Chapter 824

As the person in charge of Skynet, Cai Yu has also done a lot of research on interrogation.

Interrogation is about psychological warfare.

Only by subduing the hearts of the generals can we obtain the information we want.

Although Simpi was captured, he still has some important information on him, which must be extracted.

After all, she has been doing intelligence for so many years, and she has a very accurate grasp of people's psychology, and she is also very accurate in analyzing Simpi's motives.

Xin Pi is actually a capable person, much stronger than his elder brother Xin Ping in terms of talent.

However, due to character reasons, it has not been reused.

With great difficulty, he became the magistrate of Lunu County, and was dismissed for covering up profiteers and entrapment of foreign businessmen. If it wasn't for the loyal rescue, his life would have almost died.

It was precisely because of this that Simpi felt a little wronged.Thinking that Guo Jia has blind eyes and can't act on his talents, he has a lot of resentment in his heart.

"Actually, I feel sorry for you too!"

Cai Yu shrugged and said, "You are indeed quite capable. You have done a lot of practical things in the position of Lunu County Magistrate and solved many problems. Although it is shameless to cover up businessmen and accept bribes, the flaws are not hidden. Compared with your achievements Come on, it's nothing."

She was very clear about Simpi's investigation.

Not bad!

Simpi nodded, and said: "I'm really wronged, I didn't know that it was the general who made the private interview on the micro-service, but I can't obliterate my achievements just because of this!"

The more he talked, the more excited he became, and the veins on his face were exposed.

"I don't know why the general looks down on me. My brother has been on the rise, and I have to work under him all the time. My brother is very rigid, and he does things with a strict eye. After I took over the county magistrate of Lunu, his work efficiency is his. More than double. Didn’t these great generals see it?”

This guy is a little hysterical.

It is indeed somewhat inexplicable.

When the two brothers defected to Guo Jia, Guo Jia has always trusted Xin Ping very much, but he ignored Xin Pi who was obviously more talented than his elder brother, which is indeed a bit puzzling.

Hearing Simpi's complaint, Guo Jia was a little dumbfounded.

In fact, what he values ​​most in employing people is character, and talent is second.

Although Xin Pi's talent is higher than that of his elder brother Xin Ping, his character is not good enough to be useful, so he has not been promoted in recent years.

Unexpectedly, this became the reason for his complaint.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia just smiled coldly and said, "Xinpi, do you think you are better than your brother in everything?"

Simpi snorted and nodded proudly.

He really thought he was much stronger than his brother Xin Ping.

is it?

Guo Jia said with his hands behind his back: "If your brother was wronged, you would never complain like you do."

Hearing what Guo Jia said, Simpi was at a loss for words.

Indeed, his brother is diligent and diligent, even if he is wronged, he will not complain.

never mind!

Guo Jia shook his head, he didn't want to dwell on this issue any longer.

"Even if the general wronged the talent, it's not the reason why you colluded with Bingzhou to betray Yunzhou."

Cai Yu on the side said with some displeasure.

Collusion and state!

Hearing these four words, the expressions of the people around changed a little.

Now that the army of Bingzhou is under pressure, this Simpi dares to collude with outsiders to plot to overthrow Yunzhou. He really is ungrateful.

"So what?"

Simpi also went all out, and sneered: "Guo Jia doesn't appreciate me, but General Lu is willing to appreciate me, and he is willing to use me again. As long as I can successfully overthrow Yunzhou, he will let me be the governor of Yunzhou."

As soon as the words fell, an angry voice sounded.

"Xinpi, you bastard!"

A short figure rushed over, it was Xin Pi's brother Xin Ping.

He also just got the news that his younger brother was secretly brought here by the Tiger Guards.

When Xin Ping ran over, he kicked Xin Pi to the ground.

"Eating food from inside and outside, if Lord Inspector hadn't been lenient, you would have died long ago. You escaped with your life and just lived with your tail between your legs. How dare you collude with outsiders to seize Yunzhou? It's a heinous crime!"

The more Xin Ping spoke, the angrier he became, he couldn't help but rushed forward and slapped Xin Pi a few times.

Simpi suddenly let out a snort, and said, "Xin Ping, you trash. Ever since you were young, you are better than me in that? Why would Guo Jia use you again, because you are stupid and loyal, and you only know how to do things for him. Even if you die Any complaints. I am different from you, and I will not be willing to be his lackey. I want him to regret that he did not pay attention to me earlier. "


Xin Ping did not expect this to be the case, the younger brother still has no repentance.

He said angrily: "You bastard, even if the lord can't reuse you, then he can't eat inside and outside and collude with outsiders to plot Yunzhou. are not as good as pigs and dogs."

Simpi hurriedly knelt down on the ground.

"I, Xin Ping, am sorry for Yunzhou and the general. I am willing to die as an apology."

He never expected that his brother would do such a rebellious thing.

"Zhong Zhi, please stand up!"

Guo Jia stretched out his hand to support Xin Ping, and said, "Everyone has his own aspirations, so you don't have to blame yourself."

Thank you my lord!

Xin Ping got up, looked back at Sim Pi a few times, feeling a sense of sadness in his heart.

It is not enough for the common people to be angry that Simpi committed a heinous crime and survived.

Cai Yu suddenly clapped her hands, and Xu Chu walked in with Mrs. Xin and the two children.

"George, father!"

Seeing Xin Pi sitting on the ground, Xin and Xin Xianying immediately ran over.

"Guo Jia!"

Simpi suddenly turned pale with shock.

He had already sent someone to take the family members out of Lu Nu, how could it fall into Guo Jia's hands?

"Do you think we can't find you if you take your family to the suburbs?"

Cai Yu said with a smile.

In fact, she had already started monitoring Simpi.

Of course, you must know that before the incident, Simpi had already taken his family members to the suburbs.

After the incident, Simpi asked people to deliver the letter immediately, but was intercepted by the people of Skynet. Xu Chu personally led people to bring Simpi's family back to Lunu City.

"Xinpi, you didn't expect that!"

Cai Yu said gloatingly.

Sweat dripped down Simpi's face.

"They have nothing to do with this matter!"

Guo Jia smiled faintly, and his eyes suddenly fell on Xin Xianying.

This is a well-known talented woman in later generations, and she is not much better than Cai Yan.

It's just a pity.

It was indeed such an embarrassing scene for the two to meet!


Xin Ping couldn't bear it, and said in a low voice: "My lord, Xin Pi deserves to die, not dying is not enough to anger the common people, but his wife and children..."

The laws of the Han Dynasty were strict, and one person rebelled, which harmed the family.

Now that Xin Pi is convicted of colluding with outsiders, the entire Xin family will be implicated.

Fortunately, Guo Jia was reasonable and did not implicate Xin Ping.

Xin Ping was grateful in his heart, but he still wanted to try his best to save Xin Ping's wife and children.

It can be regarded as his elder brother doing his part to preserve the incense of his younger brother's family.

(End of this chapter)

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