Chapter 798
Jincheng County!
Han Sui couldn't help but overturned the table.

"Ma Chao, this bastard, ruined my good business."

His eyes and ears in Yunzhou have already fed back the news to him.

Ma Chao must have ruined his plan, otherwise Guo Jia would not have named father and son for no reason.

"Father, what should we do next?"

Han E on the side frowned.

In fact, from the very beginning, Chi Xiao had no intention of submitting to Guo Jia. Their plan to destroy the Dao Sect was also to attack their opponents.

Because they don't deal with each other very much.

Wang Yue was also arranged by them, and he went back with Cai Yu.Cai Yu was so focused on Guo Jia's safety that she didn't have time to pay attention to other things.

Originally, Wang Yue had already succeeded, but there was no movement. Then came the news of Ma Chao and his son's promotion. Han Sui was surprised if he didn't doubt them.

A cold light flashed across Han Sui's eyes.

"Since Ma Chao and his son have betrayed Chi Xiao, we naturally can't keep them."

He took a deep breath.

"Han E, send someone to invite Ma Teng's wife and children over!"


Hearing this, Han E couldn't help being surprised.

"You're going to..."

She seemed to have guessed something.

No poison, no husband!
Han Sui said coldly: "I'm going to write a letter to Ma Teng and his son, asking them to come to Jincheng for a gathering."

Now Ma Teng is an official obeisance to General Zhengxi and Yongzhou Mu, and Ma Chao is also an official obeisance to the prefect of Jincheng.This is clearly to split Chi Xiao's territory.

Han Sui naturally couldn't tolerate it.

One mountain cannot contain two tigers, and there cannot be two shepherds within Chixiao.

Han E nodded.

Ma Chao!

A cold light flashed across Han Sui's eyes, and he sneered, "See how long you can last."

In the past, Ma Teng was also one of Xiliang's forces, and the Ma's army under him was invincible.

It's just that Xiliang is already controlled by Han Sui.


"The general really said that?"

Hearing this, Ma Teng suddenly became excited.

He had just learned from Ma Chao that he was officially worshiping Yongzhou Mu.

After fighting against the imperial court for most of his life, he suddenly became an official of the imperial court one day. Ma Teng couldn't accept all this well for a while.

"of course it's true!"

Ma Chao took out Guo Jia's appointment with a smile.

Guo Jia is a great general in the dynasty and has the qualifications to recommend talents.

Seeing the appointment, Ma Teng's hands trembled a little.

What is the purpose of the rebellion?
There is no stable future yet.

"By the way, why didn't you see your brother?"

After Ma Teng was happy, he asked a little puzzled.

This time he heard that Guo Jia released his son and came back to reunite.

It is said that the father and son have been separated for more than a year, and he really misses this son a little.


Ma Chao hesitated for a moment, and a look of misery changed on his face.

What's the matter?
Ma Teng has a fiery temper.

He suddenly had an ominous feeling.


Ma Chao suddenly fell to his knees and cried, "Father, we encountered an ambush on the way back from Yunzhou. We fought against my younger brother and fought to the death, which is why we came back as cover. We are all safe, but Ma Tie..."

what did you say?
Ma Teng was really stunned.

He suddenly kicked Ma Chao to the ground, and said angrily: "As an elder brother, you let Ma Tie cut off your back. How can his martial arts compare to yours?"


Ma Chao hurriedly hugged his leg.

"The child was not aware of it for a while, and was injured by the enemy's tricks. If the second brother hadn't saved his life, I'm afraid I wouldn't have seen my father."

As he spoke, he tore open his chest, revealing the bandage-wrapped wound.

He is well prepared.

"Who did it?"

Ma Teng asked angrily.

Ma Chao hesitated for a moment, then said in a low voice, "Wang Yue!"

Wang Yue?

Hearing this name, Ma Teng was stunned for a moment. As Chi Xiao's senior management, he naturally knew the news about Chi Xiao and Wang Yue.

The reason why Wang Yun was able to gain power in Chang'an back then was due to Wang Yue's contribution.

"Is it Han Sui?"

Ma Teng's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Among Chixiao, Han Sui is the only one who can command Wang Yue.


Ma Chao hurriedly said: "I don't know, Wang Yue plotted secretly as soon as he came up and hurt the boy. His assassins also took the opportunity to attack. The boy had to fight to the death, but it's a pity for the second brother."

I ask if you are Han Sui?

Ma Teng said angrily.

He has completely believed Ma Chao's slander.

Han Sui and him are both Chi Xiao's high-level executives and the biggest force in Xiliang.

Today, Ma Teng's official worship is Mushou, and his son Ma Chao has also become the prefect of one side, and the power of the Ma family has gradually risen.

One mountain cannot contain two tigers, and both of them are high-ranking Chixiao, so Han Sui will naturally have an idea.


Ma Chao took the opportunity to say: "The old suzerain has already retreated to the second line. Judging from the current situation, the new suzerain must be selected between you and Han Sui. Han Sui is the first to act first. We must not sit and wait for death."

There was a look of gloom on Ma Teng's face.

Even if his son doesn't say anything, he can't sit still.

Ma Teng, who holds the titles of Yongzhou Mu and Zhengxi General, is no longer willing to be inferior to Han Sui.

It's just that Han Sui has been operating in Xiliang for many years and has strong strength.After the Ma family's defeat in Yunzhou, their power gradually shrank, and they were no longer Han Sui's opponents.

If you want to dominate Xiliang, the first thing is to expand your strength.

They can't tear themselves apart with Han Sui now, they really can't stop Han Sui's attack.

What's more, Ma Teng's wife and children are still in Han Sui's territory.

Or quietly send someone to pick up his wife and children.

When the father and son were discussing how to deal with Han Sui, Ma Dai suddenly broke in and said in a panic, "Uncle, brother, it's not good. Han Sui asked his wife to write a letter, saying that he was going to hold a big banquet in Jincheng to celebrate his uncle's coming." The official enters the noble."

Hearing this news, the faces of the Ma family father and son changed drastically.

Han Sui sent a message at this time, probably because the person who came was not kind.

Sure enough, he did it.

Ma Teng's face became ugly.

It turned out that he still had a little luck, thinking that Han Sui would not attack him so quickly.

But now it seems that Han Sui has made up his mind to get rid of him.

Han Sui!

Ma Teng's eyes suddenly flashed a gloomy coldness.

He misunderstood this brother a little.

"Father, this is a Hongmen Banquet!"

Ma Chao said hastily.

"I know!"

Ma Teng nodded.

With the current strength of the Ma family, once they return to Jincheng, they will be swallowed by Han Sui.

But if he doesn't go back, Han Sui will definitely not let his family go.

On the one hand is the family, on the other is the great cause of the Ma family.

Ma Teng was suddenly in a dilemma.


Ma Chao was a little anxious.

The reason why he is so heartless is for the future of the Ma family. If Ma Teng backs down at this time, the great cause of the Ma family will be over.

At this critical time, you can't go back no matter what.

(End of this chapter)

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