Chapter 960 Defeat Under the City
In the middle of the night, Cao Cao's army had enough to eat and drink, and quietly came to Ximen.

A Cao Jun circled around the city with a torch, and after a while, someone on the top of the city also circled around with a torch.

After a short tilt, the suspension bridge fell slowly, and the west gate opened.

Seeing that the city gate was wide open, Cao Cao immediately drew his sword and said, "Soldiers, today is the day to make meritorious service, kill!"

The vanguard rushed in immediately.

Cao Cao also rode his horse and rushed in, looked over the suspension bridge, and was about to rush into the city when Xia Houyuan suddenly grabbed Cao Cao's mount.

"Master, something is wrong, why is Ximen so quiet?"

It stands to reason that Ximen's Cao Xing should have made some moves. Why is there still no movement?

Cao Cao suddenly had an idea, but the army had already rushed into a small part.

"All troops retreat!"

But it was too late now, the Qianjin gate of the city gate suddenly fell, cutting Cao Cao's army in two.

Thousands of people in the vanguard fell into the trap, and a wave of arrows shot at them, causing heavy casualties immediately.

is a trap!
The crowd huddled together, unable to retreat even if they wanted to.

They have become the turtle in the urn.

Finally, when Jian Yu listened, the remaining soldiers stood up and were about to charge bravely and take the top of the city.

The ground trembled, and a group of cavalry suddenly rushed out from the city. The leading general, holding Fang Tian's painted halberd and a red rabbit horse on his crotch, came galloping. It was Lu Bu.

A sneer flashed across his mouth.

"Kill, leave none!"

As he spoke, he commanded the cavalry behind him to rush forward.

Cao Jun at the head of the city immediately wailed after another.


Go back, go back!

Cao Cao commanded his men to cut down the suspension bridge and retreated out of the moat in embarrassment.

At this time, a torch was lit on the top of the city, and a scribe stood on the top of the city, looking at Cao Cao with a smile.

"Traitor, Chen Gong has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Standing beside Chen Gong was a tall and thin general, it was Cao Xing.

It turned out that this was Chen Gong's strategy. He forced Xia Houde, a wealthy household in the city, to feign surrender by threatening the lives of the whole family, luring Cao Cao to attack Ximen, and then ambushing Cao Cao.

Fortunately, Xia Houyuan was alert and grabbed Cao Cao, which saved Cao Cao from disaster.

Shoot the arrows!

Chen Gong waved his hand on the top of the city, and a wave of arrows rained down. Cao Jun at the top of the city suffered heavy casualties again.

"Little Lu Bu, come out!"

Cao Cao was furious. He was ambushed, and he became a little angry from embarrassment.


The city gate suddenly opened again, and Lu Bu rushed out covered in blood.

"Son Cao Cao, if Lu Bu is here again, I will take my life!"

As he spoke, he patted the red rabbit horse and came galloping.

My lord, let's go!

Seeing Lu Bu commit suicide himself, Xia Houyuan was taken aback, and hurriedly greeted him with a gun.

How could he be Lu Bu's opponent with low morale? After a few rounds, he was a little bit at a loss, and had no choice but to escape.


Lu Bu pointed his halberd, and the Xiliang iron cavalry came over again, and Cao Jun was defeated.

"My lord, let's go!"

Xia Houyuan escorted Cao Cao to flee all the way. Although he was not Lu Bu's opponent, he would not be defeated so quickly.

It's just that he was concerned about Cao Cao's safety, so he couldn't use his full strength.

Cao Cao is the hope of Xia Hou's family's rise, and Xia Houyuan naturally wants to keep Cao Cao safe.

"Cao Cao, don't run away!"

Lu Bu chased after him.

His horse is fast and will catch up soon.

At this moment, Cao Cao's horse stumbled and knocked him down suddenly.

My life is over!

Cao Cao couldn't help closing his eyes.

"My lord, get on the horse?"

Xia Houyuan suddenly jumped off his horse and helped Cao Cao onto his mount.

"Miaocai, hurry up and leave me alone!"

Cao Cao said weakly.

Xia Houyuan clasped his fists and said, "Our Xiahou family has received a great favor from the lord. Xia Houyuan has nothing to repay, and now we can only repay the Cao family by fighting to the death."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and patted Cao Cao's horse on the back, and Cao Cao galloped away immediately.

Xia Houyuan took a deep breath, turned around and blocked the intersection with his gun.

"Little Lu Bu, come and fight me, Xia Houyuan!"

In order to buy time for Cao Cao to flee, Xia Houyuan could only stay here and fight to the death.


Lu Bu sneered, and rushed over on his horse.

The two fought against each other twice, and he already understood Xia Houyuan's weight.

This person can fight with him for thirty rounds at most, and now he might not be able to last more than ten rounds in a foot battle.

watch out!

Lu Bu stabbed Xia Houyuan with his halberd.

He wanted to make a quick decision to deal with Xia Houyuan so that he could pursue Cao Cao.

Seeing Lu Bu's long halberd stabbing towards him, Xia Houyuan did not dodge or dodge, and stabbed forward with his spear. It was not Lu Bu who stabbed, but the red rabbit horse under Lu Bu's crotch.

If Lu Bu stabbed Xia Houyuan to death, the Chituma he was sitting on would also die.

Xia Houyuan is a life for a horse.

He knew that his martial arts were not Lu Bu's opponent, so he made such a bad move.

If Lu Bu did not have the red rabbit horse, the possibility of catching Cao Cao would be much smaller. In this way, Cao Cao would be safe.


Seeing this, Lu Bu didn't care about hurting the enemy, so he immediately pushed aside Xia Houyuan's spear, and then lifted the reins, avoiding Xia Houyuan's attack range.

The reason why Lu Bu has been able to conquer the world these years is not only his superb martial arts, but also the red rabbit horse under his crotch.

This horse travels one thousand a day and eight hundred nights, trekking through mountains and rivers like walking on flat land, and galloping like lightning on the battlefield. Few people can escape Lu Bu's pursuit, and many people died under the rapidity of the red rabbit horse.

The red rabbit horse is Lu Bu's precious lump, not to mention being stabbed to death, even if it hurts a piece of fur, Lu Bu will feel distressed.

This Xia Houyuan is really hateful.

No matter what Lu Bu said, he couldn't let him hurt Chituma.

Xia Houyuan repelled Lu Bu with one blow, and his heart was shocked. It seems that Lu Bu loves horses like his life, so he can take advantage of it.

The terrain he occupied just now is very convenient, one man guards the intersection with one gun, and there is a situation where one man is in charge of the gate and ten thousand men are not allowed to open it.

Lu Bu paused for a moment, and charged over again.

Xia Houyuan didn't dodge either, and pointed his spear obliquely at the red rabbit horse.

Even if he died, he would keep Chituma behind.

Lu Bu's halberd swung away Xia Houyuan's spear.

But Xia Houyuan stretched and retracted, avoided Lu Bu's blow, and still stabbed Chitu Spur.


Unexpectedly, this guy is such a rascal, and he can't leave the red rabbit horse's vital point. He lifted the rein again, turned the horse's head, and took a few steps back.


Let's say that Cao Cao was defeated and retreated a few miles.

Still in shock, suddenly two armies galloped in front of them, and the first two generals rode their horses.

My life is over!

Cao Cao couldn't help being surprised.

"My lord, don't be afraid, please join Li Dian!"

Le Jin Li Dian shouted loudly.

It turned out that Sima Fang ordered Le Jin and Li Dian to lead a soldier and a horse each for safety reasons.

Fortunately, these two soldiers and horses rescued Cao Cao and stopped the defeat of Cao Jun.

Quick, hurry up and save Miaocai!
Cao Cao suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said to the second general.


The two clasped their fists together, escorted Cao Cao back, and then led the army forward.

(End of this chapter)

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