Chapter 807 Zhang Ning vs Cai Yu
For Guo Jia's love, Liao Hua was also very grateful. He also knew Guo Jia's purpose, so he entertained guests and publicized Yunzhou's generous policies.

Most of Liao Hua's banquets were the remnants of the Yellow Turban Dao, and he was not the first to defect to Guo Jia. Zhou Cangguanhai had long been a general of the Yunzhou Army.

Zhou Cang followed the forbidden town to guard Ye County, so naturally he couldn't come, so he only sent people to congratulate him.

Guan Hai came in person.

When he was in the Yellow Turban Road, he had a very good relationship with Liao Hua.

Now that Liao Hua has abandoned the dark and turned to the bright, his old friend will naturally come to celebrate.

Zhang Ning originally didn't plan to come, because she had already announced the abolition of the Yellow Turban Road. Besides, she was now at ease as Guo Jia's woman, and it would be inappropriate to show her face in front of the old ministry.

But for Guo Jia's great cause, she still came.

After all, the Yellow Turban Dao has just been banned, and the rest of the Yellow Turbans are worried. She, the saint, also intends to take this opportunity to appease the old tribe.

Everything went well, and the rest of the Yellow Turban was relieved to see Liao Hua and others being reused.

Over the years, Yunzhou has become stronger and stronger, but they have become more and more worried.

After all, they are not from Yunzhou, but from the remaining tribe of the Yellow Turbans.

Although Guo Jia treated them well and gave them a chance to be promoted, Zhou Cang Guanhai even became a general of the Yunzhou Army.

But these people are still a little worried. After all, they used to be rebels.

Well now, the Holy Maiden has announced the disbandment of the Yellow Turban Dao, and Yunzhou has opened its arms to absorb them.

Liao Hua, who assassinated Guo Jia, did not blame the past, so what do the rest of the Yellow Turbans have to worry about?

So the banquet hall is also very lively.

Liao Hua picked up Jiujue and came to Zhang Ning.

"I, Liao Hua, can be what I am today, thanks to the tolerance of the General and Miss. From now on, my Liao Hua's life will belong to Yunzhou. I will do it first as a respect."

He drank it while talking.

Bewitched by Zuo Ci, he planned to assassinate Guo Jia.

After the incident was revealed, instead of punishing him, Guo Jia used him heavily.

"This is the general's grace, Yuan Jian, don't let him down."

Zhang Ning also forced a smile and raised his glass.

Since Guo Ye disappeared, she seldom smiled, so Guo Jia also wanted her to come out to relax.

At this moment, there was a commotion outside.

what happened?

Zhang Ning put down his wine glass.

Bang bang bang!
The rest of the Yellow Turban Road, who was in charge of the reception at the door, retreated in embarrassment.

"General, someone called in?"

A pawn covered his head and shouted.

Hearing this, Guan Hai was furious.

Today is a very happy day for the Yellow Turban Dao. Although the organization has been banned, they are still in the same group.

"It's unreasonable, let me see who is so courageous!"

As he spoke, he drew out his waist knife and stepped forward.

The cronies behind him also came out.

"General Guan, don't be impulsive!"

Liao Hua said hastily.

He was new here and didn't want to cause any trouble.

A group of people broke in, the leader was a fat man, it was Xu Chu.

"You guys are so brave, you dare to bully us Huangjindao."

Guan Hai drank some wine, Huang Jindao said it smoothly, and now he said it again.Besides, he didn't recognize Xu Chu, and Xu Chu had already gone to Chang'an when he came.

"What a yellow scarf. It's really majestic and majestic!"

A woman walked in with her hands behind her back, it was Cai Yu.

Her eyes fell on Guan Hai's head.

"Yellow Turban Dao is also a villain. Why do you plan to form a clique to show off your prestige in Yunzhou?"

The girl said in a strange way.

"who are you?"

Guan Hai was furious.

He didn't recognize Cai Yu either.

Seeing Cai Yu coming, Liao Hua stepped forward immediately.

"It turned out to be the Second Miss and General Xu. Today is the day when Liao Hua entertains friends. Liao is new here. If there is any offence, I hope you will forgive me."

Liao Hua hastily apologized.

He naturally recognized Cai Yu and Xu Chu.

These two people are the celebrities in front of Guo Jia.

None of them could be provoked by his surrender.

Ha ha!

Cai Yu smiled lightly, and said, "It's nothing, these people look down on others, so I'll teach you a lesson, so that you don't make any mistakes in the future."

These words are full of gunpowder.

It turned out that these people didn't know Xu Chu, so they blocked them from coming in. Cai Yu, who had a bad temper, immediately ordered to break in.

Ever since, these pawns guarding the gate are a little sad.

How could they be the opponents of the Tiger Guards, they were beaten and ran away with their heads in their arms.

Guan Hai felt a little uncomfortable.

"Second Miss, General Xu, some of our friends gathered here, and the subordinates did not do well and ran into the two of you. But there is no need for the two of you to fight!"

Originally, he had heard that these two were celebrities around Guo Jia, so he had no intention of continuing the theory.

But hearing Cai Yu's bad tone, I felt a little upset.

Cai Yu's eyes fell on Guan Hai.

"So, you are not convinced!"

Guan Hai is also stubborn.

"I don't dare to do it, but the second lady connives at her subordinates beating people even if she doesn't agree with her, it's too domineering!"


Cai Yu laughed a few times, and said solemnly: "I, Cai Yu, am so domineering. If you are not convinced, you can try it. Oh, I almost forgot, there is a saint to support you? No wonder you are so arrogant."

These words seem to mean something.


Guan Hai was also furious, and said: "Cai Yu, how virtuous and virtuous my sister Cai is, yet you are so domineering. Not to mention beating my subordinates, but also insulting my young lady, do you think our Yellow Turban Taoist is afraid of you? "

He knew that Cai Yu was Cai Yan's younger sister, and that Guo Jia doted on this sister-in-law, but it was about Zhang Ning's face, and he would never back down.

Besides, although Cai Yan is the wife of the wife, their young lady gave birth to Guo Jia's only son.

In the future, it is not certain who is right and who is wrong!

"Zhongkang, someone has provoked us, what do you think we should do?"

Cai Yu looked at Xu Chu with interest.

Xu Chu was a little embarrassed.

This time it was Cai Yu's own idea, not Guo Jia's.

It's fine to beat a few pawns, but if they conflict with Guan Hai and others, the consequences will be quite serious.

After all, Guan Hai is also the general of Yunzhou.

Just when Xu Chu was in a dilemma, Zhang Ning suddenly walked out.

In fact, she had already seen that Cai Yu was here to find fault, and he was here specifically to trouble her.

"Miss Cai!"

Zhang Ning gave a little blessing, and said: "Liao Hua is promoted, we old friends are here to celebrate. This is also approved by the general. I don't know where I offended the second lady. If there is anything, I will make an apology here. gone."

She changed the subject and said to herself: "Did the two of you come here also under the orders of the General? If that's the case, I will go back to meet the General and ask him what's going on."

As the saint of the Yellow Turban Dao, Zhang Ning is naturally not an easy person. There are needles hidden in his words, and there is a hint of threat.

(End of this chapter)

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