Chapter 797
Hearing this name, Guo Jia couldn't help but sneer.

Today, the future King of Liaodong should have also received the news.

What should he do?

Gritting your teeth, or bearing the burden of humiliation?

When he used this Gongsun Du, he had expected this situation.

The situation in Liaodong is somewhat special. With Liaodong County as the border, most of the places to the west are controlled by the Youzhou government, and the places to the east are controlled by the local aboriginal tycoons.

Guo Jia was too lazy to clean up those natives, and he didn't look down on the barren land, so he put Gongsun Du, the later generation, as the prefect of Liaodong.

I hope that he can be worthy of the status of the later king of Liaodong, and he can clean up the mess in the east of Liaodong.

In other words, Guo Jia is too lazy to fight wild monsters to clear the territory, and of course someone has to do these odd jobs, and then Guo Jia only needs to grab it from this person.

Gongsun Du has done a good job these years, the wild monsters are basically cleared up, and the natives in the east of Liaodong have also been tamed.

If he was respectful to Yunzhou, Guo Jia wouldn't bother to deal with him. If he had something different, Guo Jia wouldn't mind eliminating a hidden danger.

"Six hundred miles, hurry up, reprimand Gongsun Du, saying that his son colluded with assassins and attempted to assassinate the general, and has already been executed."

Guo Jia said coldly.

For Gongsundu, he has no need to appease.

My lord, think twice!

Xi Zhong hastily persuaded him: "Gongsun Du is in a key position in Youzhou and has a large army in his hands. If his son's affairs are not handled properly, it will definitely cause his dissatisfaction."

Not bad!

Xu Shu also said in a low voice: "You can stabilize him first, bring him back, and then take pictures of him slowly."

Both of them are old-fashioned people who seek the country, and what they say is from the bottom of their hearts.

No need!
Guo Jia waved his hand.

When he used Gongsundu back then, he kept his backup.

If Gongsun Du dared to betray him, he would mercilessly kill the king of Liaodong, and take the almost barren land of Liaodong into his pocket by the way.

"Order Tian Feng, the governor of Youzhou, Tian Yu, the prefect of Youbeiping, Zhang Fei and Tai Shici to rectify the army and horses, closely monitor Gongsun Du, and report any changes immediately. Baima Yicong and the Polu army are ready to support Youzhou at any time."

Guo Jiasen said suddenly.


Xu Shu and Xi Zhong shuddered.

Based on their understanding of Guo Jia, this master is about to kill again.

Indeed, Yunzhou was very unhappy during this time.

First Taoism, then Chi Xiao, and even Zhang Yang's jumping clown started to think about Yunzhou.

It just takes a big battle to tell the surroundings.

Yunzhou is the overlord of the big man.

The crowd responded in unison.

The generals are a little eager to try.

Fighting is an opportunity for them to make contributions.

What they fear most is that there will be no battle to fight.

Another soldier walked in.

"My lord, there is a letter from Gongsun Du, the prefect of Liaodong."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

Just now when I mentioned this Gongsun Du, a letter came from him, it's really weird!
Guo Jia reached out to take the letter, looked it up and down a few times, and suddenly sneered.

"This Gongsun Du is very knowledgeable! Very good, let him live in peace for a few days first."

After Xi Zhong and Xu Shu took the letter, they understood.

This is Gongsun Du's personal letter, and it is full of anxious words asking for forgiveness.He also expressed that he would definitely cooperate with the investigation, hoping to show the innocence of the Gongsun family.

This guy is quite tolerant.

Seeing this letter, Xu Shuxizhong couldn't help but glanced at each other, and both could see the worry on the other side.

Deep in the key position, with heavy soldiers in hand, but also forbearable.

This Gongsundu is a powerful character.

"Okay, that's all for today. It's getting late, everyone should go back first!"

Now that everything has come to an end, there is no need for Guo Jia to let everyone stay in the general's mansion without rest.

Although he was still a little worried about Guo Ye, there was no good solution at the moment.

Everyone bid farewell one after another, only Zhang Xi and Huang Wudie stayed.

"Junyi, what else do you want?"

Guo Jia looked at the two puzzled.

The two looked at each other and fell to their knees with a soft plop.

"My lord, we are sorry for you, I am sorry for the young master."

Although the matter has passed, the two still feel a little guilty.

If they could take Guo Ye back one step earlier, there would be nothing else.

Get up!
Guo Jia helped the two of them up and said, "It's not your fault, you did your best."

Not only that, their children were also taken away by Wang Yue.

Don't worry!

Guo Jia said calmly: "I will definitely get the two children back!"


Huang Wudie said in tears: "Is this true?"

The separation of mother and daughter made her heartbroken.

Seeing Huang Wudie's sadness, Guo Jia also felt a little uncomfortable, and immediately said with relief: "Wang Yue is a hero of the world, he promises a thousand gold."

In fact, he was also a little uneasy, but in order to comfort the couple, he could only bite the bullet and say this.

The two stood up slowly this time.

Although still a little sad, but his complexion is much better.


Guo Jia suddenly remembered something, and said, "I heard that you gave birth to a girl?"

Mentioning this, Zhang Yun and Huang Wudie felt a little heavy again.

Zhang He lowered his head and said.

In this era of patriarchy, boys and girls are treated very differently.

Dian Wei Zhao Yun's son was able to recognize Guo Jia as his adoptive father, but their daughter was not so lucky.

Hi girls!

Guo Jia smiled and said, "I prefer girls."

Zhang He, Dian Wei and Zhao Yun had a child together. If they only accepted their child as a foster son and neglected Zhang He's daughter, they would feel a little frustrated.

To be a leader requires a bowl of water to be level.

"Your daughter was taken away together with Guo Ye. There is still some fate between the two. How about it, if they can return smoothly, how about I recognize this daughter-in-law? But it will be ranked second , because I have already designated Xi Zhong's daughter to this kid."

Guo Jia looked at the couple with a smile.

Hearing this, Zhang He Huang Wudie couldn't believe his ears.

In other words, as long as the two come back, their daughter will be Guo Ye's wife.

Although she is only a second wife, she is treated much better than a godson.

"Everything obeys the master's arrangement."

The couple hastily responded.

The reason why they hurried back to Yunzhou was for this matter.

It is also a blessing for them that Guo Jia can accept their daughter as his daughter-in-law.

This is also the only good news today.

"In that case, it's a deal!"

Guo Jia patted Zhang He on the shoulder and said with a smile, "From now on, our two families will be in-laws."

It was an honor to be in-laws with Guo Jia, and Zhang He and his wife naturally left with gratitude.

(End of this chapter)

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