Guo Jia would really send troops, and he would take a detour from Hongnong and go straight to the weakest northwest of Nanyang.

Li Feng was defeated and fled, and the entire Wan County had been exposed to the guns of the Jizhou Army.

darn thing!

Yuan Shu cursed: "Fucking Fengchu, why did Guo Jia not send troops? What the hell, isn't this sending troops?"

This fellow was angry and impatient, and immediately blamed everything on Feng Chu Pang Tong.


Yan Xiang took the opportunity to offer slander: "I can't say, this phoenix chick came here as a cover for Guo Jia. Otherwise, it wouldn't be such a coincidence."

Yan Xiang has long been dissatisfied with Pang Tong's arrogance. Although he is resourceful, he is a complete villain.

Now that he has the opportunity to step on Pang Tong, how can this villain let it go?
darn thing!

Yuan Shu was furious, and said: "Come on, go to Xiangyang and bring this bastard back to me, I will tear his body to pieces."

My lord can't!

Yan Xiang hastily suggested: "Pang Tong is a trivial matter, but this Zhang Yun is a confidant. Although the number of five thousand cavalry is not many, if they really come in, it will cause great damage to the hinterland of Nanyang. My subordinates suggest sending more Let's go!"

What do you think?
Yuan Shu was a little lost.

Yan Xiang was shaken, and said: "General Ji Ling can lead the cavalry to meet the enemy, and then let General Lei Bo lead the troops to strengthen the defense of Wan County. Then Zhang Xun can lead the infantry to besiege Xi County. A three-pronged approach can solve the problem. .”

it is good!
Yuan Shu nodded hastily.

Right now, he can only trust Yan Xiang.

"Ji Ling, hurry up and lead the cavalry to meet Zhang Yun."

Yuan Shu hastily ordered.

Fortunately, the enemy only came with [-] cavalry. Cavalry is not good at siege, so he can handle it.If it was a large army that came, I am afraid that Wan County would have been finished long ago.

Ji Ling clasped her fists and went out immediately.

He also knew it was urgent.

"Lei Bo, you lead the army back to Wan County to strengthen the defense of Wan County."

Yuan Shu said again.

Lei Bo also left in a hurry.

It's a pity that he was recruited by Yuan Shu some time ago, and his buttocks haven't warmed up yet, so he has to go back now.

Zhang Xun!

Yuan Shu snorted, and said: "I will give you [-] troops, and I will go to Xixian County day and night. Be sure to surround this small group of cavalry."

Zhang Xun responded.

He is the number one general under Yuan Shu and has won Yuan Shu's trust.

very good!

Yuan Shu heaved a sigh of relief after dispatching everyone.


Yan Xiang said again: "In order to prevent Jizhou from sending additional reinforcements, we should take the initiative to reconcile with Dong Zhuo, and let them cut off the Jizhou army's food supply when necessary."

good good!
Yuan Shu naturally could listen to everything at the moment, so he asked someone to draft a paper and sent it to Chang'an immediately.

Since the formation of the Kwantung Army, Yuan Shu was also the first prince to reconcile with Dong Zhuo.


Mister is bad!
The young man hurried up to the man in black, his handsome face turned pale.

He just got the news.

Guo Jia's general Zhang Yun led five thousand cavalry to detour into Nanyang.

Hearing this news, Mr. Heiyi couldn't help shaking his body and almost fell to the ground.

Guo Jia called, which meant that their previous calculations were all wrong.

One wrong step, one wrong step!

They misjudged Guo Jia's determination and the current situation.

Although only [-] cavalry were fought, the damage to Nanyang's economy was fatal.

The assets around Wan County plummeted, and a large number of businessmen fled.

The real estate and goods in the hands of the black sailors have become a hot potato at this moment.

Overnight, Heishui's huge wealth disappeared.

"sorry sir!"

The young man choked up and said, "I was too conceited, and I didn't recognize Guo Jia's determination, which led to this mistake."


It's all over!

They've been hooked.

As long as the war is not over, it will be difficult for them to get out of the trap.

The forbearance of these years was once again in vain.

Guo Jia!

Are you really the nemesis of the black water?
The man in black suddenly swayed, spat out a mouthful of blood, and sat down on the ground slumped.

Sir, sir!
The young man was taken aback and hurriedly supported him.

The man in black suddenly grabbed the young man forcefully.

"Hurry up and dispose of all those assets, take back as much as you can, and then transfer it to Xiangyang immediately."


The young man still hesitated.

This is Heishui's painstaking efforts over the years. Once it is sold at a low price, it will be over.

Silly boy!
The man in black shook his head helplessly, and said, "Haven't you seen it? Guo Jia dug a hole for us! Didn't you say that someone deliberately gave up market share for us to eat? It’s Guo Jia’s plan. Let’s try hard, hard, once we get stuck, it’s impossible to jump out.”

After all, he is the master of the black water, and he has figured out Guo Jia's strategy at this moment.

"From the beginning, we were wrong. Guo Jia probably didn't intend to destroy Nanyang's business at all. His purpose is the same as ours, to grab huge benefits here."

The young man suddenly felt a little chilly in his heart.

He is also a very smart person, after hearing what the man in black said, he immediately figured out the cause and effect.

Guo Jia had been coveting Nanyang's wealth for a long time, so he set up this trap. He didn't see it, but instead burrowed into it.When people saw a big fish taking the bait, they were naturally happy to push the boat along with the water and net the black water in by the way.

Now that Zhang Xi's army has entered Xixian County, it is also the time for them to close their nets. At this moment, the black water is a big fish in their nets, and they can't escape even if they want to escape.

Now there are only two ways in front of Heishui, one is to stand firm and wait for the solution, and the other is to obediently cut the meat and get out.

If you want to preserve your strength, the best way is to stand firm and wait for the solution, but Guo Jia can't win this game. If he wants to close the game, he can close the game, and if he wants to break the game, he can break the game. Heishui can only wait passively.

But Guo Jia could afford to wait, but Heishui couldn't.

The best way for them now is to cut their flesh out and withdraw to Xiangyang.


The corner of the young man's mouth twitched for a while, and he said, "We can kill each other!"

He came up with an idea and told Yuan Shu about the plan, and Yuan Shu would naturally not tolerate Guo Jia taking advantage of the fisherman.

There will inevitably be a battle between Guo Jia and Yuan Shu.

Ha ha!

Mr. Heiyi laughed miserably for a while, and said, "Do you think Yuan Shu will still trust us?"

The young man was speechless again.

His senior brother Pang Tong had lost his hand and had already lost Yuan Shu's trust. Yuan Shu would never believe anything they said now.

That's it!

Mr. Heiyi said: "Victory or defeat is a common matter in military affairs. If you lose this time, don't hesitate any longer, otherwise you really won't be able to leave."

As he spoke, he took the young man hand in hand and left the courtyard where he had lived for many years.

The young man's eyes were red, and he seemed to be resentful, angry, and unwilling.

Guo Jia!

He said silently in his heart: "I, Zhuge Kongming, will definitely avenge this death."

 I'm sorry, I accidentally pushed the crouching dragon and phoenix to the opposite side, which disappointed Zhuge Fen and Pang Fen, but there was nothing I could do about it, the protagonist was too strong and needed some serious opponents, so I could only wrong Brother Zhu and Feng Brother for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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