Chapter 808
In fact, in the Guo family, Cai Yan's position has always been a bit awkward.

Although she is Guo Jia's regular wife, her only son is indeed born to Zhang Ning.

Mothers are more expensive than children. Once Guo Ye grows up, Zhang Ning's status will naturally rise. It is not impossible to become No. 1 under Cai Yan, or to replace Cai Yan.

From this point of view, Zhang Ning poses a great threat to the Cai family.

Therefore, the Cai family is not very close to Zhang Ning.

Especially Cai Yu, who provoked Zhang Ning several times.

Over the years, Zhang Ning has kept a low profile.

But this time Cai Yu came to bully Zhang Ning, and Zhang Ning was also a little upset.

Their Yellow Turban Road had already disbanded in response to Guo Jia's call, and Cai Yu was still chattering, which made Zhang Ning a little angry.

Want to meet Guo Jia?
A look of ferocity flashed across Cai Yu's face, and he said word by word: "How dare you mention Guo Jia? He has already been victimized by you, a femme fatale."

Then two tears flowed down.

The Daoist conspiracy has been launched long ago, Zuo Ci is the one who planned it, and Zhang Ning is responsible for implementing it.

After learning of Guo Jia's physical condition, Cai Yu angrily came to trouble Zhang Ning.

All of this is a Taoist conspiracy, Zuo Ci is the main culprit, and Zhang Ning is the accomplice.

Hearing the news, Zhang Ning couldn't help being stunned.

Guo Jia is well at home, why can't it work?

When she went out today, she told Guo Jia about her plan.

"how can that be?"

Zhang Ning trembled and grabbed Cai Yu's sleeve.

"What's wrong with my husband? When I came, he was still fine."

She was also a little flustered.

Cai Yu shook her hand away in disgust.

"Of course it's your master. The exercises he passed on to Guo Jia have no healing effect at all, but will quickly consume his potential. Originally, he could live for more than ten years, but now he can only live for one or two years." alive."

Zhang Ning!

Cai Yu cried again.

"If something happens to Guo Jia, I, Cai Yu, swear to kill all of your Taoist sects."

Guo Jia can't do it!
Guo Jia can't do it!
Zhang Ning felt like her head was about to explode. Her mind was full of the news, and she didn't feel Cai Yu's threat.

She is the saint of the Yellow Turban Way, and she wants to carry forward the Yellow Turban Way.Later, the Yellow Turban Road was wiped out by the imperial court, and Zhang Ning was determined to die.But the appearance of Guo Jia gave her new hope.

Now that he suddenly heard that Guo Jia was dying, Zhang Ning's mind went blank for a moment.


Zhang Ning yelled and stumbled out.

He staggered and fell to the ground suddenly.


Guan Hai and Liao Hua shouted.

Zhang Ning hurriedly got up, stumbled and rushed forward, turning a deaf ear to everyone's call.

Second Miss!
Liao Hua and Guan Hai hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

When they heard that Guo Jia had an accident, they also panicked.

Cai Yu sized them up coldly, then turned and left.

She didn't bother to pay attention to these small fish and shrimp.


General's Mansion!

Xi Zhong and the others walked around outside anxiously.

Right now is the critical moment to deal with the Bingzhou army, who would have thought that Guo Jia would suddenly fall down.

In fact, Xi Zhong was puzzled, Guo Jia was still fine when he just left, why did he lie down after a meal.

He wanted to go in to find out the situation, but was blocked by Cai Yan.

Fortunately, the genius doctor Hua Tuo came back, so Xi Zhong could only wait patiently outside.

Everyone also received the news and hurried over.Seeing Xi Zhong's unkind expression, he didn't dare to ask more questions, so he almost turned his attention to Dian Wei who was guarding the side.

"General Dian, what happened?"

"Yes, General Dian, wasn't the general well just now?"

Dian Wei looked embarrassed.

As Guo Jia's follower, he naturally knew what was going on?

The reason why Guo Jia ended up in this situation was because he worked too hard in the backyard.

As the old saying goes, wine is a gut-piercing medicine, and sex is a bone-scraping knife.

Can this master spend all day in the crowd of women without accident?

But Dian Wei didn't dare to say this, otherwise it would affect the hero's image of being wise and martial.

Must be temperate, temperate!
Dian Wei secretly made up his mind that he must exercise restraint in this aspect in the future.

Seeing that Dian Wei had stopped talking, everyone became even more anxious.

At this moment, Zhang Ning broke in with disheveled hair.

Dian Wei took a step forward and wanted to block her, but seeing her distraught look, he hesitated for a moment, and let her in anyway.

"Isn't that Mrs. Zhang? She looks so strange. Could it be that something really happened to the lord?"

"My lord's body was originally very weak, and I was overworked during this period, so I fell ill."

"Yunzhou, Jizhou, the army is about to overwhelm the border, the lord fell ill at this time, what should I do?"

Everyone started to worry when they said something to each other.

Right now is the critical time for the survival of Yunzhou, if something happens to Guo Jiawan, it will be over, and many people will start to be chaotic.

alright, alright!

Seeing the commotion outside, Xi Zhong couldn't help raising his voice.

"My lord is in poor health. There will be no problem if the genius doctor Hua is here. Let's go back first."

Guo Jia fell down, it was serious.

Letting things develop would be detrimental to the situation in Yunzhou.

So at this time, Xi Zhong naturally had to stand up.

"What should everyone do, the sky won't fall!"

Xi Zhong calmed down for a while.

Although everyone was puzzled, they gradually dispersed.

"Lord Inspector!"

Zhao Yun and Gao Shun came to Xi Zhong.

The two generals came just in time, I have something to discuss with you! "

Xi Zhong lowered his voice and said.

"The lord is ill right now, but everything in Yunzhou cannot be stopped, otherwise it will cause chaos. So the safety of Yunzhou is entrusted to the two generals."

Zhao Yun and Gao Shun nodded solemnly.

They also know the seriousness of the problem.

Guo Jia is the foundation of Yunzhou. Once Guo Jia comes out and something happens, the entire Yunzhou will fall into a situation where the dragons have no leader.

In the past, the young master Guo Ye was there, and these veterans could still come forward to maintain it, but now the young master Guo Ye is nowhere to go, and it is a bit difficult for them to maintain Yunzhou.

If something happens to Guo Jia, the entire Yunzhou will be torn apart.

"Please rest assured, Lord Inspector, we will definitely safeguard the safety of Yunzhou."

Zhao Yun and Gao Shun clasped their fists together and left in a hurry.

The two control the military and political power of Yunzhou, and it is their duty to maintain the stability of Yunzhou.

Seeing Zhao Yun Gao Shun leave, Xi Zhong was relieved.

"Mr. Xin's Mansion!"

Subordinates are here!
Xin Ping stepped forward immediately.

"The affairs outside the city are handed over to the two generals, and the affairs inside the city are handed over to Mr. Xin."

Xin Ping responded.

He also knows the current situation.

Only by fully maintaining the stability of Yunzhou can we survive this crisis.

(End of this chapter)

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