Chapter 844
"My lord, General Zhao is back!"

A tiger guard soldier suddenly came to report.

Good to be back!

Hearing this, Guo Jia put down his work and walked out with Xi Zhong.

This time, the entire army of the Qingzhou navy was wiped out, and the artillery made great contributions.

It can be said that it played a decisive role.

Zhao Dachui led his men into the General's Mansion.

There was no warm welcome ceremony, and no people shouting and hugging. The whole process was very low-key.

Because artillery is Yunzhou's trump card, there are now more than 1000 people.

Guo Jia has been hiding this unit in the snow, and usually trains in closed doors. The members are strictly kept secret from the outside world, and they are only drawn out during wartime.

So Zhao Dachui came back in triumph, and he was very low-key all the way, without any publicity.

This is very aggrieved for him who loves to pretend.


Seeing Guo Jia coming out, Zhao Dachui hurriedly clasped his fists and said, "Fortunately, the artillery has completed its task and sent all the navy troops in Qingzhou underwater to feed the bastards."

This battle was fought cleanly and beautifully. Three thousand cavalry and five hundred artillerymen annihilated more than [-] opponents and burned and sunk hundreds of ships. It was a great victory.

This credit is enough for Zhao Dahammer to brag about for a while.

It is said that this is the first time that the artilleryman has performed a mission alone.

"well done!"

Guo Jia showed a smile on his face, and patted the shoulders of several artillery generals one by one.

"You are the pride of Yunzhou!"

Thank you General!
All the artillerymen were all excited.

Guo Jia naturally had nothing to say to them.

The treatment of the artillerymen is the best in the entire Yunzhou Army.

"This battle is about to go down in the history books."

Xi Zhong on the side also said with a smile.

Whether the army fights the navy, or the whole army is wiped out, this can be regarded as a classic battle and recorded in the annals of history.

Ok, Ok!

Guo Jia hurriedly said: "Sledgehammer, order someone to record this battle as a classic case and hand it over to the students of the Artillery Academy."

In order to train qualified artillerymen, Guo Jia also established the Artillery Academy, looking for suitable students from the Yunzhou Army, and then sent them to the Artillery Academy for further study.

Guo Jia personally served as the dean of the Artillery Academy, and initially wrote some simple geometry, parabola, and simple chemistry, and asked the instructors to teach these artillerymen.

Of course, Zhao Dachui was in charge of the actual combat.

Zhao Dachui responded.

This battle is also his proud work, so it is natural to record it so that future generations can admire and emulate it.


Zhao Dachui suddenly remembered something and clapped his hands together.

"General, in this battle, we captured a navy general."

As he spoke, a group of subordinates came over pushing a bound general.

Navy general?

Guo Jia was stunned for a moment, and looked at this unattractive man in puzzlement.

According to Skynet's information, the last general of the Han Dynasty, Lou Chuan, took refuge in Yuan Shao, which gave Yuan Shao the idea of ​​the navy breaking into the rear of Jizhou.

Could it be that this person is General Dahan Louchuan?
"The villain Gu Yue pays homage to the great general!"

Seeing Guo Jia, Gu Yue immediately fell to her knees and said respectfully.

This man knows the times!
Guo Jia looked Gu Yue up and down.

"Get up!"

Now that you know the current affairs, things will be easy to handle.

Thank you General!
Gu Yue immediately stood up, and said with a slanderous smile: "The great general is so powerful, and the villain is also like a thunderbolt. I have always wanted to come to see him, but the journey is far away. This time I was defeated and captured, and my wish was fulfilled."


Hearing that the sycophancy was smooth, Guo Jia couldn't help laughing a few times.

"Shut up! You are a prisoner, don't speak so grandly!"

Zhao Dahammer on the side was a little upset.

Flattering Guo Jia has always been Zhao Dahui's monopoly, and this Gu Yue snatched his job as soon as he came up, wouldn't that mean doves occupy the magpie's nest?
Yes Yes Yes!
Seeing that Zhao Dahui had spoken, Gu Yue hurriedly lowered her eyebrows.

Along the way, he was also "taken care of" by Zhao Dahui.


Zhao Dachui hurriedly said: "This guy is the general of Dahan Louchuan, who is in charge of the Dahan seaship. He has been stationed in Qingzhou, and later defected to Yuan Shao. This time Yuan Shao sent him to attack Jizhou's defense. Fortunately, we arrived in time, otherwise Jizhou The rear defense can't be kept."

is it?

Guo Jia narrowed his eyes.

Gu Yue knelt on the ground again, and said in a low voice: "Forgive me, General. After Dong Zhuo's chaos, our navy had no food and pay. As a last resort, we took refuge in Yuan Shao, the governor of Qingzhou. But our hearts are towards the court and the General. .So this time I did not use my full strength to send troops..."

To shut up!

Zhao Dahammer couldn't bear it any longer.

In the battle at the river beach, I didn't see this guy showing mercy.

"That's because our firearms are sharp, otherwise Jizhou would have been ruled by the Qingzhou Army long ago."

Yes Yes Yes!
Gu Yue has a good temper and doesn't argue.

This was the first time he encountered Yunzhou's sharp firearms.

This thing is really powerful, and the earthen pot can also emit light and fire, which is extremely powerful.

His fleet was destroyed in the hands of these guns.

"I heard that in order to attack Jizhou, Yuan Shao spent a lot of money to buy the ships in the possession of Tao Qian and Yuan Shu, governors of Xuzhou?"

Guo Jiarao asked with interest.

Not bad!
Gu Yue chick nodded like pecking at rice.

"Actually, both Xuzhou and Yangzhou's navies are my subordinates, Gu Yue, and they belong to me, the general of the Louchuan. It was only after the food and salary were cut off that they became their subordinates. Back then, I, the general of the Louchuan, had hundreds of subordinates of the Louchuan. There are even countless small boats. They went north and swept through Silla, Baekje, and the Japanese slave kingdom, and went south to cross Java and Nanyang. They sailed east for five months and visited Fusang country..."

The guy said eloquently.


Zhao Dachui rolled up his sleeves and looked at Gu Yue in protest.

If he can boast so much after being captured by him, I'm afraid he will give away his title of king of kings.

Wait a minute, wait a minute!
Guo Jia looked at Gu Yue in surprise.

"Have you ever been to Fusang Country?"

Gu Yue showed surprise, and said, "The general also knows about Fusang Kingdom?"

Guo Jia nodded.

Gu Yue clicked his tongue a few times, and said: "It was sending a great virtuous monk to preach in the country of Japanese slaves. Unexpectedly, there were heavy rains and hurricanes along the way, and the fleet drifted on the sea for more than half a year, and ended up on a primitive continent. The people there are dressed in strange clothes and speak a strange language, but they are somewhat similar to us and friendly. They still use tribes as gathering places, usually hunt for a living, and also grow some crops. The leader is called Dulu, who knows us After the encounter, he gave us a lot of food and fresh water, and we came back alive."

He smiled wryly, and said: "It's been more than a year since we came back and forth. In order to prevent the court from punishing us, we firmly insisted that we encountered Penglai Xiandao and were trapped by immortals. The emperor was also dubious, but he didn't do anything to us in the end. But let the villain stay in Qingzhou all the time, and go looking for Penglai Xiandao at any time."

(End of this chapter)

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