Chapter 823

"Ying'er Ruan'er, leave with me!"

Simpi's wife rushed home in a panic and tidied up briefly.

She has received a letter from Simpi, asking her to leave with the child as soon as possible.


A girl suddenly shouted a few words, it was Xin Xianying, Xin Pi's daughter.

She is also holding a little boy in her hand, which is Xin Tan, the son of Xin Pi.

"Why are you leaving?"

Xin Xianying frowned and asked.

Xin Ruo was a little kid, with a runny nose, and followed her sister in a desperate manner.


Xin squatted down and said, "I'll take you home!"

Xin Xianying's siblings were both born in Yunzhou, and now that Xinpi's situation is over, he can only escape from Yunzhou.

Although a little puzzled, the siblings still left with their mother.

As soon as the mother and son walked out of the room, a group of people surrounded his residence.

The leading general is Xu Chu.

He only heard him smile on the surface and said: "Mrs. Xin, do you have an invitation, my lord?"

Xin's heart sank suddenly, she knew it was still too late, she was already being targeted.

She took a deep breath and said, "General, please wait a while, I will go with you after I settle the child."

There is nothing to do now, her only hope is that her children can survive.

Don't bother!

Xu Chu said lightly: "My lord, I invite your family to be our guests!"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but ask people to come forward and escort Xin Shi into the carriage.


The two children were shocked.

Xu Chu leaned down and smiled, "Little friends, shall I take you to the General's Mansion to play?"

Although Xin Xianying was young, she was quite wise, and immediately said: "Okay, then please let the bearded uncle release my mother."

Uncle beard!
Xu Chu grinned.

Seeing this clever child, he finally understood why the lord ordered not to be violent to this little girl.

"Okay, let's ride together."

As he spoke, he picked up the two children and stepped into the carriage.


The rebellion of Xiren and others has been under the surveillance of Skynet, so it was quickly suppressed.

Zhao Yun Gao Shun returned to the barracks, and immediately took down those generals who were about to make a move. Under torture, they were all bribed by Simpi.

Cai Yu had already sent someone to keep an eye on Simpi.

So as soon as this guy planned to run away, Dian Wei and others immediately stopped him and took him to the General's Mansion.

"Xinpi, it's you!"

Guo Jia looked at Simpi who was kneeling in front of him in surprise, a flash of astonishment flashed across his face.

He never expected that a rebellion almost happened during the few days when he fell into a coma.

And the person who set off the rebellion turned out to be Xin Pi, a fish swimming at the bottom of the net last time.

Simpi was gone and just closed his eyes.

"Tell me, what's going on?"

Guo Jiarao looked at Simpi with interest.

"I didn't do anything."

Simpi snorted and said.

Having fallen into such a field, he never thought of leaving alive.

Ha ha!

Cai Yu on the side smiled coldly and said, "The general is too kind. Give him to our Sky Internet Cafe. I promise he will speak out without reservation."

Skynet has a set of special methods of torture to extract confessions. Under the torture of these methods, even a man of iron can't stand it.

Guo Jia frowned.

In fact, Cai Yu has always suggested that a new department be formed in Skynet to monitor the officials, so that Yunzhou can be effectively controlled.

But Guo Jia has been rejected.

Because this move of Skynet will turn a simple intelligence department into a secret service organization, and will become the Jinyiwei of the Ming Dynasty in later generations.

As a spy organization, Jinyiwei is extremely successful.

With their existence, the emperor of the Ming Dynasty was firmly established.

But it is precisely because of their existence that the officials are all in danger, and they have become an organization that turns pale when they talk about it.

Guo Jia didn't want Skynet to be a Jinyiwei, so he never agreed to Cai Yu's request.

But it happened eventually.

A rebellion took place right under his nose. If it weren't for the existence of Skynet, they would have almost succeeded.

Guo Jia stood up slowly and came in front of Simpi.

"Xinpi, who ordered you to do this?"

This incident was well prepared, it was definitely not a temporary idea, and Guo Jia's illness was just an introduction.

"I do not know what you're talking about?"

Simpi said coldly.

Even so, he could only be stubborn to the end.

is it?

Cai Yu pouted at the side and took out a scroll.

"On X month X, year X, Simpi sent people out of the city, and contacted a group of merchants outside the city..."

"On X, X, X, X, Xinpi received a group of businessmen from Bingzhou, and the two had a pleasant conversation..."

"On a certain day in a certain year and a certain month, Simpi's wife received a load of gifts, which were worth a lot."

When Cai Yu read out the contents of the scroll word by word, Simpi's face suddenly turned pale.

"You spy on me!"

Xin Pi looked at Cai Yu in astonishment.

Cai Yu twitched her lips and said, "Only you, you don't have the qualifications yet. This lady was investigating Wang Yue's sneaking into Yunzhou, and found such a clue by accident. That's why you, the scum of Yunzhou, were pulled out."

After she discovered the maidservant's problem, she immediately launched an investigation on Simpi, and with Skynet's pervasiveness, she quickly found out everything.

As a result, the conspiracy of Simpi and others went bankrupt.

Cai Yu put away the scroll, clapped his hands, and several Tiger Guard soldiers carried in a door panel, on which there was a corpse, which was the maid who couldn't bear the punishment earlier.

Simpi also bought the maid and got the news that Guo Jia was critically ill. Of course, this news was fake news released by Cai Yu.

"This maidservant belongs to the General's Mansion, you are familiar with Xinpi, right?"

Cai Yu looked at him.

do not know!
Simpi said indifferently.

Right now, he can only die hard to the end, and he will naturally not admit it.

Cai Yu couldn't help but shook her head, feeling unworthy of this infatuated and stupid maid.

"You know, this is a silly woman who is willing to die for a man's promise. Do you know that she is already three months pregnant in her womb."

The corner of Simpi's mouth twitched for a while, but he remained expressionless.

In fact, my heart has already started to bleed.

never mind!

Cai Yu waved someone to take away the maid's body, she walked a few steps with her hands behind her back, looking at Xin Pi with great interest.

"Actually, I quite understand you. Your talent and learning are much better than that of your elder brother Xin Ping. Your elder brother Xin Ping became the governor of Zhongshan County, but you were demoted to a commoner because of corruption and bribery in the position of Lunu County Magistrate. It is normal for you to be dissatisfied and dissatisfied with the general."

Simpi remained silent!

Cai Yu was right. The brothers had defected to Guo Jia for a long time, and Guo Jia seemed to have some prejudice against him.

Brother Xin Ping was on the rise, but he kept standing still, and was deprived of his qualifications to be an official because of a trivial matter.

For this reason, he was filled with resentment.

(End of this chapter)

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