Chapter 843 A trick?
Hearing that Guo Jia was going to send Yunzhou's only cavalry to Bingzhou, Cai Yu became a little anxious.

Isn't this looking for death?

Zhao Yun's Baima Yicong is the only cavalry in Yunzhou now, and it is also a cavalry unit that can compete with the grassland nomads.

If Guo Jia sent this army to Bingzhou, there would be no cavalry in Yunzhou.

Not having cavalry means losing the initiative in tactics, allowing the opponent's cavalry to wreak havoc.

If it weren't for this guy standing in front of him and talking, Cai Yu really thought that Guo Jia's brain was broken.

"My lord is right!"

Xi Zhong's figure appeared in the room.

During this period of time, he has stepped out of the haze of guilt, and turned back to that hard-working and diligent actor.

"Xi Zhicai, you came at the right time! Quickly persuade this crazy guy. He wants to send the only cavalry to Bingzhou? Zhang Yang of Bingzhou is an idiot. Wouldn't it be overkill to transfer [-] cavalry?"

Cai Yu said angrily.

Second Miss!
Xi Zhong smiled lightly, and was about to say something.

"I said it before!"

Cai Yu's face darkened, and he said coldly, "Call me Commander!"

Now she is no longer Guo Jia's lover, but the first commander of Skynet. Skynet is now a government, and she, Cai Yu, has naturally become an official.

So now she doesn't like others calling her Second Miss or Miss Cai.

Xi Zhong was dumb.

In fact, in his eyes, Cai Yu has only one identity, and that is Guo Jia's woman.

As for the title, it's just a code name, and no one dares to underestimate this Second Miss Cai.

And only Miss Cai Er dared to say in public that Guo Jia's brains are so funny.

"Master Commander!"

Xi Zhong hastily changed his words: "Xi thought it was a wise move to send General Zhao into Bingzhou."

Smart ass!

Cai Yu's face darkened, and she almost cursed out.

This is not wise, it is simply stupid.

Could it be that this fella had sequelae from his drowsiness last time?
If it's just Guo Jia like this, it's fine, this opera loyal actually joins in the fun, lest the world will not be chaotic.

The second miss Cai became more and more angry, and immediately left with a flick of her sleeves.

Ha ha!

Guo Jia and Xi Zhong looked at each other and smiled.

As Yunzhou's number one think tank and his right-hand man, it is normal for Xi Zhong to be able to guess his own thoughts.


Xi Zhong suddenly said: "Are you really going to gamble this time?"

Not bad!

Guo Jia nodded.

In order to solve these grassland rebellions once and for all, Guo Jia plans to play a big game.


Xi Zhong also nodded.

"Bingzhou nomads are a scourge after all, and it is a blessing for the Han people in the Central Plains to be able to wipe them out. It's just a pity."

I can't bear to let the child catch the wolf!
Guo Jia shrugged helplessly.

The reason why he transferred Zhao Yun's cavalry to Bingzhou was to use Yunzhou as bait to lure the [-] homeless coalition forces from the north to go deep into Yunzhou.

Only by going deep into Yunzhou can we have a chance to wipe them out completely.

Guo Jia intends to turn Yunzhou into a trap, a trap dedicated to killing nomads.

These 10 people are all the remaining nomads on the northern grasslands.

Once eliminated, grassland nomads will never recover, and they can completely return to decades of peace.

Naturally, things like five random things will not happen.

Eliminating the nomads, saving the Han people, and stopping the chaos in China are Guo Jia's greatest wishes.


Xi Zhong bowed and said sincerely: "I, Xi Zhong, will always follow the lord, I would rather die than regret it!"


Since then, Guo Jia fell ill again, and the girls in the backyard also restrained a lot, and no one dared to pester Guo Jia again.

In this way, it is somewhat clean.

Cai Yan is brewing herbal medicine,

During this time, she followed Hua Tuo's advice and nourished Zhang Ning's body.

Guo Jia's situation is very special, and there is no effective way at the moment, so he can only do both.

"I'm furious!"

Cai Yu left Guo Jia's meeting room and walked in.

elder sister!

Seeing that Cai Yan was still making those medicinal soups, Cai Yu was a little annoyed.

Right now, Guo Jia is weak and can only let Zhang Ning monopolize his favor.

In order to nourish Zhang Ning's body, Cai Yan can be said to have broken his heart.

"The dignified wife of the main room actually wants to nourish the body of the concubine so that she can receive pampering. You are unprecedented in what a woman does."

Cai Yu said jokingly.

"What's wrong, who messed with you again?"

Cai Yan asked with a smile.

In the past two days, Guo Jia's body is also slowly recovering. Although it is not obvious, Hua Tuo's two-pronged approach is still effective.

So Cai Yan is also in a very cheerful mood.

Not your man?

Cai Yu said angrily, "I don't know where the wind is coming from. I have to transfer Zhao Yun's cavalry to Bingzhou. If there are no [-] cavalry, our Yunzhou will become a hunting ground for nomads."

Although she is shrewd, she is not good at strategy, nor can she understand Guo Jia's good intentions.

is it?

Cai Yan responded calmly.

"Husband said so, of course he has his reasons."

She never participated in political affairs with Guo Jia.

my good sister!
For a moment Cai Yu felt a little dizzy.

"Is that why you trust him so much? Can't you guarantee that he won't make foolish moves?"

Cai Yan set her eyes on the herbal medicine and said softly, "I believe it!"

Although the voice is not loud, it is very firm.

Without raising her head, Cai Yan said, "I can't think of any other ideas except to trust him. Because he is my man. If he dies, I won't live anymore!"

Cai Yu was stunned for a moment.

She suddenly understood why Guo Jia always respected her sister so much and never thought of anything else.

As far as the trust between the two is concerned, ordinary people cannot understand it.

My elder sister and Guo Jiafu sang about their love and affection, but my sister-in-law broke her heart for the two of them.

Who made her Cai Yu owe them?

Guo Jia's calling out the cavalry at this key point is simply a stupid move, which Cai Yu, the intelligence leader, absolutely cannot understand.

Originally, I wanted to ask Cai Yan to persuade Guo Jia, but it seems that I can't count on it.

Talking about serious business with this sister is not much better than playing the piano with a cow.

Zhen Ji!

Cai Yan suddenly stopped her, and said meaningfully: "I know Feng Xiao is a person, he will never make a loss-making business. Since he did this, he naturally has his purpose. You are his subordinate, as long as you support him That's enough. Do you think Xi Zhong can't think of it? He definitely wants it, but he didn't stop it, which means he understands Fengxiao's purpose."

Although Cai Meimei doesn't understand political affairs, she knows how to judge people.

Hearing what her sister said here, Cai Yu couldn't help being stunned for a moment.

That's right, both Guo Jia and Xi Zhong are smarter than her, so she can naturally think of the two she can think of.

Concern is messed up!

Sure enough, he still cared too much about Guo Jia, but he lost his former calmness.

Thinking of this, Cai Yu suddenly took a deep breath, and she secretly made up her mind to be a qualified assistant in the future.

(End of this chapter)

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