Outlaws of the Marsh

Chapter 380 The big event is not limited to small chapters

Chapter 380 The big event is not limited to small details (please subscribe!)


Lingchuan county is broken.

However, the first achievement was not Song Jiang's, but Liu Guangshi's.

Xin Xingzong personally wrote the victory report as follows:

...Liu Guangshi took the lead and rushed to the city wall to seize the army flag of the bandits. The common people, take the credit first...

...Song Jiang and his subordinates are still brave, and they suggest rewards and encouragement...

What are the facts?
The facts are actually similar to what Xin Xingzong reported.

Not bad.

It was the first city wall that Li Kui rushed up.

Then Qin Ming and Dong Pingping's generals from Erlongshan also rushed to the city wall.

But Li Kui only cared about fighting and didn't know how to capture the flag at all. Qin Ming and Dong Ping did, but they fought to the death with the Jin army after rushing to the walled city, and had no chance to capture the flag at all.

Liu Guangshi picked the time too well, neither too early nor too late, just when the Jin army was about to collapse and rushed to the top of the city.

Liu Guangshi was too good at grabbing merit. After he stepped on the top of the city, he didn't kill the enemy, but went straight to the opponent's army flag.

Under the protection of a group of guards like tigers and wolves, Liu Guangshi rushed to Dong Cheng and Shen Ji without any danger, and then took advantage of his guards to fight Dong Cheng and Shen Ji At this time, he chopped down the Jin army's military flag with a single blow, establishing the victory, and then sent Dong Cheng and Shen Ji, who had been chopped down by his personal guards to the last breath, to the west.

As for "taking the arrow to open the gate of Lingchuan County", it was just a rhetorical device. At that time, the Jin army, which lost its general, had already scattered and fled for their lives. How could it be possible to stop Liu Guangshi from opening the gate?

Li Kui stopped him, but was knocked to the ground by Liu Guangshi's personal guards.

In short, Liu Guangshi took the first job properly. Three to 4000 people died in Erlong Mountain, and two leaders were lost. There were [-] generals, and only [-] were left. In the end, they all did it for Liu Guangshi wedding dress.

Afterwards, Li Kui, Qin Ming, and Dong Ping were aggrieved and wanted to find Xin Xingzong's theory, but they were suppressed by Song Jiang.

Waiting for the generals to leave unwillingly, Song Jiang asked Wu Yong for advice: "Military teacher, I waited to work hard, but to no avail. I can still suppress it once or twice. If this happens every time, I am afraid that the brothers will come back." On the contrary, then I will live up to the trust of the officials and Taiwei Su, and I can only apologize with death."

Wu Yongdao: "Xin Xingzong is Xin Shuxian's second son and Tong Guan's favorite general. He has a strong background, and the Western Army has always been connected with each other. It's not my brother who can do it, so I have to do something about it."

"Take care?" Song Jiang said.

Wu Yongdao: "The Western Army is capable of fighting, but its military discipline is broken. I heard from my brothers that after they broke the city, they scattered around to search for money. Otherwise, Geng Gong would not be able to let Brother Dong Ping catch him. So , do it with gold, silver and jewelry, maybe it can have a good effect." After a pause, Wu Yong said again: "In this battle, our Second Dragon Army suffered one-fifth of the casualties. If there is no supplement, we will fight a few more battles." , our Second Dragon Army is gone. Geng Gong is willing to surrender his brother. With him to help his brother recruit Tian Hu's troops, we should be able to recover our losses, maybe even more, but if Xin Xingzong didn't nod, we wouldn't have any He is qualified to recruit Geng Gong, and he is not qualified to recruit soldiers."

Song Jiang was born as a petty official, and he had no burden in his heart to manage the matter, so he said: "Those who make great things don't care about small details, prepare two books of gold, silver and jewelry for me, and I will go to see Xin Xingzong in person."

It can be said that Song Jiang grew up very quickly, and after only suffering a few small losses, he found the law of survival in the officialdom.

With gold, silver and jewelry opening the way, he often said that "Song Jiang and other original thieves, although they have made great achievements in breaking the city, they can only redeem their previous crimes." Army, after Song Jiang and others captured Gaoping County, they repaid their merits for Song Jiang and his gang, so that Song Jiang finally got his wish as an official—Cheng Xinlang (from the ninth grade), Song Jiang's meritorious generals, also They all got some non-ranked military positions such as Deputy Envoy of Shouque Jinyong, Deputy Lieutenant of Jinyong, Deputy Envoy of Shouque Jinyi, etc.

Although this result is not worth mentioning, it greatly encouraged Song Jiang and his group.

Don't gossip.

In only a dozen days, the Song army pushed to the city of Gaizhou.

Knowing that the Song Army was making such a fast progress, Tian Hu became a little anxious, and asked, "The people who went to Fang La and Wang Qing for help haven't come back yet?"

Fang Xuedu said: "How can it be so fast, not to mention that countless Song soldiers intercepted the messengers along the way and couldn't go fast, even if the way is unimpeded, it will take more than ten days to go back and forth, and this is still to King Wang. Fang Shenggong needs even more time, Wang Dawang and Fang Shenggong need to make some preparations, and within a month, there will be no army at all, so we can't count on them for the time being, and we have to save ourselves."

Tian Hu asked: "How can I save myself?"

Fang Xuedu said: "Defend to Gaizhou, as long as Gaizhou is not lost, the Song army will not be able to divide the troops, and our Dajin will be safe and sound."

Tian Hu's territory is steep with mountains and rivers, and there are high mountains and steep mountains on both sides. The army is sad. Only through Gaizhou can there be multiple options for advancing troops.

Tian Hu said: "Then send another [-] troops to Gaizhou, and another [-] Feilei Cannons, [-] Feilei Cannonballs, and [-] Thunderbolts to Gaizhou. Can't pass through Gaizhou!"

Fang Xuedu said: "Private Niu is good at fighting, but he has few generals. Why don't I bring some good generals to help him?"

Tian Hu said: "No, there are many generals around me, but the Taiwei is the only one who may make up his mind."

Tian Hu doesn't pay much attention to literati, although there are a few literati who are forcibly taken by him to help him with chores, but firstly, these people are not willing to come, and secondly, Tian Hu doesn't use them again, so he can help Tian Hu make up his mind Yes, there is really only Fang Xuedu alone.

Tian Hu said again: "How about I send Sanlang to support Gaizhou?"


There is nothing to say about Tian Biao's martial arts. He is one of the best among Tian Hu's generals. It can be said that Tian Hu's current momentum is largely due to Tian Biao helping him conquer the world.

However, although this Tian Biao has high martial arts skills, he has a weakness - he is too impatient and resourceful, so Fang Xuedu is not very reassuring.

But apart from Tian Biao, there is really no more suitable candidate. Therefore, Fang Xuedu said: "It's okay for the three kings to help, but the king must tell the three kings not to underestimate the enemy and discuss everything with Niu Shumi." .”

Tian Hu said: "You don't need to worry, Taiwei. Sanlang has gone through dozens of battles, and he has never lost a single one. I believe that he can also defeat the Song army this time."

Fang Xuedu wanted to say: "The previous opponents were all the rural army who ran away when they heard the news, but this time the opponent is the experienced Western army. How can it be the same?"

But when the words came to his lips, Fang Xuedu swallowed them back. After all, Tian Hu is the king, and Tian Biao is his younger brother. The words are too serious. With Tian Hu's personality, he might hold grudges against him.


(End of this chapter)

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