Guo Jia, the ghost of the strongest military division

Chapter 959 Lead the snake out of the hole

Chapter 959 Lead the snake out of the hole
Let's say that Lu Bu decided to abandon the city and go to Huainan in a rage when he heard that Tao Qian would not send troops to rescue Xiaopei.

Chen Gong stopped him.

"My lord, Yuan Shu is a villain. His words cannot be trusted. Although Xiaopei is small, he has soldiers and food, and we are very comfortable here. Why bother to send someone under the fence?"

Hearing Chen Gong's persuasion, Lu Bu hesitated a little.


He smiled wryly and said: "Cao Cao's best efforts this time will definitely win Xiaopei. We can't stop us for long. If we don't plan as soon as possible, this family fortune will be exhausted sooner or later. I, Lu Bu and Cao Cao, will fight to the death. It's cheaper than Tao Qian."

Lu Bu didn't want to take chestnuts out of the fire for Tao Qian either.

"How about we make peace with Cao Cao?"

Lu Bu asked tentatively.


Chen Gong flatly refused.

"Our men from Dongjun rebelled against Cao Cao to welcome General Lu in order to overthrow this treacherous hero. Now that General Lu wants to vote for Cao Cao, Chen can only kill himself in front of the general."

As he spoke, he drew his sword.

Public platform is not allowed!

Lu Bu hastily snatched the saber away.

Chen Gong was his most important adviser. After coming to Xiaopei, Chen Gong took care of everything, and Lu Bu basically didn't ask questions.

If Chen Gong was gone, he would be blind with both hands.

"Don't get me wrong, I, Lu Bu, are not at odds with Cao Cao."

As Lu Bu said, he chopped down Xiao Ji, so he naturally didn't like Cao Cao very much. Now that Cao Cao is in a hurry to attack, making peace is just an expedient measure.

Thank you General!

Chen Gong cupped his fists.

Others can vote for Cao Cao, only Chen Gong can't, a good horse will never turn back, and in this life, he will definitely not give up with Cao Cao.

"General Lu, my subordinates have a plan, maybe they can win Cao Cao?"

Chen Gong said suddenly.


Hearing what Chen Gong said, Lu Bu was overjoyed.

"Gongtai, tell me quickly?"

Chen Gong smiled slightly and said, "It only needs to be like this?"

Lu Bu listened for a long time, and suddenly burst into laughter: "A clever plan, in this way, Cao Amen will be fooled, and Xiaopei's siege will be over."


Besides, Cao Cao was a little unhappy in the camp, and Lu Bu was stronger than he imagined. He attacked Xiaopei by force in the past few days, and Cao Jun suffered a lot of damage.

What made him even more uneasy was that Yuan Shu was also dispatching troops and generals to watch Ruyin like a tiger.

The relationship between the two is not good, and if Yuan Shu had the opportunity, he would not give up on throwing stones at Cao Cao.

Once Yuan Shu intervenes, it will inevitably increase the pressure on Cao Cao.

If Xiaopei, a strategically important place, cannot be captured as soon as possible, Cao Cao's food supply will inevitably be threatened when Yuan Shu's army is assembled.

At that time, Cao Cao could only retreat sadly.

Attacking Xuzhou will inevitably come to naught.

At this moment, a soldier suddenly broke in.

"Da Sikong, good news, a man named Xia Houde in Xiaopei City has something to see."

Xia Houde?
Hearing this name, Cao Cao immediately became excited.

Xiahou of Peiguo belonged to a family. His father, Cao Song, was the adopted son of Cao Teng. He was originally Xiahou Dun's uncle. Cao Cao and Xiahou Dun were brothers of the same clan.On the contrary, Cao Ren and Cao Hong are farther related to Cao Cao.

Therefore, throughout Cao Wei's life, Cao Cao was far more affectionate to the Xiahou family than the rest of the Cao family.

"Let him in quickly!"

Cao Cao said eagerly.

He had a hunch that there must be good news this time.

After a while, Xia Houde walked in.

"Caomin Xia Houde pays homage to Da Sikong."

He said and saluted.

Hurry up please!

Cao Cao hurried over to help Xia Houde up.

Xia Houyuan also came in, and he had also heard of Xia Houde's name.

When the two talked about sects, they were actually the same generation.

"Cao was born in the Xiahou family, and Peiguo is my hometown. We are all family members, so you are welcome."

Cao Cao laughed while twisting his beard.

dare not!

Xia Houde hurriedly said: "The villain came this time to report something important to Da Sikong. After Lu Bu entered Xiaopei, he extorted violently and expropriated strong men. If he disobeyed them, he would be killed. The people of Pei country dare not speak out. I heard that Da Sikong Come here, we can be said to be hopeless."

He took out a ball of cloth from his pocket, and said excitedly: "This is the signature of a wealthy household in Xiaopei City, and I would like to be an internal response. As long as Da Sikong can treat me kindly after entering Xiaopei."

Cao Cao took the cloth from Xia Houde's hand and unfolded it, but there were names one after another written in blood.

More than 100 names are written in blood, which can be described as shocking.

"Da Sikong!"

Xia Houde took the opportunity to say: "Lü Bu is arrogant, he doesn't listen to others, and his subordinates complain a lot. Cao Xing, who guards the west gate, has a lot of complaints against Lv Bu. He is willing to open the door to welcome Da Sikong, but he just hopes that Da Sikong can forgive his sins."


Hearing this, Cao Cao couldn't help laughing a few times.

"It's really God helping me, Lu Bu, your end is here!"

If you can get the help of Xiaopei's insiders, taking Xiaopei is just around the corner.

"Please ask Da Si to write a personal letter to General Cao Xing with empty hands!"

Xia Houde pleaded.

How difficult is this?

With a swipe of his pen, Cao Cao wrote a letter in his own hand, commending Cao Xing's achievements, and handed it to Xia Houde.

"After the matter is accomplished, I, Sikong, will never treat him badly."

Thank you Da Sikong!
Xia Houde thanked again and again and accepted the letter.

"The villain will go back now. Tomorrow Chou, raise the fire as a sign. At that time, General Cao Xing will open the west gate and welcome the army to come in."

One word is for sure!

Cao Cao nodded and rewarded Xia Houde with many jewels, but he refused to accept it because it was not safe to carry so many belongings in the middle of the night.

Cao Cao was not reluctant, and got up to send Xia Houde away in person.


After Xia Houde left, Sima Fang suddenly stood up.

"This is too strange, it's better to be careful."

Just a few days after the stalemate here, someone came over there to respond internally, and Sima Fang suddenly became suspicious.

Don't worry sir!

Cao Cao smiled and said, "Xiahou clan, my people. They will not betray me. Besides, who is Lu Bu? Can they live well under my Cao Cao under Lu Bu? A smart person would choose."

He was sure of it.

Now that Xiaopei's army is besieging the city, and it is about to fall, the wealthy households in the city naturally have to plan for themselves, and it is understandable to surrender to Cao Jun.

Sima Fang frowned, still feeling something was wrong, but Cao Cao had already given orders.

"Come on, get ready, and attack Ximen tomorrow when you are ugly."

He took a deep breath and said, "This time, I, Sikong, will personally lead the army to attack Xiaopei."

Da Sikong is mighty!
All the generals shouted in unison.

After fighting for so many days, I finally saw a glimmer of light.

After taking down Xiaopei, Cao Cao was able to gain a foothold here, leaving only one general to guard Xiaopei's supply line, so that Cao Cao could lead his army into Xuzhou with confidence.

Therefore, Xiaopei must be taken down no matter what.

Only in this way can we be connected with the base in the rear without worrying about being cut off from food supply.

(End of this chapter)

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